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Roxanne sat in the waiting room of the small infirmary,waiting patiently to get her results. Dr. Schneider seemed like a strange individual,he was close to her fathers age and always seemed to have a cigar in his mouth. How is he a doctor but smokes the way he does? He'll probably have to treat his own lung cancer in a few years.
After about 20 minutes of waiting,a different person came out in a nurses uniform. This was a woman who looked around Roxanne's age,had long black hair like Roxanne and had the most beautiful golden eyes. "Hi,are you Roxanne?"
Her voice sounded incredibly soft. "Yes,do you have the results?" "Doctor says your fit for duty,he's already called Bruce,the man you spoke with earlier. He says that your stuff has been moved to your room,it's in the Delta Building on the fourth floor."
She suddenly smiled, "Your room is actually right next to mine,I think we could be good friends!" Roxanne hadn't had very many friends,so to have one already was fantastic. "Thank you so much,uh what was your name?"
"Veronica,Veronica Windsor,but when I'm in the field I go by Rose."
"I'll see you around Veronica,thanks again!"

Outside,she looked around for the Delta Building. Before she could head inside she was stopped by the black haired man she saw when she arrived earlier. "Hey where do you think you're going? This is meant for the enlisted only." Roxanne was about to make a snide comment back to this guy,but was stopped short.
"Hey, let her in, I just got word from Veronica that she's the new recruit." Roxanne turned to where the voice was coming from,it was the blondie she had spotted before. He strode over to where she was standing and extended his hand, "I'm George,but when I'm working they call me Wendigo,nice to meet you." He winked. Roxanne was almost embarrassed to shake his hand,he seemed very charming.
"I'm Roxanne. Sorry I don't have a field name yet,and somehow I seem to already be making enemies." He looked over to where the other guy had stood,he was gone. "Don't mind Jonas,he's alright but seems to find the problems with everyone. He likes being top dog,everyone calls him Storm because he's a bit unpredictable,you know?"
"Yeah,I guess I can understand." She shrugged.
George kinda tilted his head. "I guess I'll have to introduce you to a few people around here. Follow me." Roxanne nodded and they headed towards the gate.

Instead of heading into town however, he took a path through the woods which led to a large building with a glass dome. He gestured to it with a flourish of his hands.
"This is the Botany lab,I have some friends here you might would like to meet."
Walking inside,Roxanne was surprised at just how many flowers there were everywhere. They seemed to cover every inch. George led her to the greenhouse where two women were watering flowers. One was loudly telling the other how to do something while the other seemed to just take the beating.
"No no no Heather, the daffodils need more water than just that!" She finally turned around to see George and Roxanne standing there patiently. She had long brown hair and eyes that looked almost violet. She held a bright smile on her face.
"George! What can we help you with?"
George nodded to her, "I wanted you to meet Roxanne,she's new here and hasn't had time to meet anyone." She turned to Roxanne. "Well,it's lovely to meet you,I'm Helen,I've been enlisted for a year now,I go by the codename Violet at times. This is my sister Heather,she's in the medical field with Veronica,they like to call her Monarch."
The other girl barely looked up from her plant watering. She barely whispered a hello,and quickly left. George explained that she was incredibly shy and didn't like to talk much. After leaving they headed towards town,taking a right up to the private homes. Outside say a brown haired guy who looked only about a year younger than Roxanne.
"Hi George,any thing new from base?" George introduced Roxanne to the young boy,Tom,the younger brother of Jonas.
He seems a lot friendlier than Jonas was.
"Did you hear about that new family that moved in? I heard a lot of rumors about them."
George nodded, "Yeah the Thortons,they're all super nice,but I think that the youngest one Aaron has some social skill problems. Michael seems a little more talkative though." Roxanne stood there awkwardly, having just met these guys.
George remembered his guest and turned back to her. "I'll introduce you to the Thortons,they moved in a few months before you got here. Aaron wants to join the ranks and Michael did the moment he got here."

She followed him up the winding path to a large house where two young men stood on the porch. One was shockingly tall,at least 6'4,and the other wasn't far behind him,at least 6'2. Roxanne had always been told how tall she was for her age. After all 5'8 on a female is nothing to laugh at,but it seemed everyone here at Cedars Cay,
Or at least the men,
towered above 6 feet. Even Veronica,Helen and Heather were at least Roxanne's heigh or close.
Though she had to admit,the very tall one was good looking. At least to her.
The tall one was Michael and His brother was Aaron. Aaron looked like he wanted to disappear into the house,but Michael had a commanding presence.
Total opposites.
Through the short conversation Roxanne learned that Michael,also known as Rain,had blown through some of his studies quickly and was rising ranks quickly. He was only about 2 years older than Roxanne,while his brother Aaron was Roxanne's age. George looked around and asked, "Hey where's your dad at?" Michael didn't respond,but Aaron made a sly comment under his breath about Killian.
Quote "Being passed out drunk in the kitchen." Michael must have heard him,because the looks he gave Aaron scared Roxanne a bit.
And he wasn't even mad at me.

George took this as their cue to leave,and he and Roxanne traveled down the diner she had seen. They talked over some good food and Roxanne asked about what all was on the island.
"Well there's obviously the restaurants; Romans,here,The Anchor,and if you count the cafe on base,Brews. Then there are a few shops; Spyglasses,the antique shop,and Salty Dog,a trinkets and clothing store,the small market in town square where people get their food. Of course there are some activities to do in town too; there's The Lanes,which is bowling and arcade,the library,town hall,the park,and then beyond town is the Botany Lab and Greenhouse."
"What about beyond the woods? What's on the other side of the island?"
George paused and thought. "Well there's an old lighthouse that me and my buddies go to when we're bored. There's Bows Gap,which has a bridge where you can walk across. Then there's the ruined town."
"The ruined town?"
"Yep,Cedarsville used to be on the other side of the island,closer to the beaches way before I was born. Unfortunately it was too close to sea level,so when a hurricane came through it tore up the town and even washed away a small section of the island. They rebuilt on this side further above sea level and made sure to concrete all around it."
Roxanne was interested,this island had lot adventure about it than she expected. "I think I'm going to like it here."
George smiled and put his arm around her shoulder. "I think so."

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