Bear Trap

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A division marched back to the Belarus base, headed by Victor and another high ranking official named Zimri. Zimri seemed to be on the same level or just a bit below Victor in the pecking order. Roxanne marched alongside the soldiers, worrying slightly for Jonas, who had been kept in a separate division than her. Another thing that worried her was that she was placed in a division with no other undercover allies. Worry for discovery onward at her every time she or Jonas were called to their respective units.
The group stopped in the courtyard of the massive complex, which once was a small training academy.
They were halted and dismissed one row at a time.
Roxanne's row was the third from the front, which meant a swift dismissal.
When Zimri made it to her row he stopped.
"Carter, General Heroux has requested you in his office immediately."
The other recruits stared at Roxanne, who was just as confused as anyone else.
"My apologies sir, have I done something wrong?"
"No, not that I know of, he just requested to see you."
Roxanne could hear the whispers of the others next to her.
"I think they're having an affair."
"She's always being sent to his office."
"Do you think she has blackmail?"
She shut her eyes in annoyance,in the three months  of being here, she had been sent to see him more times than she cared to count. Jonas was always sent to see Victor, which irritated him just as much as seeing Sebastian irritated Roxanne.
Thankfully tomorrow they would finally be going back home, most captains had already been taken back. Always "being arrested during a mission." A clever way of keeping the Ordinance from suspecting anything. She and Jonas were of the last group, to be picked up today in Prague during a "covert" operation.
She tried not to stomp her way to office, but even if she tried, the loudness of her boots would probably get her written up. She was following behind Victor, which made the whole experience even more unpleasant.
He opened the door for her and she stepped into the lavishly decorated office of Sebastian. She tried not to inhale and choke on the cigar smoke that hung in the room like a fog. Sebastian was seated in his nice leather chair, signing documents with a nasty scowl on his face.
She stood in parade rest in front of his desk, while Victor stood behind her next to the shut door.
"Sit down." He grumbled, without even looking up from his stack of papers.
She glanced down and noticed her Beretta 92 on the desk, the very one he had executed her with five months prior.
She sat across from him in the not-as-nice faux leather chair.
"I wanted to talk to you about that mission in Prague that's leaving in an hour." He mumbled past his cigar.
"Yes sir, what about it?" She could feel her heart in her throat.
"I'm taking you off of the unit that's going. You're staying here on base for the immediate future."
She tried to swallow the panic that was now welling in her stomach and chest.
"But sir, with all due respect I have been waiting for this opportunity-"  She went dead silent as he held up his hand for her to be quiet.
"Yes, I know you have been. After all," he paused, leaning forward with a dark expression on his face. "It's your only escape."

Jonas stood in line, waiting to take off for Prague. He noticed Roxanne had been gone a while, and wasn't here yet.
He began to get worried, they were the last group to be taken home.
If they weren't picked up in Czech Republic, they wouldn't be at all.
If she had been exposed somehow, things would take a bad turn. He recognized one of the men from the unit she was patrolling with close by.
The man came over to Jonas, with an annoyed expression on his face.
"Where is Cassandra? She was supposed to be here."
"She got sent up to Sebastian again, I think he took her off this mission."
Jonas felt his heart hit his throat.

"I don't know what you are referring to sir."
In Sebastian's office, Roxanne could feel panic start to seize her breath.
She noticed that Victor was now blocking the door, and the blinds on the windows had been drawn shut.
Sebastian let out a sinister chuckle.
"Oh please Captain Phoenix, there is not need to play stupid any more. Your identity has been uncovered."
She shot up and turned around, about to knock Victor out, but he was already holding a gun.
Sebastian stood up.
"We're not through here yet. Sit back down."
Roxanne turned around and looked up toward him.
I could probably take Victor on my own, but Sebastian? That height difference alone would be the end of me.
"And if I don't?"
"Or I'll be cleaning your brain matter off my mahogany desk and leather chair." He replied.
This is bad. Like REALLY BAD.
She hesitated, but eventually complied and slowly sat back in the chair.
"So, how did you find out it was me?"
Roxanne asked, glaring holes through his face.
Sebastian leaned back in his chair casually.
"You did a very poor job of covering up your scars for one. The other thing is that your voice is on our records, not to mention the many encounters we've had before. We also know Captain Jonas Hill is posing as your brother."
Roxanne snarled.
"Yet he's on his way to Prague now, why haven't you stopped him?"
Sebastian leaned forward again.
"I don't care whether or not he gets out of here."
Roxanne leaned away from his face.
His face creased into a sickening smile.
"He's not worth the trouble. But you-" he said, pointing at her. "Seem to have something up your sleeve. I know that I killed you five months ago, but yet you are sitting right in front of me. I can see the bullet wound on your head. So tell me.
How did you survive?"
"You won't get to find out, even if you do worse than what you did in Peru."
He stood up and towered over her.
"I would watch your mouth."
"Bite me."
Sebastian raised his hand to slap her, when the door to office was suddenly slammed open, knocking Victor to the floor.
Jonas stood in the doorway with a gun pointed directly at Sebastian.
"Lay a hand on her, I'll end this whole war with one bullet." Sebastian glared at him.
Victor tried to discreetly get up, but without even looking away from Sebastian, Jonas knocked him out with a single punch.
"Come on, we gotta go now."
Roxanne grabbed her prized 92 off the desk and retreated behind Jonas. Jonas backed out of the room. Once Roxanne was a ways away, he took off right behind her, heading straight for the gate.
They tore out the gate, past the bewildered guard on duty, and raced down the long back road.
They flagged down a civilian vehicle and explained that they needed a ride into the capital.
The man agreed, and within hours, Roxanne and Jonas were back in Minsk.

Roxanne looked out the window of the hotel room. Outside, hundreds of people were rioting up and down the streets.
"As much as I hate being so close to these types of public protests, it's provided a great cover."
"Indeed, I haven't had much time to study the language, but from I've heard they're rioting against the government."
Roxanne closed the curtain again and sat down across from him.
"What did the government do to get them this stirred up?"
Jonas sighed as he zipped the last bag up.
"They're angry because the government has made this country a sanctuary for The Ordinance. As far as the people are concerned, they're bad news. Belarus has been fairly neutral for a lot of recent conflicts, and they don't want to invite any trouble into their peaceful lands."
"Can't say I blame them. We fly into Prague in an hour right?"
"I've got the private charter booked. Let's get moving."

Jonas sighed in relief as the familiar air of Cedar's Cay hit his face again.
"Good to be home."
Roxanne stretched her back as she stepped out of the small single engine that had flown them from the mainland to base.
"I think I've had enough excitement to last the rest of my life. Not to mention enough world travel."
Jonas grinned.
"We did what we set out to do. That paper Fowler slipped did us a ton of favors. Most of what I recovered from the basement files was encrypted, but base said the boys got it cracked pretty easily."
"I'm glad you decided to burst in when you did. Another few minutes and I'd be scraping my blood off the mahogany table."
"I think you just need to learn to stay out of trouble."
Roxanne tilted her head as she opened the door to the barracks.
"Trouble finds me, not the other way around."
Jonas barely managed to make it through the door when he was bombarded with questions from Robert and Aaron. George and Veronica were already cornering Roxanne like the paparazzi at a red carpet.
"How was the mission?"
"Did you get caught?"
"Was Belarus pretty?"
"What was their base like?"
"Who was head of operations?"
"When are they planning to attack?"
Jonas held up his hands to defend himself.
"Guys, guys, guys, we just got back. It's almost 4:00 Am and we haven't slept yet. Ask us questions in the morning."
Roxanne nodded in agreement. Three of the four interrogators left, but George stayed behind.
"You two holding up?"
Roxanne half nodded while Jonas just shrugged.
"Just another covert mission, nothing we weren't used to. I'm headed to bed, I'll talk more about it in the morning."
He left Roxanne and George alone on the first floor.
"Roxanne, did anything bad happen?"
Roxanne sighed and went in depth about the close encounter with Sebastian and Victor at the end of the mission.
"Thank God you both made it back in one piece. You know how much I hate you having to go on such risky trips without the team."
"I know, but we're alright. We should get some sleep."
George agreed, and they went to their respective rooms on the top two floors.
Before George entered his room, he paused and waved to Roxanne, who was down the hallway.
"Goodnight, I'll be waiting at the cafe when you wake up."
She smiled and waved back.
"Goodnight George, I'll be there, I promise."

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