Driving Away Darkness

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Roxanne was getting real sick and tired of Rigel's smug face,and Fowler's indifference to the whole thing.  She requested a sparring match with Aaron. Which really meant so she could be close enough to talk to him without it looking suspicious.
Rigel and Fowler watched as Roxanne was put into a headlock.
"We have go to do something to get rid of them."
Roxanne rolled out of his grip,locking him down with a chest tackle.
"How though? No one will believe us if we tell people who they're early are."
He used his knees to knock her off of him.
"What if we accused them of stealing?"
She dodged his swing.
"Stealing? How creative."
They rolled around on the mat for a moment trying to get on top of the other.
"Yeah I can just plant something valuable of mine on them and get them busted,easy as that."
Aaron's weight won out in the end.
"When? I can keep them distracted long enough."
He let her up as she strode over to where they were both standing.
"Pretty pathetic for someone who is supposed to be a sergeant."
She ignored Fowler instead waiting till Aaron had gotten back on his feet.
"Maybe you need a new teacher." Rigel seemed to be looking for any excuse to look good.
"What I need is for you to both leave me alone for a few minutes."
She jumped on Fowler wrestling him into the ground. Aaron took that as his cue to run over to "separate" them.
As he pulled Fowler to his feet,he snuck his Thorton family medallion into his pocket. Rigel didn't notice,and neither did Fowler. As they walked,Aaron waited till they were in hearing and viewing distance of Richard,who was walking their direction.
"My medallion! Where is my medallion." Roxanne stifled a smile. For this,Aaron deserved and Oscar.
Richard noticed the disturbance and walked over to where they were standing. "What medallion?"
"My family medallion! It's gone!"
"Where was the last place you had it?"
Inside,Aaron was laughing,this was too easy.
"I put in my pocket of my jacket right before I started sparring and I laid my jacket on the bench. But the medallion is gone!"
"Who else's was around?"
"Just Roxanne,Rhett,and Felix."
"All of you empty your pockets."
Roxanne emptied hers first,and so Aaron followed suit. Rigel rolled his eyes as he emptied his,and Fowler scowled as he emptied his.
The medallion fell at his feet,as he stood there mouth agape.
"I didn't take-,how did that-,sir it's not what it looks like!" Roxanne was holding back laughter,he deserved it,and the best part is it wasn't over just yet.
"Mr Felix,I see that I don't believe I'll require your services here anymore. Thieves have no place here."
Before Fowler could make a retort,Roxanne pointed to the pile of things Rigel had laid out.
"Isn't that Jonas' wallet?" She said it so innocently,hopefully Jonas would forgive her for taking it without asking.
Richard looked furious. "Rhett,Felix,I want you both off this island and out of here by this evening. If you aren't gone by then,I'm turning you over to local authorities."
Roxanne could see hate and anger out of both of them. In fact,she could almost see smoke coming out of Fowlers ears.
Aaron thought he could hear Rigel's blood pressure skyrocket.
"We'll be happy to escort them both to the Docks." Roxanne and Aaron chirped.
When they made it o the docks,Fowler and Rigel were sure to say their goodbyes.
"I don't know how you did that,you little witch. But we'll be back,and next time we won't be so nice."
Roxanne just gave him her best smile. "Goodbye to you too,Rigel."
Fowler just said nothing and angrily stared.

That night,the entire gang had a good laugh about it. George commended Aaron for the clever idea,and Jonas eventually forgave Roxanne for stealing his wallet,after she gave it back of course. Helen and Veronica were relieved that they no longer had to worry about them. And Roxanne bought all of them their favorite drinks in celebration. But deep down she knew this was only the beginning. They'd be back and she had to be ready for them when they did. Now she had the Magna Force to track down,Rigel and Fowler,and their mystery boss.

"How did you mess up this badly? We had an insider,it was at our fingertips,and you both let it slip out like butter."
"She just outsmarted us sir,she had help." Rigel hoped maybe he could save his own skin.
"Outsmarted,she always was good at that. You still failed nonetheless,they made you look like fools."
"It's not our fault sir,we don't even know why we're doing this in the first place."
"Then maybe it's time I let you in on what we're doing here. Fine. We're here to get the weapons made by Firebird Incorporated. They're creating new weapons for the Military,weapons we could sell to other countries for profit."
Fowler and Rigel were confused. "What does Firebird Incorporated have to do with Sergeant Phoenix?"
"Because,Firebird Inc's CEO,is her older brother. He's become to private to gather any info on. He's got his close family secure. But what he doesn't know is that his little sister is the real target. We have enough information on her to make the threat real."
"But you've never asked us to outright get her,we've just been gathering intel."
"Because Rigel,the weapons aren't ready yet,we strike when we know the weapons are completed. It ensures our success without interference or the possibility of the sergeant being moved."
"We understand,when will the weapons be completed?"
"Very soon,be ready for the order to strike whenever."
"Yes sir,of course sir."
"No,now that we are all in on the plan. You may call me by my name.

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