Unforeseen Hero

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All Day and night they worked to deactivate the Diranium Core. Imani and Aaron had figured out a different power source that could be deactivated and destroyed remotely. Before night fall on the the second day the weapon was ready.
Michael was to contact them at 10:00 PM with his answer. He didn't understand why he felt so nervous. It was just a simple trade. A trade that could save a life.
He pushed the thought down. Banshee was just an unexpected add on. He didn't really care,right?

What time is it? For that matter,what day is it?
Roxanne had no way of keeping track of time,and even if she could her vision was blurry and she could barely see straight. Her left ear was clogged with blood,and her ribs hurt to the high heavens. She could ate least see it was dark outside from the smashed up window. The iron door clattered open,and through her blurred line of sight she could see it was Fowler and Rigel. At this point she just expected a slap or punch but instead Fowler walked behind her while Rigel stayed in her vision. She felt the handcuffs fall off and Rigel reached down and pulled her up by her shirt. For a moment she stumbled,her legs had become so numb after being in that chair.
Lucky I didn't cut myself,I probably would get tetanus. They half carried half drug her down the hallway to a room where Victor was waiting. This time the big monitor was on,waiting to receive the call. Fowler forced her to sit in the chair. At least this one was much more comfortable than the other. She finally could see the time,9:58 PM.
"We have two minutes. If he agrees,you're in luck,if not,then the road ends here,"
How pleasant.
One minute seemed to be one year waiting with such anticipation. The clock hit 10:00 and contact was made.
Roxanne could see Michael's face clearly,even with her miserable eyesight.
"Have you made up your mind?"
"I have."
Roxanne held her breath. She didn't want to die,but she also didn't want a sadist like Victor get a hold of the weapon.
"Well,what it's going to be?"
The air in the room seemed to become tense for the second he took to answer.
"I agree to your terms."
She could feel her heart sink. "Mike,you can't give it to them-" she was cut off by a punch to the stomach.
"Then it's agreed,I'll give you the time and location to meet. Don't try anything stupid,or you know what'll happen."
"I am well aware."
Roxanne was still dizzy from the punch. But she felt Rigel and Fowler each grab one arm and pull her out of the room.
It didn't matter anyways,she was furious with Michael,but then again why did she even think he'd listen to her? They stood on two different sides of the aisle. But what really confused her is why he'd be willing to make a trade that screwed him over? There was nothing to gain by giving up the weapon. Except maybe he wouldn't worry about the CIA or FBI breathing down his back. But still,what was his angle here?

Michael watched Fowler and Rigel take the beaten Roxanne out of the room. Something about the way they handled her irked him. He ignored his own anger,and instead spoke with Victor.
"So you want me to bring it to you at Arrow Islands,is that correct?"
"Correct,at five PM. You bring us the weapon,we bring you the Sergeant. Alive."
Victor could feel his eye twitch a tad. He had truly hoped that they wouldn't hand it over.
Nothing could have made him more happy than to able to break Banshee.
To make her pay.
But that would have to wait. He was a man of his word,and he had made a deal.
"I trust you'll keep your end of the bargain,Victor."
"You worry about getting the Weapon to Arrow on time."
Michael signed off. The others in the room remained silent,Victor had no idea that Richard and many others had been listening in.
"I've done my part,now I need you to tear up our warrants."
"We will,and we'll forget you ever existed. At least until you mess with us again."

Fowler,Rigel,Victor,and Roxanne sat waiting on Arrow Isle. Overhead they could see a freighter plane circling looking for a place to land.
She knew what was about to happen. Before the plane landed however,Rigel suddenly turned and struck her hard on the back of the head. For her,everything went dark.

Michael landed the aircraft nearby as Victor approached.
"Well,do you have it?"
Austin and Shae opened the hatch and hauled out the crate.
"Yeah,where's our part?"
Victor whistled for Rigel,and they watched as he hauled an unconscious Banshee over his shoulder down the slope.
He threw her body roughly on the ground at Michael's feet.
Without needing another word,Austin gently picked the limp form up and carried her carefully to the aircraft. He laid her on the floor and tried to wake her up by lightly
"Let's see the weapon."
The crate was opened to reveal the bizarre tank missile hybrid. Michael watched in disgust at the greed in Victors eyes.
This is what a life was worth to him.
A prototype,not even a true-blue completed one.
But he knew he would be the same way Victor was if it was anyone else.
Anyone but those he once called friends.
No matter how much they hated each other,how many times she chased him down,he could never kill her.
Not her,not Aaron,not George or Jonas,none of his former brothers and sisters in arms.
He was still soft for them,but he wouldn't let them stand between him and power.
Victor's quizzing on how it worked snapped him out of his thoughts. He answered honestly,knowing it would be destroyed in less than a few hours.
"That's all I need,now take your pathetic excuse for a soldier and get off this island."
The only pathetic excuse here is you.
He marched back on the plane where Shae sat waiting to take off.
Austin was sitting on the floor in the cargo hold caring for Roxanne.
"She holding up alright?"
"She's breathing if that makes you feel better,but it looks like she's suffered some pretty bad abuse. In fact look at her shoulder."
Michael looked for the spot he referred to,and it almost make him sick.
"What is it? It looks like a really nasty burn."
"Well based on the shape and such,it's a branding iron mark."
Mike felt like crushing Victors throat. There was a line crossed,a bridge too far.
Punches and slaps were one thing,you could recover from those,but a branding iron was permanent.
He couldn't imagine how painful it probably was.
"Austin,go look for some first aid kits,I'll stay here with her until you find something."
Austin sheepishly obliged,seemingly still worried about the burns.
As Austin searched,Michael checked abrasions and injuries on her. He found bruises on her face and arms.
He held her hand,and tightly squeezed it.
"I hope you turn out better than I did."

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