World Crumbling

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Aaron was exhausted. He was just about sick of all the work he had to do. Papers here,papers there,papers everywhere it seemed. He wanted to get out of there so he could go hang out with his friends for once,and not have to hear any more of Michaels yapping about responsibility. Roxanne had just blown by without a word.
She was behaving oddly and he wondered why it had taken her almost two hours to come back. It didn't matter,he'd see her down at the Anchor soon anyhow,right? That's when he heard footsteps coming up the hallway,well it was more of a stomp,but he didn't care who was mad not unless it was-
"Aaron,you still have three more piles of papers to finish with. Don't be lazy!"
It was Michael,coming to reprimand him about his silly duties.
"It's almost 11:00 PM" Aaron sighed,"I'll finish them in the morning,when I have more time."
Michael looked annoyed. "No you'll finish them no-" he was cut off by a blood curdling scream from the opposite hallway. Without a word they both ran towards the noise and saw Heather standing in front of their father's office,with a spilled coffee cup at her feet. Her face was as pale as the white walls in the hallway. Aaron was fearful of what could have made her so frightened.
Then he smelled it.
It smelled so strong of metal he thought he was going to get a headache. He finally peeked inside the office,and felt his stomach and heart drop. There,lying on the floor of the office,was his father. In a pool of blood with a large grotesque gash in his neck. A knife was laying nearby that was soaked in blood. Aaron knew the knife belonged to him; he had seen it in his desk often. His body was facing the door,and his once bright green eyes were now a milky white,his clothes drenched in his his crimson blood. Aaron was too horrified to move. He blacked out.

He woke up staring at the white ceiling of the infirmary.
The stench still seemed to be stuck in his nose,and he couldn't close his eyes without seeing his father's deathly appearance. He finally worked up the courage to ask Robert: "What happened?" Robert flinched and couldn't look at him for a moment. After what felt like an eternity he finally turned back to him. "He was,well we suspect that he was murdered."
Aaron could feel the color and soul drain out of him. He didn't understand. Who would do that? Why would someone do something like this? Suddenly the brutal realization hit him: Roxanne was the last person to see him.
Surely she wouldn't- she couldn't,she has no reason to. She looked up to him and worked for him.she would never want to hurt him,would she? He tried to reason with himself,but that gut feeling wouldn't go away.
The next morning felt like nightmare. A group had found Roxanne sitting at Rex'a pond covered in blood muttering something to herself. She was,of course,arrested and charged with Killian's murder. No one really believed the charge till the lab report on the knife came back with her fingerprints on it. Roxanne's didn't even try to defend herself,she just repeated that she didn't mean to. The trial was scheduled for a few weeks later and the days leading up to it were terrible for everyone.

Week One: Aaron and George tried to talk to Roxanne while she was on house arrest but she just sat there quietly apologizing. For Aaron his fathers death was almost a relief. He was finally free from his abuse and fear mongering. The circumstances of his death were tragic. And no one knew who to truly believe. Jonas knew what went on behind closed doors,but fear kept him from speaking out. George knew she had no reason to and chose to be a character witness for her. Veronica knew there was no history of violent attacks or mental problems and wanted to assist George in character witness. Robert combed through anything that may prove they weren't the only two in the room that night. Aaron didn't know what to do. He wasn't sure if it was murder or not,Roxanne wasn't denying it. Michael wanted him to testify what he saw,which meant that Aaron would have to come to terms with the fact that maybe it was murder after all. Michael was completely convinced it was murder,he didn't even have reason, or so Aaron thought. Aaron just sat on his bed confused and anxious. The only thing that was consistent was a clock ticking nearby
*Tick Tick Tick*

Roxanne stared at the clock on her wall,recalling the events that had just plays out over and over again in her mind. That blade,the struggle to control it,the horrible feeling when she lashed back at him. His coughing and sputtering as he bled out. The fear and panic as ran out of the building knowing her fingerprints were on that knife.
Maybe she shouldn't have ran,maybe she could have explained what happened. No matter how you put it,no one would have believed her. It was over and the court day would prove that.

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