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The weeks flew by and the 8 month mark was rapidly approaching. Roxanne want sure if she'd survive the next 4 months of Killian's leadership. She figured out that it was best to drop the papers and run before he could get a swing at her. So far the strategy had worked. Though it got her weird looks from the other office workers. This particular day however, Killian had asked her to take some papers from his office and burn them. Roxanne didn't wanna question this very odd request,but she assumed it was because they were private documents that needed to be destroyed. As she carried the papers down the hallway a breeze from the open window sent the papear stack scattering. Frustrated at this delay Roxanne started picking up the documents. Execute. Roxanne stopped dead at the words on the slip as she picked it up to read on. Trying to reas quickly she only caught a few words,the document had been badly damaged beforehand. Execute,Insurance,Pay off,Phoenix.Roxanne felt her heart turn seeing her name on a document with a such a vaguely threatening premise. She decide to stuff it into her pocket and figure it out later. She finished her task and ran back to her room. Unfolding the piece of paper she attempted to decode what it said.
Pay off Rigel,execute the instructions to deal with Phoenix and _______. Use Diloum for Insurance.
She was itching to know who else was to be "dealt with" but right now she began to panic.
Diloum was a type of poison that with minimal dose cause paralysis for a few hours and in large doses kill someone. It was also a lab made poison that left no trace in the body after a few hours. Was he planning on poisoning her and another individual? She decided to hide the paper for evidence in case she needed it.

She pulled up her rug and tugged at the floor boards with her bowie knife until it came up. She hid the paper in there with a note saying where the paper came from and that should she die an investigation should be made. She looked at the top corner of the document, October 23,2025.
Not even a month after the accident.
Had he been part of that too? She headed outside in the dark and walked toward Rex's Pond somewhere to think for a moment. She weighed her options,confront him and get a confession,or maybe an explanation. After all maybe she was just crazy for assuming he wanted to kill her or anyone else. What reason would he have?
Against her better judgement she decided to confront him instead. She made her way towards the Beta building and thought about the past weeks. Maybe this whole thing wasn't a misunderstanding,maybe she and this unknown individual had done something to drive Killian over the edge. She was confused and angry. The more she though about it,the more enraged she became. As she climbed the stairs she wondered what exactly to say to him. She blew past Aaron without a hello and opened the door to Killian's office.

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