Breaking Point

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The hallway seemed dead silent,save for the gunfire outside.
Roxanne's leg was shaking under her weight,but her hand was steady.
"Tell the others to get ready."
George refused to move from his position.
"Roxanne,whatever you're thinking,it's not worth it."
"We kill soldiers every day. This isn't different."
Victor sat there frozen,staring down the gun barrel in fear.
"War isn't about personal grudges."
Roxanne glanced at him before returning her cold stare back to Victor.
"He's an enemy,there's no denying that. But when you start killing over personal problems you're no bette than they are. When you step onto a battlefield you're going out there to defend your country. Killing Victor only protects yourself."
Her hand shook a little on the gun,but her stone face expression remained.
George realized her hand was shaking because her finger was tightening around the trigger.
He realized trying to appeal would do nothing. He watched waiting to see what would happen.

Jonas walked down the winding hallways,careful not to make any noise.
Listening closely for any sign of the one he wanted to get his hands on. His hunt was interrupted by his comm link
"Taurus,we've got a situation. Do you copy."
"Wendigo,I read you,what's going on?"
"Well good news first as always,I found Banshee and we were on our way to the meeting point."
"Well that's good to hear,wait-what do you mean 'were'?"
"A hostile by the name of Victor got in our way,I took him down but now Banshee's got a gun pointing right between his eyes."
"She isn't actually going to shoot him is she!?"
"That's just it,I think she is."
"You don't think they've already messed with her do you?"
"I don't kno-"
"It's alright,she just shot him in the leg,nothing vital. She's taking out the cartridges."
"Thank God,I'll meet you at the evac point."
"Right side."

He closed the comm channel,then continues down to the atrium.
He slowly but surely opened the door,knowing what was waiting on the other side.
Standing there at parade rest,was Sebastian.
"Are you here to settle your score?"
"Sebastian Heroux,I've been assigned to take you into the custody of the United States government for acts of international terrorism."
"Or die trying."
"Wrong. Either you leave this facility peacefully,or I leave you here in a puddle of your own blood and guts."
"You like to sound like a hero,don't you Jonas?"
"Don't try that psychoanalysis schtick on me. I am well aware of my shortcomings."
"Then we have nothing to discuss. I'm going to break your neck with my bare hands,and watch the life drain out of your face."
Not allowing himself to be afraid,Jonas grabbed his arm and tossed him over his shoulder. Taking the breath out of Sebastian when he struck the ground at full force. Unfortunately for Jonas,he didn't let go in time,and was yanked downwards.
Sebastian's knee made contact with Jonas' face,creating a bloody stream down his nose. His eyes watered from the pain.
He stumbled back,and was struck again in the stomach.
He quickly recovered,blocking the next blows and landing a number of his own.
But punching Sebastian was like driving his first through a brick wall,it barely made a difference.
There's no way out of this without one of us getting killed.
Suddenly,as Jonas stood up to face him again he suddenly stumbled backwards.
"What's wrong? Something hurt? Can't take much more?" Sebastian mocked him.
He vomited a bit of blood.
What's happening to me?

Something's wrong,I can feel it.
Roxanne stopped in the hallway.
"Come in we have to keep moving."
"No,something is happening. We have to go help Jonas."
"Are you nuts? You can barely walk,and Jonas will be fine."
" don't understand. We HAVE to go help him. This is life or death."
George stared at her balancing the options. She wasn't moving unless they went to get Jonas out,but he couldn't let her walk straight into death trap when the whole reason they were even here was to get her out.
After a long while,he caved.
"Alright,but you stay right with me the whole time."
"I wouldn't dream of doing anything else."

To Jonas,the room seemed like it was moving. Everything was spinning like he was on the worlds worse dizzatron at the worlds most cruel amusement park.
Above him Sebastian continued his harassment,both verbally and physically.
If he wasn't throwing up every few minutes he'd probably have something smart to say back.
Finally in between dry heaves he managed to ask him what he needed to know.
"What did you do?" It came out breathless and wheezing.
"Simply put,I blew poison in your face."
"That's right hotshot. I knew you had discovered this location,and I knew better than to just abandon it. Instead,I found this
as a perfect opportunity to do two things."
"What things?" Jonas knew his time was running out,he silently held down the radio,broadcasting what was being said to his teammates.
"The first was to convert one of you to our side. At first we thought about you,being the leader of your team turning you would break everything they stood for. Unfortunately when we stole the files for all of you,I was told that your psychological profile left no room for the brainwashing process to work. Many of your teammates stories are the same as yours."
"Except Banshee,or does she prefer her real name?"
"It's Banshee to you jerk weed."
Don't tell me that moron...
Beyond his blurred line vision he could hear Roxanne furiously yell at Sebastian.
George was right behind her,infuriating Jonas even more.
They disobeyed my direct order. Wait,what about Aaron and Robert?

Blissfully unaware of what was going on below,Aaron and Robert waited with the helicopter. They had easily cleared any enemies out of their way.
"What's taking them so long?"
Robert looked at Aaron then looks back at the entrance to the large structure.
"Don't know,maybe they got lost."

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