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George stood frozen,he wondered if what had happened really happened.
"FIND A WAY DOWN, I'LL GET HELP!" Michael's distressed yelling knocked him back into his senses.
As Michael bolted through the forest George looked for a safe way down into the ravine below. He found a way that was the shortest and trudged through the medium depth stream. He scanned the River bank until her caught a glimpse of black.
And Crimson.
He ran quickly to where his friend lay,completely still.
The horrible gashes on her face made him look away for a moment. But he knew time was of the essence. He pulled half of her limp body of of the stream and laid his fingers on her neck. He held his breath.
He breathed a small sigh. She was alive,but her heartbeat was faint. Behind him he could hear others making their way to where they were. Michael came first,followed by Robert and Jonas. "We have to get her out before she bleeds out any more." Michael sounded genuinely worried. Without another word Jonas ripped off his jacket and used it to stop the bleed around her throat. Robert followed suit,tearing off the sleeve of his arm to bandage her face. Michael grabbed her under her arms and George held her legs. The tiny team of four made it to the top the steep bank,greeted by Dr. Schneider and Veronica. They hoisted her into the jeep that sat running. George and the others followed on foot back to base.

Roxanne was left in a hospital room in the infirmary to recover. Jonas and George waited outside to hear what might happen. Michael was pacing the halls when Aaron shot into the infirmary doors looking panicked. "What happened? What's going on? Is she ok?" George seemed surprised,Aaron and Roxanne had only really become friends recently,yet he seemed to fear as if it was his brother in the ICU.

Michael said nothing and continued pacing,something about his expression seemed..guilty? George didn't have time to think more on this,as Aaron began harassing him about what happened. While George was being interrogated,Jonas sat against the wall,wondering why he even cared so much. We've never been friends,everyone else here has some bond with her. Maybe I should leave. As if knowing what he was thinking Robert walked over and put his hand on his shoulder. "She would appreciate you being here." Jonas almost didn't understand what he meant. The more he thought about though,he did understand. Our rivalry is our bond. We push each other to do the best we can. Always trying to one up each other.

Veronica sat by Roxanne's bedside wondering what could have possibly gone wrong. The bridge had always been safe and they always checked the ropes age. Dr. Jason was patching up her face. He halted when he saw some odd scars on her hands and arms. "Veronica,please take a look at these." Veronica realized what they were,she had promised to keep quiet about them. "What are they sir?"
Maybe play dumb,make him think you have no idea. "They're cigarette burns. I know she doesn't smoke. Do you know where she might've gotten these?" Veronica wanted to tell him everything,about how horrible Killian was. But she made a promise she didn't want Roxanne to get hurt even worse if Killian found out she told. "No sir." Dr. Jason stared at her.
Please don't prod further.
To her relief he didn't.

Outside, Robert watched as Veronica cared for Roxanne. He wished he could talk to her,tell her how he had been feeling,but now wasn't the time. George had been prodding him to ask Veronica out for months now and the more he saw her the mor he wanted to.
One step at a time.
He walked in and casually asked her if she needed anything.
"I would love something to eat,no one is probably in the cafeteria right now." He headed down and ended up meeting George in there. He sat down and began talking with him. "When are you gonna ask her?" Robert sighed,he wasn't dropping it anytime soon.
"I'm not sure,maybe once Roxanne recovers I'll get the courage."
He looked at George. "What about you? Why didn't you tell her how you felt?"
George tried to play dumb. "Who? I've never liked Veronica,she wasn't my type."
Robert rolled his eyes, "No not Veronica,Roxanne. I'm not blind,there's something going on there."
George tried to hide his embarrassment. "Roxanne is a valued friend and a great teammate,we're just really good friends."
"No,you and Helen are really good friends,that's not what's going on with Roxanne. I've seen how you look at her during training sessions,how you always pick a seat next to her in lecture. Maybe it's time you just need to come out and say it."
George put his head into his hand. "I don't know,what if she's not into me like that and I end up screwing up the friendship? I just want to give it more time."
"You keep giving it more time and Aaron's gonna swoop in and steal her."
George's head shot up. "Now hold on you don't think that Aaron-"
"I don't think,I know so. I spotted him eyeing her during lecture halls. And especially during training. You've got competition George,don't screw up." With the last word,Robert got up and nabbed some sandwiches for Veronica and went back upstairs.
George sat there,a little surprised at Roberts observation.
Or maybe it was just too easy to tell.
As he sat there he wondered what he was going to do once Roxanne recovered.
Maybe he's right. Maybe I just need to stop dancing around it.

Injustice Dies In Daylight: The Complete Saga Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu