Shock Value

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The four figures all stood in a standoff.
Sebastian watching the three of them,waiting for their next move. Jonas kept his eyes on Seb,despite the fact that he couldn't even tell if floor was solid.
He was pretty mad that George had disobeyed his direct order,but another part was glad he had.
Roxanne and George were watching Sebastian closely,neither side sure who would move first.
Her eyes didn't move from Sebastian's as she listened to what George was trying to tell her.
The gap between where Sebastian stood and where they stood was about 80 feet. Meaning as long as George kept his voice down he wouldn't hear.
"Look,J's got something in his system. He's in no shape to get of here himself."
"I noticed."
"What should we do?"
"Alright listen,I know this whole deal was to get me out and all but right now Jonas' is our only priority."
"Don't say what I think you're about to say."
"I'm going to jump Genesis,while you get Jonas to the helicopter."
"I knew it,I knew you were gonna say that. And the answer is no."
"No,you have an injured leg,you're no better off than J over there."
"Too bad,I'm making this an order."
"I've already disobeyed Jonas,I'm not afraid to disobey you."
"Lucas,this isn't the time to be like this."
George turned red. She rarely used his middle name,but something about the way she said always got him really flustered.
"George,get ready."
Her voice snapped him out of his thoughts.

Across the room,Jonas stood uneasily. He was about 20 feet Sebastian,whose back was turned to him. He thought about jumping him right then and there,but he could barely see straight,much less attack someone. He watched his friends across the wide open atrium,he knew they were thinking of something but he wasn't sure what.
Out of nowhere she yelled as they both headed straight for Genesis. 

Roxanne,fueled by pain and anger,managed to knock him off his guard. He stumbled backwards and went to grab her collar. This time,she saw it coming and dodged to the side landed a punch in his ribs. He saw her movement,as she was slower than she normally was,and he grasped her hair and pulled her backwards. Using one hand to hold her the roots of her hair,he punches her hard across the face with the other.

George grasped under Jonas' arm,pulling him to the entryway. He tried to drag his feet,but George was just as strong as he was.
"I told you to get her out,we aren't leaving unless it's all of us!"
"I know,and I did try to talk her out of it,but she's almost as hardheaded as you."
"Costello,if this was any other situation,I would laugh."
"You still can,sir."

Sebastian didn't even notice that they had gotten out. His full anger was now directed at Roxanne.

Aaron and Robert watched the wide gaping entrance to the facility.
"Look someone's coming!"
Aaron watched the doorway,heart hopeful.
Emerging from the shadows was George,with Jonas on his shoulder.
Aaron felt his heart drop again.
She wasn't here?
"Where's Roxanne?"
"I'm going back in to get her,kid is giving in to Sebastian."

She struck him again in the nose,it was definitely broken. Her knuckles had become bloody,but it was worth it.
The adrenaline rush made her feel like she was on a different level.
For once she felt like she could actually win against him.
Every punch,elbow,jab,and kick just made her more pumped up.
It felt like she was just being energized by her own pain and anger.
Another blow sent Sebastian back a few feet.
Instead of attacking,he instead took a moment to wipe the blood off his face and look at her.
"You have great potential. I'd be glad to show you exactly what you could be capable of if you'd just let me."
She didn't respond,instead looking at her own bloodied hands.
Hate was all she could feel burning through her system. Every ounce of pain and fear faded in the rush.
She loved it.
She snapped her gaze back with his with a snarl spread across her face.
"I don't need you or anyone to show me what I can do. I'll find out on my own."
His expression never changed.
"Then you'll die as you are. Nothing."
She ran straight at him blinded by fury.
She felt his fist connect with her gut.
And,without without a moment of hesitation,she grabbed his arm.
She felt his arm go limp in a sickening way. She jumped back trying to stay out of his grasp. But he was faster.
She felt his hand wrap around her throat, Dragging her back towards him.
Through gritted teeth he stared her dead in the eyes.
"You've made your last mistake,child."
Like deja vu she could feel everything start to fade to black and his grip crushed her esophagus.

Two pairs of boots clattered down the hallway,racing at a ludicrous pace.

"You could've made something of yourself. But you chose to die here,a pathetic end to a pathetic excuse for a soldier."
With the last of her breath she spit back at him,
"You-You talk too much."
The darkness finally took full hold and she felt her senses fade entirely.
But instead of finishing the job,she felt her body hit the ground. Something had made him drop her at the last second.

George threw his knife into Sebastian's hand.
He watched her body hit the floor,not moving.
Aaron moved quickly and swept her up into a bridal carry while Sebastian attempted to recover from the gruesome wound. He tore out into the hallway,skidding as he turned.
George followed close behind. Genesis hadn't bothered giving chase.
The clambered into the bird and took off.
They all finally had a chance to catch their breath.
Jonas watched Aaron lay Roxanne on the floor of the chopper,giving her as much space to breathe as possible.
"Is she-?"
"No,I could feel her heartbeat while I was carrying her. I think she just blacked out when he was strangling her."
Jonas nodded,kneeling down next to her head.
He placed two fingers on her neck,confirming her steady heart rate.
Everyone was in silence for a long time.
Jonas still knelt beside Roxanne,with his eyes shut.
"That was a stupid,arrogant,foolish mistake. You should've just listened to me you idiot." Jonas' frustration was evident enough now. But finally his expression softened.
"But I cannot say that it wasn't brave. You probably saved my life. I owe you one."
"Aw,you getting soft on me,Hill?"
He opened his eyes to see her staring back at him, a smug smirk spread across her face.

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