Iron Fist

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Julio, North Carolina: July 8th, 2027
"You positive this is the place?"
Jonas and Roxanne stood in a dimly lit alleyway, disguised in civilian clothes.
"Absolutely. Fowler contacted me through a burner phone, this is it." Jonas answered lowly, keeping his voice from being overheard. Roxanne looked over at the run down 1920s style apartment complex across the road. "Well, the accommodations check out. It's definitely their style."
"More like their budget." Jonas snorted.
His phone buzzed, and he looked down.
"Room 204. Let's roll." They began walking towards the large structure ahead, avoiding the crack heads and hookers loitering about.
Roxanne felt their stoned gaze watch them as the walked through the doors of the complex. They took one look at the elevator and chose the stairs. The concrete steps were cracked and broken in some places, making it just as sketchy as the elevator they had avoided. They pushed against the rusty door in the second floor and walked down the corridor towards the room number they had been given. Jonas knocked on the door, and was greeted by a gun.
"Nice way to say hello, Fowler."
"Don't just stand there, get in here, both of you." He snapped in response. Jonas and Roxanne walked in without a word. Once inside, Fowler holstered his gun. He leaned against the door, and lit a cigarette, trapping the pair inside. Rigel sat on an armchair, also smoking a cigarette. He blew smoke out  of his mouth before addressing the pair.
"Miss Phoenix, please, the gun on your hip is quite un-lady like."
Jonas snarled and Roxanne glared at him.
"It's almost as if I don't trust either of you as far as I can throw you." She said through gritted teeth. She heard Fowler begin to move towards her, but he was stopped by Rigel. "Leave it, we're here for a compromise, Fowler, remember?"
Fowler backed down, and Rigel continued his greetings. "Jonas, I'm so glad you came as well." He said with a fake smile. "Get to the point Rigel, what do you want from us?"
Jonas responded, cutting him off.
"Simple, I just want to ask if you got rid of those unkind papers the Ordinance kept about us. Of course, I'm sure Roxanne wouldn't want to ignore any of our requests, would you?" He said in a sickening tone. Roxanne felt her fists clench as Jonas' jaw tightened. "Yes, I did remove those papers from The Ordinance's possession." She answered through clenched teeth. The tension in the room had become palpable, and everyone remained on edge. Rigel kept his sinister grin as he approached her, stopping just inches from her. "And pray tell, what did you do with them?" His voice ceased the fake pleasantries, becoming more threatening. Jonas turned, ready to jump him, but Fowler kept him from hurting Rigel. "They were confiscated by the Central Intelligence Agency." She responded bluntly.
Without a word, Rigel harshly backhanded her across the cheek. Jonas immediately grabbed him. "Do that again, and Fowler won't be able to stop me from sending you to hell." He threatened. Fowler went after him but Rigel waved him off with his free hand. "My apologies, Jonas." He moved back towards his chair. "Roxanne, Roxanne, why would you allow this to happen? I warned you about this." He said in a sarcastic tone. "The CIA really doesn't care about you guys in the least, you're insignificant to them compared to the international terrorist." She retorted. Jonas watched Rigel's face change into a scowl. "Control your woman, brother."
"I'll do no such thing as she's not my woman. You should let this go, Rigel. The government has no current quarrel with you. You are no longer tied to The Ordinance, the CIA pretty much has no real reason to come crawling down your neck since the files themselves say you are no longer involved." Jonas snapped back. Rigel finally backed off, realizing the issues he could end up causing himself. "Alright fine, but just know that things will get unbearable for you if we find out any different." He sat all the way back down. "Are we done here now?" Roxanne asked impatiently. Jonas glared at her from the corner of his eye, signal in her to keep quiet and let him do the talking.
"No. We are not, we asked you here for two reasons and the first has already been covered." Fowler responded from behind them. "I assume the second reason is something we're not interested in." Jonas asked coldly. "You might be, it was going to be a thank you gift for the retrieval of the papers." Rigel answered with a sly smirk on his face. Jonas and Roxanne exchanged glances. "You have our attention." Jonas sighed. Rigel smiled as he suddenly pushed himself out of his chair again and walked over to a side table. He opened the drawer and after a few minutes of digging around he pulled a card out. He frisbee-tossed the card, which was caught by Roxanne. Jonas looked at it over her shoulder. It was a fancy invitation to an elitist party at a private resort in northern Italy. The pair became confused at the relevance of this card. "What's this? A big bash for worlds finest crooks?" Jonas asked sarcastically. Rigel smiled. "Close, it's a party hosted by financiers of the Ordinance. Sebastian himself is making himself an appearance there as the guest of honor. It's a great way to figure out who's funding his little project and get the names you need to bankrupt Sebastian and his terror network." He concluded by slamming the side table drawer shut again and leaned against it. "Well do I get a thank you from my little brother?" He asked sarcastically. "You get to keep fingers for now. Next time you come anywhere near us you'll be missing a few ligaments." Jonas snapped, turning around and heading towards the door; being followed closely by Roxanne.
"You think it's true about the party?"
Roxanne asked once they had made it back outside.
"I wouldn't be surprised, but we'll run it through the Network just to find out. If it's true that means we may get to enjoy a mission for once."

London, England: July 26th, 2027
"We did some diggin on that card and it's on the level. The shabang is set to be in Milan on August 3rd." All six Howling Phantoms listened to Agent Milano tell them about the findings. Diego Milano was an ally in MI6, who had been called on to assist in the case against the Ordinance. "Any way you think we can get in there Diego?" George asked.
"We're working on one, although at max we can only get two of you into the actual event, one we can slip into the more public part and the others will have to position over watch." He sighed. Roxanne thought hard, who would be best for for it? "I want it to be Roxanne and George." Jonas suddenly spoke up, taking most by surprise. "Veronica can be our public partygoer." The others nodded in agreement, except Roxanne.
"Me? Jonas have you lost it? They'll recognize me for sure." He shook his head in response. "Wrong, it's a masquerade. You'll be heavily disguised to begin with plus a mask, gloves and overly fancy dress. I doubt anyone would recognize you, especially since you won't be talking one on one with any of the targets."
He responded. "The only reason I'm not going in with you is because we need eyes outside, Aaron and Robert can't cover everything alone and I have had special training with overwatch." He then gestured to George. "He'll be with you the whole time." George nodded. "I won't leave your side for even a moment, I don't trust a single person who's attending this soirée other than those in this room." Roxanne finally conceded. "Alright fine, but if any of the men approach us, you get to do all the talking." George bowed gracefully. "Of course madam, anything for you." She rolled her eyes at his dramatics. "Whatever you say Mr Costello."
"Yeah, we're gonna have to give you both fake names if we want to sneak you in." Diego commented as he downed a shot of bourbon.
"We have some fake names on hand for our agents, more than likely they'll be assigned to you both at some point. Now get out of my office so I can drink in peace."

Cedar's Cay, U.S Territory: July 31st, 2027
"Did the dress fit?" Veronica called to Roxanne.
Roxanne looked over the dress in the mirror.
"Yeah I think it looks pretty good. Hang on-"
She stepped out of the dressing room. A long black dress that draped to the floor. Her hair set up in a fancy bun, lacking the bright red dyed sections. The click of her heels that gave her an extra 4 inches sounded in the small room. Her eyes lashes thickened with mascara and eyeliner and her face devoid of the infamous scars.
Veronica clapped as she strutted around in the fancy attire. "So I presume you like it?" She said smiling. "It's lovely. Pricey thought, I had to have it imported." Roxanne answered.
"Rich girl issues. I'm sure it killed you to spend that hunk of money since you exclusively eat microwave ramen." She joked as Roxanne just rolled her eyes. "Oh real funny. I just don't like spending recklessly." She walked back into the dressing room to swap back to her uniform. "Honestly I just would rather wear something that I don't constantly worry about ruining." She came back out a few moments later dressed back in her leather jacket and skinny jeans. Veronica smiled as she stood up. "Well regardless, I do enjoy seeing the formal side of you. It always make you look elegant." Roxanne held up the suitcase that contained the dress and smiled. "I'll take that compliment. Too bad we won't be seeing each other for most of the event." Veronica just smiled. "We will see each other after! I wouldn't sweat it!"

Milan, Italy: August 1st, 2027
"You're sure they're going to be there?"
Sebastian said grimly as he took a long draw from his cigarette.
"I have no doubt sir, the informant is straight from MI6, they are assisting them in getting them in here." His assistant responded.
"And who all is going to be infiltrating our fine evening?" He asked.
"Uh I believe there were to be two in the formal event in the ballroom. One in the gardens and the other three rooftops."
"Names, I want names." He snarled.
"Veronica Windsor was to be in the gardens. Jonas Hill, Robert Vanderbilt, and Aaron Thorton are over watch on the Hotel Alpine across the street."
"That's not all of them. You said the other two would be within the main event did you not?"
"Well I didn't want to to upset you. The other two were Lieutenant George Costello and Commander Roxanne Phoenix." Sebastian eyes narrowed at the name of his old adversaries.
"Within the actual party you say?" He leaned down and pressed a button. "Send North and Victor to my office immediately." He ushered the assistant out before welcoming the two men in. "Is something the matter sire?"
"Indeed there is, North." He relayed the story to the two men.
"What do you want us to do?" Victor asked.
"Find Commander Phoenix and Lieutenants Costello in the party and separate them first. Victor, I trust you to apprehend George once he's alone."
He turned to North. "You and a squadron will wait for my order before descending on the Hotel Alpine's roof. You will arrest the three up there. The other men will capture Veronica in the gardens."
"And commander Phoenix sir?"
"Leave her to me."

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