A Bad Day,Worse

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1 Week Earlier.
The Howling Phantoms: George,Aaron,Jonas,Veronica,and Robert. Awaited patiently in the forest where they had been instructed to wait.
"You don't think it's a trick,do you?" Aaron gazed up from his sitting position on the ground,to Jonas who towered above him.
"If it is,we came prepared."
An eternity of silence was finally lifted as Imani pushed her way through the brush.
They all stared at each other awkwardly.
George couldn't take it anymore.
"Well? Why did you drag us all the way out here if you're just going to stand there?"
She just blinked at him.
"My apologies master Costello. Roxanne is doing perfectly fine,she was just shot in the leg."
"So when does she come back?"
More silence gripped the small group.
"She can't."
Aaron stood up,as did Robert who had been sitting on a rock nearby.
"Are you out of your mind? She doesn't belong to you,she's an officer of the US Military. She's our Captain."
Imani got extremely uncomfortable.
Veronica spoke up for the first time.
"She's right."
"Vee,did you catch something we missed?" Jonas asked bluntly.
She nodded. "As long as Major Birch is on this island,he's going to do everything in his power to get her killed,discharged,or disgraced."
Aaron sat back down on the grass in defeat.
George just stared off into space. "Veronica isn't wrong,he outright had her shot even when he had no idea what we were up to."
Imani gazed at Jonas for a long time.
"Is there something you'd like to discuss privately,Captain Hill?"
He nodded. "Alright,you all better head back to base,I'll be with you shortly."
Within 5 minutes,only Jonas and Imani remained in the shadow covered trees.
"What is your end goal, Jonas? I know it was you who sent Roxanne to us. That it was your idea. You want to protect us for your own purposes,and I get the feeling it's not out of good will."
"You aren't wrong,you,your brothers and Michael are the only ones who can help me with my 'problem'."
"You mean Rigel, your half brother if I'm not mistaken?"
"Yeah, him."
She crossed her arms and tilted her head at him.
"You want us to kill him? Or just help apprehend him?"
"Either way is perfectly fine with me."

Present Day.
Jonas sat alone in the Anchor,downing his soda. Nearby were some new recruits, being teased by George and Tom. Out of boredom,he listened into the conversation.
"-and there's a dreadful curse upon this island. It's said that the descendants of the British soldiers who massacred the Ronawa Indians on this island would be cursed,and that their blood would feed the dirt and rocks of this isle."
Jonas rolled his eyes,that wasn't even how the legend went. He stood up and took the last shot of his root beer.
He pulled George and Tom away from the table they were scaring.
"You know that's not really how the Curse of Scorn goes. And it was the Roshawa Indians,not the Ronawa." He muttered.
"Awww lighten up JJ,it's not true anyways."
Jonas stopped and gave Tom a punch right in the arm.
"How many times do I gotta tell you to stop calling me JJ?"
"Oww..alright I get it,you are no fun."
"Have we heard anything from Roxanne?" George asked,interrupting the squabble between the two brothers.
Jonas shook his head.
"Nope,nothing yet."
"Why do I get the feeling something really, really awful is going to happen?"
"Hey,no. None of that." Jonas snapped at Tom.

The cell Michael had been left in was freezing cold. He had been awake for a few hours,sitting against a wall with no knowledge of where he was. The concrete floors and walls were damp,and a single lightbulb above barely lit up anything up. Ropes cut into his hands, most likely leaving a nasty mark on his wrists. The door in front of him swung open with a clang and two geared up men dug an unmoving individual inside. The half dropped,half threw the poor soul onto the floor.
He immediately recognized the uniform he had given to Banshee. Through the dim light he could see her face. Her eyes were glossy,and here pupils were completely dilated.
Must have been a hyper powerful drug.
Ten minutes passed with nothing happening. Michael sat in his own thoughts,wondering how he was going to get out of this strange circumstance he found his way into.
The door swung open again,this time with three men making their way inside.
Leading the way was Rigel,flanked by Fowler,and last to enter was Sebastian.
"Mr. Michael Thorton,correct? You're the head of the Deserter's League if I'm not mistaken."
"Sebastian Heroux. You're the mastermind behind the New Ordinance,A Worldwide Terror Organization."
"Call us what you want." His blood red eyes shot over to Roxanne,who still laid completely unmoved. He turned around an glared at Fowler.
"What did you use?"
"Russ 403."
"I told you only to use that on animals,it's too powerful for a human being to take."
"It should wear off soon,soon enough to where she'll be conscious for her to know exactly what's going on and for the whole world to see."
Rigel added with a cruel after tone.
"What's going on,what are you going to do?" Michael questioned the three men in earnest.
"You'll see,oh you'll see." Sebastian replied. He motioned for Rigel and Fowler towards the two. Sebastian exited the room,while Rigel hoisted Banshee over his shoulder,and Fowler pulled Michael to his feet.

Around the world,broadcasts were delayed,stopped,or interrupted by nothing but static.
In the Cedars Cay Military Base,the Colonel and his closest admirals watched in real time as Genesis' face was shown to the world.

In the Anchor,all of The Howling Phantoms,servers,civilians,and 40 more trainees watched the horror unfold to the world.

Roxanne sat on her knees in front of a camera,her face shown to the world for all to see. For all to witness the tragedy about to unfold.
A man behind her held her down by her shoulders,while four other men surrounded her. Sebastian stood in front of her off to her left,brandishing her Baretta 92.
"You men in power, you cower behind your walls and let your men do the dirty work. Sending unwilling sacrifices to the battlefield while you sit behind a desk surrounded by bodyguards. Too afraid to get your own hands in the muck and blood. You pay the cost of war with other men's blood. And yet you cannot defeat us, you sent your dogs, and we put them down. Tonight we send you a strong message,that none of you will ever be safe from us. One by one your nations will fall,and it starts here-" he turned and pressed the gun against Roxanne's forehead. "-with the beloved Captain of the Howling Phantoms. Captain Roxanne Phoenix."
He motioned to Rigel and Fowler,who held Michael, to come forward. The shoved Michael to the floor in front of Roxanne,face to face,but out of the camera's range.
Sebastian slowly moved behind Roxanne with the gun now pressed against the back of her head.

"Find that signal! Figure out where he's broadcasting from!" Colonel Windsor barked at his technicians.
His anger fueled eyes turned to Major Birch.
"I'll see it to it,Major Birch, that you never have a solidified job even at a fast food restaurant! You lying, rotten, coward, a man who lacks all honor and dignity! GET OUT!" Leon fled the room as Richard turned his attention back to the unfolding events on screen.

"#$&@" Jonas could only mutter a single curse under his breath,as the other Phantoms watched the public execution in horrified awe.

"Mr. Thorton,I'm sure there's something you'd like to say to her? Don't worry the world has been put on mute for the moment being. After all,this will be the last chance you have."
Michael stared into her face,watching a single tear roll down her cheek.
"Birdie,remember when I called you that? Things are going to work out,we'll be back at base before you even knew you were gone. Just like always. I'm sorry I got you into this mess,birdie,I'm sorry for all of it. Every second of pain and suffering I've put you through,I never meant it. I'm going to make it up to you,birdie,I promise."
Sebastian had the audacity to let out a cruel laugh.
"How sentimental. Don't disappoint him,Captain,give him your answer."
She hesitated and looked Mike square in the face. Her bloodshot eyes contrasted against her ice blue irises. Her black matted hair hanging partly in her face.
His normally cold blue eyes looked soft and warm. His shaggy brown hair curled around his neck.
"Mike,I'm not making it out of this,but don't cry. I'm at peace,I know what I was potentially going to lose when I signed up for this job. I'm not afraid to die. I regret how dishonorably I must die,that I died a disgrace to this country and to my friends and family. You will recover,give everyone my love and regards. And I'm so,so sor-"
A gunshot cut off her final words. Her body collapsed forward just feet in front of Michael.
Blood poured from the bullet hole in between her eyes.

Screams erupted in the Anchor from soldiers,servers and others. Veronica fainted on the spot while Robert and Jonas stood in speechless horror. Aaron threw up,and was shortly after, was followed by George vomiting on the hardwood floor. George began hyperventilating and crying while Aaron continued to dry heave.

"Mr. President? This is Colonel Windsor,we have a terrorist organization on our hands. We cannot let them continue their operations."

Michael sat in despair,unsure of whether he was just in a cruel nightmare or not.
Blood had been splattered on his face and clothes,indicating he was not.
Banshee's eyes were completely glassed over,and blood had soaked the ground around her.
"Now that,is a unfortunate situation." Rigel Commented from behind Michael.
"Sebastian,what do you want to do with the body?"
"Get rid of it,toss it out into the forest somewhere and let the animals do the rest."
"And Michael?"
Sebastian glared at the pitiful wreck kneeled on the floor in front of him.
"Let him go,he's no threat. Not anymore."

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