Take it to the Grave

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George and Robert sat outside the hospital room,where Veronica and Jason were taking care of Jonas.
"I can't believe it." George muttered.
"Yeah,I feel the same for the hombre pobre." Robert mused back.
"Roxanne thinks it's her fault."
"I heard. She was just trying to get it away from Rigel."
"Hill will be alright. He's a tough guy, a bullet to the ribs won't be enough to take him out."
"But what about what he said to Roxanne right before he blacked out?"
"Roxanne said it didn't mean anything but they're both of the same fabric."
"What do you mean by that?"
"They're the same kind of person,they both have their secrets they'd never divulge."
"Now it seems they share one."
"It's best not to probe right now."
"Have they found anything to convict Rig and Fowl yet?"
"Not yet,other than our two witness account of what happened with Rigel,but since we didn't actually see Fowler shooting at us,it's a task convincing the authorities to charge him on assault."
"Crud,the last thing we need is them running around free again."
"Yeah,they think that Victor will probably get the money to bail them out."
"We really should've gotten all three at once. If one of them is free all of them will be eventually. It's the way of the world I guess."
"Yeah, idiots like that run free while their victims are forced to watch."

6 Hours Later
"I still can't believe that judge threw out the kidnapping and torture case we had against them." George murmured in anger as they returned from the courthouse
"They'd paid off that judge,and as much as I'd like to kill all of them,especially after hurting two of my teammates,it'd just make things hot water for us."
"There are some criminals who deserve nothing less than death."
"But death is the cheap way out for those cowards. To rot in jail with no freedom for the rest of their days is fitting."
Jason strolled it off the room,interrupting the conversation.
"How's he doing Doc?"
"He's fine,he's awake and wants to talk to you two-" he paused and looked up and down the hallways. "-and Roxanne but I see she isn't here,if you see her tell her Jonas wants to speak with her as well."
"We will." George assured him as he and Robert walked into the room.
Jonas sat upright on a hospital bed,his usual black jacket and two stripe shirt replaced with a hospital gown. The monitor showed the steady rhythm of his heart.
George approached with a friendly smile on his face.
"Hey J,how are you feeling?"
Jonas however had an expression of all business.
"Did we get Rigel and Fowler?"
George nodded, "They're in custody right now."
Jonas relaxed a little.
"How did you guys know where to look?"
Robert held up his hand. "Two things,the first was a paper our niño Aaron found,the second was your last known location."
"And the agent?"
"Dead,he attempted to kill Fowler but was killed before he could finish the job."
George responded.
"I guess that wraps up everything."
"Almost,they're still looking through the mines for the rest of the stolen ore."
"I see." He looked between the two men standing in front of him.
"If you see Roxanne tell her I want to talk to her. Alone."
George nodded,a hint of concern rising in his mind.
What does he need to talk with her alone for?

Jonas watched his two friends leave the room,the question still heavy on his mind.
Is it still a secret?
He was still in a lot of pain,but managed to drift off to sleep.
A few hours later,he woke up to the lights in his room dimmed.
He looked out the window and saw it was dark out.
He turned to where his nightstand was and was surprised to see Roxanne sleeping in the chair next to it.
He sat up,the movement causing her to wake up as well.
"Oh you're awake."
"Yeah,have you been here for a few hours?"
"How'd you know?"
"Your eyes are really saggy,I fell asleep not long before 3:00 PM,it's now 3:00 AM."
"I've been sitting here since about 11:00."
"Held up by paperwork?"
She rubbed her eyes.
"Unfortunately yes,witness accounts,the sit rep,more witness accounts."
"Sorry. I should've been out doing half of those."
"Hey the only reason you weren't able to was because of me,for that I deserve a nightmare of papers."
He pointed a stern finger at her.
"That was an accident,if anything it's Rigel's fault."
"Still if I had kept my finger off the trigger-"
"He still would've had his on it."
"Alright I won't get into that. But I think I know why you really wanted to talk to me."
"Do you?"
"I haven't told them."
He leaned back,feeling a little relieved,but also unsure.
"I'm starting to wonder if I should tell them."
"Why didn't you?"
"I'm the leader of this team,and a major player in the fight against him. If they know we're half siblings they could have a good reason to question my loyalties."
Roxanne remained silent.
"I wouldn't blame you if you chose to tell them."
"Do you think that Aaron feels similar to how you do?"
Jonas stared at the ceiling comparing Michael and Rigel to one another.
Both were criminals who deserved to be behind bars,but even Michael drew the line somewhere.
"Michael holds morals,he's never directly hurt us,even when he stole that weapon they did it without killing or even hurting anyone."
Roxanne stared at him.
"He has hurt people before."
"Do you remember when I went missing in action while in New York?"
"Of course I do. We had assumed it was the Venatores who attacked and killed that convey. Are you saying-"
"It was Michael,of course he wasn't there when it happened,but it was under his orders."
"I thought he held a moral standpoint."
"He does to some extent,I don't think he's a fan of killing everyday civilians or us."
"His old friends,brothers in arms he served with."
"Even so,he's still a better crook than Rigel. Rigel is a murderous coward,he and Fowler hide behind Victor and the money they make hunting people for sport."
Roxanne sat silent unsure pf how to help him.
"How do you feel knowing that I was lying to you?"
"About who attacked that convoy? Annoyed."
"Do you think the rest of the team would be annoyed if they found out you didn't trust us enough to tell us."
"I was afraid I would be shunned for it. I hate my half brother as much as the rest of you,but we're still blood in the end. And to see what he did to you,my friend,how can anyone look at me the same way?"
Roxanne grew angry,she stood and slammed her hands on the dresser next to his bed. He didn't even flinch.
"Do you blame Aaron for what Killian has done? You suffered at hands of Killian,just as I suffered at Rigel's. Do not think for even a second that you are responsible for the actions you had no part of. The choices of someone are ones made all of their own,no matter who has done something to you,who has treated you cruelly,the choice always falls on you to be a good person or not."
Jonas turned and stared at the wall,seething. He heard her sigh as her head dropped,facing the floor.
"Alright,I shouldn't have gotten so mad. But for the love of Pete,don't blame the guitar when the piano is out of tune."
He glanced at her out of the corner of his eyes,giving her a weird look.
"I mean Don't blame yourself for what you were not even involved in."
He watched her walk towards the door.
Would they be as forgiving as she thinks?
She turned to look at him.
He half smiled, "Thanks for the pep talk,I'll think about it." His face became serious again, "But for now,we keep it between the two of us."
"I'll take it to the grave if I must."
She shut the door,and he listened as her footsteps echoed down the hallways.

Robert sat outside the door,noting that Roxanne was headed for it.
I won't breathe a word,for your sake amigo.

George threw a ball against the wall,catching it as it bounced back.
Aaron watched,noting how he seemed bothered.
"J won't tell me why he needed to talk to Roxanne."
I must've been staring.
"I wonder why?"
"I don't know,even Robert won't tell me if he heard anything when he walked by the other day. It seems everyone is keeping secrets around here."
"Not me,you guys know just about everything." Aaron smiled.
It didn't seem to cheer George up.
"Are you worried something is going on?"
"Yeah,between them." He threw the ball a little too hard,and it barely missed hitting Aaron behind him.
"It's all good. I thought you told her how you felt?"
"I did,but I'm worried that she's not being honest about how she feels."
"Then try this super helpful trick I try to use."
George snapped around,intrigued.
"What's that?"
"Talk to her."
George turned back around,rolling his eyes but now smiling a little.
"Oh that's real funny there."
"My point still stands."
"Alright I will."
He picked up his phone,and began dialing her number.
"Hey,yeah,I wanted to ask if I could meet you somewhere to talk."
Aaron watched him pace back and forth nervously.
A man who's faces down the toughest military forces,scared to talk to a woman.
He finally ended the call.
"Wish me luck."
"Already have." He said,jokingly saluting .

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