A New Kind of Enemy

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"Why can't I come with you?"
"Because the training grounds are no place for a 13 year old."
"It's only a five year difference between 13 and 18,besides in case you've forgotten,I have the knowledge level of both you and my father."
"You still have the body of the 13 year old. Stay away from the training grounds,do you understand?"
"...yes ma'am."
"Good,when the time is right I'll give you some training,but not yet."
"Someone's never read comics."
"You aren't a Robin son."

"One two,one two. Cmon get those stretches in."
"You know for someone who's retiring soon,it feels like James is doubling down on us." George observed.
"His reign won't last much longer,so he's getting his licks in now." Jonas snarked.
"Tyranny,it won't stand." Roxanne responded.
"Isn't that a quote from the fellow Lieutenant you met?" Robert asked.
"I can't believe you remembered that."
"Alright everyone,drop and give me twenty."
"Man maybe Veronica and Heather have it better,is it too late to become a medic?" Helen asked.
"Sorry Helen,we're soldiers not surgeons."
"Roxanne that is the corniest thing I've ever heard you say."
"That was mean,but correct. I didn't have enough time to think of something better."
"How about, 'Sorry,we're stitching up bad guys,not wounds.'"
"George I think that was honestly worse." She responded.
"Yeah that's honestly factual."
"Phoenix,Hill,I need to speak with you both."
"Uh oh. We're our push-ups not good?"
"I doubt it."
They walked over to where James stood.
""What's going on Captain?"
"With my retirement,it's time to discuss your promotions."
"His?" Roxanne asked.
"Both of you."
They looked at each other.
"I'm talking about the Howling Phantoms. I've watched how both of you have led the team in your own times,and I'm impressed by both of you. And that's the problem,both of you are deserving of the title of captain and leadership."
He held up his hand to keep Jonas from saying anything else.
"No need son,I know what you're going to say. I'm not putting either of you through a test to see who is deserving of the title. In fact,I was hoping for something."
"What's that sir?"
"I want you to hold a joint leadership. Work together as leaders,you have your individual strengths and weaknesses attuned to you. For instance; Roxanne is better at talking her way out of a situation than you Jonas,but she doesn't have your strength in combat or your decision-making in a stressful situation."
"Yes sir."
"The team is now yours,both of you. Remember,your cooperation and teamwork is vital to the team's survival."
"Yes sir,we won't let you down."
"I know you won't."

"Circle the target Víbora,we can land on that roof."
"I see it."
"Banshee,prepare to jump out with me and Ace."
"Wendigo,Rose,Víbora,stay aboard and wait for further instructions."
"Yes sir."
"Ready? Bail!"
Roxanne jumped and rolled. Holding onto her rifle as she brushed herself off. Jonas and Aaron joined her side by side as they headed for the roof access door. It was locked.
"Banshee,break it down."
Banshee slung her rifle across her back as she she stepped back,and kicked the door down.
Just to be met with a bullet to the shoulder.
She fell back as Aaron shot her attacker. Jonas stooped down to her side.
"You good?"
"I'm alright,let's go."
She tied a rag she carried around her shoulder and they took off down the stairs.
They cleaned the hallways as they made their way to the target office.
This time,Aaron broke down the locked door.
Roxanne,and Jonas,Jonas began to root through the file cabinets while Aaron took up space next to the door to keep watch.
"Got something." Roxanne said pulling out one of the files.
"Good work,let's see what else we can find."

Suddenly the radio crackled,indicating an incoming transmission.
"This is Taurus,state your message."
"How long we got?!"
He grabbed the folder and they booked it for the stairwell.Roxanne following behind the other two. As they made it to the third floor,the whole building quaked,and explosion was heard. All three were forced to the ground from the  shake of the entire building. Smoke billowed down the halls as they heard the lower floors begin to collapse.Jonas and Aaron pulled themselves to their feet,Roxanne struggled as she tried to keep her weight off her shoulder. Jonas ran back and helped her up,costing them a few precious seconds. Behind them,the floor had begun to collapse. Aaron had waited on them,but the danger was becoming even more imminent.
Aaron hesitated but ran up the stairs towards the waiting aircraft.
Another tremor forced Roxanne and Jonas back to the floor. He kept her arm over his soldier as he collapsed with her.
"Jonas,leave me,you won't make it with me."
"I can't do that Roxanne and you know it."
"So we both get killed?"
"We're gonna survive,we're almost to the rooftops. We're gonna be ok."
Finally they climbed the stairs,making it to the roofs where the helicopter hovered slightly above the crumbling building.
Before they could get to it,the ground below gave way,sending Roxanne hurtling downwards.
She felt Jonas grab her hand,trying desperately to pull her up.
But her weight was causing the unstable ground under his feet to start cracking.
She let her grip slack,forcing him to lose his grip as well.
After a moment of fear,his grip gave way.
His voice was cut off from Roxanne's hearing as she hit the ground. Everything going black.

Jonas stared in horror at where she had fallen. He couldn't see her anymore from the rubble.
Reality snapped back as he heard Robert yelling for him.
Reluctantly he ran for the helicopter,a tear forming in his eye. This was His mission,and now he'd lost one of his teammates.
One of his friends.
"Jonas,what happened? Did Roxanne find another way out?" Aaron asked anxiously.
"No..Aaron I-she's gone. I lost my grip."
George's face looked ghostly. He sat down slowly as he stared out the window. Jonas felt sick.
"Land the copter over there,I don't care if this isn't a part of our mission. I need to know."
Robert obliged and Jonas jumped out,carrying his rifle with him.
Jonas ran down the hill,ducking suddenly when he saw that the building had been swarmed with enemies.
He carefully made his way to the remains of the offices. Avoiding the sea of hostile soldiers.
He finally got close enough to see inside of the wreck.
Within moments he spotted her black cloak in the mess of concrete and metal.
He watched her form carefully.
To his wave of relief he could see her faintly breathing. But he couldn't reach her yet.
Unfortunately he wasn't the only one to find her.
"Sir,we found a survivor."
His relief turned to horror when he saw him.

The only person able to order Victor and his lackeys around.
He was three times the size of Roxanne. And almost two feet taller than her.
He looked like he never skipped a single gym day in his life.
Jonas tried to stay out of his sight,but he still wanted to see what would happen.
Luckily Genesis didn't see him,but instead strode over to where Roxanne was laying.
She was conscious,as she tried to slowly push herself to her feet.
Genesis reached down and grabbed her by the back of her shirt collar. Holding her up like he was holding the scruff of a cat.
"Captain Phoenix,so good to see you again. Perhaps this time you'll be more willing to join us. After all,this time you don't have much of a choice."
Despite how weak she looked,Jonas could see a ripple of strength as she looked Genesis in the eyes.
He looked slightly disappointed with her response. "What a shame I was hoping you'd be willing to be one of us. But it seems it'll be by force. If you ain't be ours willingly,then we will break you."
Jonas watched as he threw her to the side.
"Take her away."
Jonas couldn't stand it anymore. He had to save his teammate.
He jumped out and fired a shot at Genesis,but nothing happened.
His gun was jammed.
Genesis just looked at him,a sick smile across his face.
"Did you come to try and save your friend? I commend your bravery,but I'm afraid you're not what we're looking for."
Jonas felt a terrible pain as a bullet struck his side. His stupid move could cost him his life.
He crumpled to the ground,watching in terror as they drug Banshee to one of their trucks.
He crawled slowly forward,trying to reach for anything that could help him.
"BANSHEE!" He yelled,knowing that what was happening was unstoppable.

Faintly,Roxanne heard Jonas' shout.
Dear God,I hope I survive to see him again.

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