Teams of Two

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In the lobby of the hotel,the group sat together discussing their plans.
"The area is too big to search together,and I've chosen to split us up into teams of two."
Jonas sat at the head of the table,with Roxanne sitting next to him on his right,and George on his left.
"So who goes with who to where?" Aaron asked.
"Roxanne and I are going to be checking out the local ghost towns,see if they've made a base of operations out there. George and Robert,I want you two to comb the casinos and bars to see if anyone knows about them. Aaron,Veronica,search the hotels list of occupants,I have list of possible aliases they could be using." He slid a paper down to Aaron.
Veronica moved over to sit next to Aaron,visibly irritating Robert.
"Everyone clear? We meet back here at 19:00."
Everyone nodded,Roxanne and Jonas stood and headed for one of the rentals,while George and Robert headed for another.

Aaron and Veronica went to to the room to use the computer.
"We'll check the shadier hotels first,I'd rather do those during daylight than at night."
"Me too,I'd rather not get mugged while trying to find Rigel or Fowler."
For a while the only sound in the room was the clicking of the keyboard as Aaron searched for all the local hotels and motels.
"Do you like anyone?"
Aaron,confused, stop typing and turned to Veronica.
"That's a weird question,why?"
"Just curious."
"Well I used to be into Roxanne if that's what you're asking. But the way she talks about me gives me the hint she thinks of me as a brother."
"Aw,I'm sorry."
"Don't be,it's cool. Are you asking for advice on how to tell when a man is interested?"
Veronica turned a little red.
"Oh uh well,kinda of."
He went back to typing with a slight smile on his face.
"How did you know?"
"He's the only one you really hang around in the group."
"Oh,that easy huh?"
"I just don't know how he feels."
Aaron raised an eyebrow,not that it mattered since his back was facing her.
"Wasn't he holding onto your hand on the flight here?"
"I mean,yeah,but I don't know if it was because he sees me as a great friend,or someone he's interested in."
"V,no guy holds hands with a friend,especially not a female friend,unless he's into them."
"Really. Now,let's check out those motels on the south side."

"I can't believe we're searching these dumps."
George and Robert walked through the loud environment of a casino.
"Agreed,but we have to find them before they find us."
Robert watched the slot machines spin,out of the thirty he watched,not a single one yielded a win.
"Look,not a single one has gotten anything,yet they keep spinning. The amount of money wasted here is ridiculous."
George watched,and shook his head.
"Even when they do win,it's not enough to make up the loss."
"I just don't understand it."
"It's just like drinking or smoking,after a while you just get hooked on doing it. While booze and cigarettes destroy your body,this place destroys your lifestyle."
"I watched all three destroy my family's lives,indirectly ruining mine. The faster we get out of here the better,I just want to get these places over with."
"Right side."
After hours of questioning,hey finally got a lead.
"Yeah,I saw that blonde haired one in the bar down the street a few nights ago."
George and Robert put the picture of Fowler away,listening to the casino patron.
"What do you remember about him?"
"More than I care to,he got real mad at one of my buddies and threw him onto a table."
"What made him so angry?"
"My buddy must've told him he wasn't interested in some deal they were offering him,said something was a 'suicide' and wouldn't listen to him."
"Did you find out what he might've been talking about?"
"No,but the guy said he could be found at the Gates Motel."
"Thank you for your help."
"Hey if you see him give him a good kick in the rear for me."
George and Robert walked out of the building and to the car.
"Aaron,try the Gates Motel,we've got a lead there,try the name 'Felix Sauder' might get you a room number."
"Thanks for the tip,see you soon."

Roxanne and Jonas sighed in aggravation.
No leads on the meeting place,and time was running out.
"I can't believe it. Nothing!" Roxanne angrily spat.
"At least the others found something,although we still have two more ghost towns to check out."
"Fun. I'm just ready to get back to the hotel and take a long shower,I feel nasty."
"Got a little sand in your shorts?"
"Oh that's real mature there J."
"You set yourself up. Let's get going if we want to get back before dark."
-Gold Point 3:42 PM-
"If I see any more scorpions I'll scream."
"Don't look now-"
Jonas watched as another scorpion scurried across a piece of old wood,jutting out of the sand and dirt.
"At least they aren't bothering us."
"We're lucky we haven't gotten stung yet,they're everywhere!"
"Just don't take off your boots any place around here."
"A scorpion in my boot would just top off this day wouldn't it?"
"Don't jinx yourself Phoenix."
They wandered through the empty streets of the once prosperous Gold mining town.
"We should check out the mine,maybe they holed up-"
"That was the worst pun I've ever heard."
"It wasn't intentional,anyways,maybe they set up camp down there."
The gaping hole in the side of the mountain, covered by a rotting wooden tower,indicated one of the many mines.
"See anything?"
Roxanne turned slowly to Jonas giving him the 'did you really just ask that?' Look.
"Of course I can't see anything,it pitch black down there."
He grinned and handed her a headlamp.
"Maybe this will help."
"Where did you get that?"
"One of the stores just before we got here,figured it would come in handy."
"You think of everything."
"It helps make things run smoother."
She affixed the headlamp on her head,as he affixed his own.
Before she could respond she felt a prick in the back of her neck,and everything went black.
Jonas soon joined her.

"Yes sir,Mr. Sauder is in room 117."
"Thank you."
"But you'll have to wait for him,he hasn't been back all day."
"That's alright. Thank you for your help."
Aaron have the receptionist a warm smile as he and Veronica headed for the door the woman had given them.
He pushed down the handle. Locked.
"You have a hair clip?" He asked Veronica sheepishly.
She grinned. "Stand back."
He stepped away and let her pick at the lock.
Within a few seconds,she had successfully popped the lock.
"Ritzy work,let's see what's in here before Fowler decides he needs a different shirt."
The pair walked into the dirtied room.
The room was simple,a small dresser on which an even smaller tv sat on top. The beds were queen size,but the sheets were old and stained.
Veronica scrunched up her nose, "It smells like smoke in here."
"The lobby smelled like this too."
She let out a blegh.
"Next time they decide to act up,I'll send them money so we can investigate a nicer hotel."
They both began digging around the suitcases.
"Hey here's a paper that looks important."
Aaron turned around and walked over to where Veronica held a white sheet of paper.
Gold Point,7:00 PM September 15th.
"This looks like where they're going to meet."
"September 15th,that's three days from now."
"Right we should-"
Suddenly the sound of a voice outside the door made them freeze.
"Hide in the bathroom!" Aaron whispered hoarsely.
Both of them dove into the dark bathroom shutting the door most of the way.
A single window high in the bathroom wall let in a little light.
Aaron quickly climbed onto the top of the counter to try and get it open.
Veronica watched the door quietly as he worked at it.
"-you let them get that close?!"
Veronica felt goose flesh raise on her arms as Fowlers angry voice echoed in the room.
Aaron finally wedged the window open and motioned for her to climb out.
She didn't hesitate and shot out of the window.
Aaron waited a moment to listen to what was being said outside the door.
"What are we going to do with them?"
Aaron knew he should get out,but now his curiosity was piqued.
"We can't just wait till after the meeting! Victor is going to be ticked that you didn't kill them immediately."
Aaron felt the hairs on his neck rise a little.
Who was he talking about?
"Fine,but you're going to have to answer to Vic about this,not me."
Aaron heard him end the call,and he joined Veronica outside.

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