Secrets Withheld

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Aaron sat on the bed jaw brushing the floor.
"J,how could you not tell us man?"
Jonas stood with a grim expression painted across his face.
"I couldn't do it for fear of ostracization."
"Who all knows about it?"
"Roxanne,she was there when Rigel outright told her; Robert,he listened in on a conversation I had with Roxanne the other night; Veronica,Robert told her; and now you."
"So,George is he only one who doesn't know out of us?"
Jonas flinched a little,but the grim expression quickly returned.
"I assume so."
"Are you-."
"I don't know yet. Telling him is probably the hardest."
"He'll be more forgiving than you think."
"I've been leaving out a pretty crucial detail for several years,longer than I've known the rest of you."
"If you guys have been friends for that long,he'll understand."
"That's not always true Aaron."
"It could be in this case."
Jonas tilted his head,eyes drifted off to the floor.
He weighed on the decision for a long period of silence.
When he finally looked back to Aaron,Aaron was fidgeting with his own hands viciously.
"I'll think about it."

George and Robert sat on a rooftop,scanning the light covered city below them.
"So I am just the only one who's not being told a single thing?" George huffed out.
George,irritated,clenched his jaw shut and continued observing the brightened streets.
Robert let out a drawn out sigh.
"Listen hombre,if I could tell you I would."
"I bet you told Veronica."
"She figured it out on her own."
George laid the night-vision binoculars on the ledge.
"Jonas and I have known each other for years,why would he keep something hidden from me?"
"Let him tell you on his own. You'll understand why when he does."
"So I'm left in the dark on something the rest of my team knows?"
"For now."
George angrily slammed his palms against the ledge. He stared at the bustling city below.
"Sometimes it feels like I'm not even on this team."
"You are,the only reason I know is by eavesdropping."
"Then What about Aaron,or Roxanne for that matter?"
"Roxanne was there when the secret was uncovered."
"There? Hang on,did J tell her,or did someone else?"
Robert didn't respond,instead continued to scan the streets.
"He-he didn't tell her." George realized.
He thought back,when had the two of them ever been alone with anyone else?
One recent instance struck his mind all at once.
He turned quickly to Robert,who returned his stare with a confused expression.
"Was it-was It Rigel?"
Robert didn't answer.
That was answer enough for George.
"What on earth does he know that-."
He was cut off mid sentence by the crackle of his radio.
"This is Storm to Wendigo and Víbora,come in."
Robert snatched the radio.
"This is Víbora,we read You."
"We're headed towards the club in front of you. Got word our guy is in there."
He handed the radio to George,as he pulled out a sniper rifle to set it up.
"This is Wendigo,we're in position to make sure he doesn't make a run for it."
"Good,me and Banshee are cutting him off here. Be ready."
"Got it,and good luck."
"Back at you,Storm out."
He closed the channel.
Robert had gotten the gun set up,aimed at the nightclub below.

Storm and Banshee wandered through the darkly lit nightclub,trying to get recognized.
Jonas wore a simple suit jacket over a white button up. His jeans and rough boots stuck out. He wore Aviator sunglasses on the top of his head.
Roxanne wore a low cut shirt under a leather jacket,along with a matching black skinny jeans and simple black boots. Unlike Jonas she continued to wear her aviators in the dark room. While they looked simple enough,they had built in night vision. She could see the faces of every individual,no matter how low the lighting.
"See him yet?"
"Not yet."
"Great. Just wonderful."
"I hate how they're always hanging out in bars and nightclubs."
"Did you expect them to be at Bingo nights or something?"
"Terrible idea: how about we spilt up and search both sides of the club?"
"And risk me getting hit on? Absolutely not." She responded sarcastically.
"Just thought I'd ask."
"Are you trying to get me killed Captain?"
"Not at all,I wouldn't have anyone to keep humble."
"Oh you pretentious-."
Her gaze followed his,and she spotted two men sitting at a corner table.
"That's them."
Before they could make a move one of them spotted Jonas.
He motioned to his partner and they swiftly got up,and went in two different directions.
"Split up,we can't afford to lose either one."
Banshee followed the taller blonde haired man,while Jonas stayed close to the shorter dark haired man.

Jonas tried to stay out of view of the man. Every now and then he would look behind him,and Jonas would have to mix with the crowd.

Roxanne followed the blonde man stealthily through the club,towards the back entrance.
He never turned or noticed her.
Even so,she still blended with the crowd.
Eventually she saw a streetlight shine on his figure as he opened the door. She waited until it had closed behind him before opening it.

The dark haired man panicked looking behind him. He tried to pick up the pace to get out,but before he could book it down the street-
He felt someone grab him by the shoulders.
He was drug into an alleyway a few doors down from the club he had just ran from.
Jonas slammed the man against the wall.
"I'm only going to ask once. Who are you working for?"
The man merely shook his head,eyes wide with fear.
"Das kann ich dir nicht sagen!"
(I cannot tell you that!)
Jonas rolled his eyes,the man was pulling a classic move: switching languages in an attempt to fool the person interrogating them.
"Ich kann dich verstehen, Dul."
(I can understand you,fool.)
The man realized the attempt backfired.
"Please,leave me alone! I don't know who's paying me,the man I met works for him- he knows!"
Jonas mentally kicked himself for not going after the big blondie instead.
"What's his name?"
"The blonde man?"

The world was spinning as Banshee laid in the alley,blood dripping off of her face in waterfalls.

Moments earlier.
Banshee snuck out the back door,attempting to look around the corner for the blonde man.
I hope Jonas doesn't realize who it was.
As the door shut behind her she saw a car sitting idle a ways down,further into the shadows. She knew better than to investigate so out of sight so she turned to the other end of the alley.
Only to be met with a fist.
She swung at Fowler,who trapped her wrist.
A loud crack indicated a break.
Her wrist was in immense pain now.
He kicked. Hard.
She stumbled backwards,her back colliding with the hood of the car.
He charged at her,but she lifted her feet and shoved him back into a pile of trash cans.
The noise wasn't as loud as she had hoped.
She slid off the hood,and took her eyes off him for a moment to find her radio.
She was slammed into,hitting the concrete at a rough velocity.
Before she could throw him off,he grabbed her hair,yanking her head upwards,then slamming it into the concrete.
The world spun,she saw through dizzied vision as he made his way back over to the idle vehicle and got in the drivers side door.
The wind of the car as a roared right by her in the alleyway pushed the hair out of her face.
She laid there silent,spitting and coughing up blood. Her mouth tasted of metal and dirt. Her head hurt and her vision was getting blacker and blurrier by the moment.
The door to the club opened,and a man stepped out to light a cigarette.
He nearly jumped at the sight just halfway out of the shadows.
Banshee heard him yell for someone faintly as the world grew dark.

George and Robert sat in the balcony,waiting on a call from their cohorts.
Finally they received a transmission,but it wasn't one they wanted to hear.
"George,Robert,it's Jonas. Get yourselves down here,Roxanne's down, and we're making an immediate evacuation."

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