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You'll die here..
You'll die here..
The words echoed in her mind.
She hadn't been able to sleep that night,and decided to take it out on the punching bags in the gym.
The clock on the wall read two in the morning.
Don't get your gang involved.
She was set to meet him at his base soon.
He told her he had things for her to assist should she run into any of the Ordinance.
George had checked in on her last night after Michael had left.
He never suspected what had happened.
She picked her coat up off the floor,heading for the door.
She stopped when she saw Veronica had been watching.
"What's going on?"
"Nothing,I just couldn't sleep."
"So you're taking it out on the punching bag? Please,I'm your friend you can talk to me."
"You don't need to be burdened with anything else."
She walked past her and headed outside.
"I know Michael came to see you."
She stopped dead,and turned back.
"What are you talking about?"
"Your room is right next to mine,I heard him talking to you."
"What did you hear?"
"Not much,I just could tell it was his voice. What did he want? And why didn't you tell anyone he was there?"
"Why didn't you?"
"Don't try and change the subject. He asked you about an alliance didn't he?"
Roxanne remained silent.
"Alright! Yes he did ask me about a deal but it's nothing you need to be concerned about."
Veronica lowered her head.
"What was the deal?"
"An agreement,nothing more."
"Stop with the vagueness. I won't tell dad,I swear to you."
"Do you swear on your life?"
"On my life,please what have agreed to?"
Roxanne turned away from her.
"I have accepted his help to stand against the Ordinance."
"What kind of help."
"A mutual contract,I help him with what he asks,he aids me to take out Sebastian."
Veronica stood in silence,horrified.
"You know he'll make you pay a higher price than it's worth."
"I'm willing to pay anything,even if it costs me my life. Sebastian has to die."
"And no one but me knows about this?"
"Just you,me and Michael."
"I see. If I can't convince you this is a bad idea,then I guess no one will."
"Not a word."
"Right,goodnight Roxanne. And good luck."
"Goodnight,and please don't worry for me."
"I do everyday,I won't stop now."
Roxanne looked at the floor and smiled.
"Haha,I guess you're right."

"This is a specialized weapon for you."
Shae held out a staff to her.
"A staff?"
"Not a staff,a spear. Here let me show you."
He showed her where to hold in,as two blades slid outwards and upward,reminding her of a butterfly knife.
He handed it to her.

"Your style of fighting will help you get a control of it

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"Your style of fighting will help you get a control of it."
"Right side."
"Your communications to us will be separated from your communications to C.C.M.F."
"Oh and the staff doubles as a taser."
"You think of everything."
"It's my job."
"Michael is waiting in his office,he has your communications."
"See you around Shae."
"I hope not too often."
"You try to be friendly."
She headed down the corridor to Michael's office,the door hung ajar.
She walked in to where he was standing at his desk,where a mess of gadgets were strewn about.
"How are you liking your new gear?"
"Getting used to it."
He picked up an earpiece and handed it to her.
"Try to remember that you put this in your left ear."
He slid it into the ear he had instructed.
"Right ear for the C.C.M.F,left ear for us."
"Got it. I'll try not to call you about someone's car being parked in front of the gate."
"Hilarious,a sense of humor come in that trauma starter kit?"
"Just a little humor,don't care for it?"
"Don't get too cocky,remember,outside of Sebastian and the Ordinance it's business as usual."
"Couldn't image having it any other way with you."

"You think that Robert knows Veronica is into him?"
Roxanne watched the area through her night vision before radioing back.
"Since when did you care about people's love life Jonas?"
"Just bored,are you and Costello a thing yet?"
She smiled.
"Not yet,I've still got some problems of my own to work out."
"Oh God,you guys are never gonna get together if that's the case."
"Ha ha. If we're gonna be discussing people's relationship issues then you and Helen's confusing circumstance takes the cake."
"I'm going to ask her out I just haven't had time."
"You've said that twelve times. When are you going to do it for real?"
"Soon I swear."
"Hey what are you guys talking about."
Robert had finally joined into the conversation.
"Nothing at all Rob."
"Aww why'd you spoil it for him Jonas?"
"Eh not a conversation I'd know much about."
"Sure you don't."
"All I know is I'm still waiting for you and George to just make it official."
Roxanne put her head down,snickering to herself.
"Man,am I gonna be bullied all night about this?"
"You will be bullied all night,but not just about relationships."
"Then I'm going to get back at you for it in the morning."
"How you planning on doing that."
"Oh I have my ways."
"Alright kids we gotta stop screwing about and pay attention."
"Rob how old are you?"
"23,you knew that."
"Crazy cause you give off this crazy amount of old man energy."
"I do not."
"Yeah I'm going to have to agree with Roxanne,you sound like my dad."
"No I don't."
"Please,I can I hear you say something my dad used to say all the time."
"What's that?"
"He used to say 'Well,we'd better get serious now son.'"
"Sorry Rob,but I can now hear it in your voice,it seared in my mind forever now."
"Screw you, Roxanne."
"Hey I defended your honor when George said we couldn't bring you out to the Anchor the other night."
"Fair enough."
"Look alive,the suns rising."
"Yeah it is. That means we'd better head back to our station before we get spotted."
"Right side,see you there. Taurus out."
"Víbora out."
"Banshee out."

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