Cargo Chaos

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At the helipad Roxanne,George,Jonas,and Matt waited for their pilot to arrive and take them out to the Norburry Docks.
While they waited Aaron arrived holding something.
"Roxanne,I wanted to give this to you before you left."
He handed her a golden amulet,shaped like the sun Set in the middle of the the beautiful sun was a small ruby.
"Oh Aaron,it's gorgeous! But where did you get this?"
He smiled a little sheepishly an stared at the ground.
"Down at Spyglasses,I thought you'd like it."
"I love it Aaron,thank you."
He smiled and pulled in for a hug. Roxanne didn't care too much for hugs,nor physical affection in general,but she'd allow it this once. He pulled away but held her shoulders a moment longer.
"Come back with your head on your shoulders,alright?"
"I will." Behind her,George and Jonas feigned jealousy.
"Hey! You're not worried about us?"
Aaron looked embarrassed and told them to be safe. Eventually the helicopter appeared on the horizon and they all said their goodbyes. Moments later they were all in the air flying over the ocean.

"Alright Deserters listen up,that shipment leaves the docks at 6:45. We're to intercept it at 7:15,before the Venatores. We get it attached to our Iron Lady and get out as fast as we can. Everyone clear?"
"Let's get rolling."

"Now you understand how important this shipment is correct?"
"Sir yes sir!"
"Then you will protect it with you life."
"Sir yes sir!"
"Then board up,we have to be at that island before 9:00 PM."

"The shipment leaves at 6:45,we'll intercept it at 7:45,everyone on board?"
"Yes. Rigel has it charter path on the nav,we'll have no issue stopping that ship."
"Good,now go get our boat. We'll stop the ship long enough to get our weapon on board then gun for it."

The ship rocked back and forth on the waves as George and the others watched the horizons. Roxanne and Matt had been assigned with two others to stay with the weapon below deck. George and Jonas sat above deck watching the night sky when they noticed lights overhead.
"Hey,is that a B-17? They shouldn't be flying this low,should they?"
Jonas looked up,a shadow crossing his face.
"No,they shouldn't,I'll alert the captain."
Before he made it up the staircase however,a line from the helicopter struck the deck with insane force. A grappler.
Before anyone could move towards it,four shadowy people sailed down the rope onto deck,brandishing guns of all shapes and sizes.
George froze,Jonas and the others weren't sure what to do. They watched in horror as two moved down to the weapons deck.

Roxanne sat bored,Matt was telling some story that she had already hear a hundred times when the heard someone come down to their level.
"Hey who are yo-"
A gunshot went off and Matt and Roxanne jumped to face whoever it was,only to be nose to nose with a gun barrel.
"Up against the wall."
One made sure to keep the the guards secured while the other unlatched the weapon box. The platform on which the weapon sat,was raised to the upper deck,where the grappler was hooked to the weapon. They watched helplessly as the weapon and the hijackers got away.
Everyone regrouped on the upper level to discuss what to do next.

"This was a disaster,it all happened so fast."
"It was well planned. They must've known when we left the docks and knew what course we'd take."
"Everyone return to your stations,Hayes,East,get those gunshot wounds on your hands checked out. Phoenix,Starr,return to your posts below. I know there isn't anything left to guard but stay below anyways. Costello,Hills,joins me in the cabin for the night."
Roxanne glanced at her watch,7:35.

The Venatores boat raced towards the larger cargo ship,unknown to them that the weapon was gone.

Roxanne sat below deck with Matt. They weren't sure what to say about the chaos that had unfolded.
"Every mission I go on is a disaster,am I a curse?"
"Don't be ridiculous,we couldn't have seen an attack that coordinated coming."
"Maybe you're right."

Rigel and Fowler headed for the cabin. They made their way up the stairs and to the door.
"None of you make a move."
George,Jonas and the captain sat shocked, a second attack?
"What do you want?"
"Don't play stupid. The weapon,which deck?"
"I'm afraid you're too late boy,the weapon was stolen less than half an hour ago." The Captain snapped.
"That's impossible."
"The lowest deck if you think we're lying."
Rigel left for the lowest section while Fowler watched over the three of them.

Not knowing what was going on above Roxanne and Matthew waited to get back on track and go home.
They heard the door creak open and Matt looked up. A ghostly expression crossed his face,and before Roxanne could turn she felt a gun press against the back of her head.
"Where's the weapon?"
"Sorry to disappoint you,Rigel but it's not here."
She heard a small cackle under his breath.
"Sergeant Phoenix. How nice to see you again."
"How very not nice to feel your gun."
"Who stole the weapon?"
"How should I know?"
Suddenly she felt the gun pull away. And his hand grab her by the hair. She was pulled to her feet and forced to face him.
"Was it your good friends in the Deserter's League?"
"Might've been,but I can't be sure. After all,they're smart enough to cover their faces when they steal stuff."
His face grew red hot in anger.
"Then it seems you might actually be of some use after all."
He let go of her hair,but instead grabbed her wrist and pulled away. Matt stood frozen.
She struggled around in his grip. He held her by her wrist as he looked around.
His eyes caught some of the snapped wire that had been used to hold the crate in its place. She saw it too,and immediately tried to wrestle out of his grip. He slipped his gun back into his holster quickly and used his now free hand to grab her other wrist before she had a chance to hit him. Fowler had just made his entrance and he finished the job. The wire hurt and felt like it was cutting off the circulation. But even with her hands restrained she didn't make it easy for either of them to get her back on top deck. Eventually Rigel had enough and,to Roxanne's surprise,he hoisted her over his shoulder instead. Once they made it to the top deck,he finally put her down again. But he made sure to hold her in place with one arm around her waist while Fowler stripped her badge with her insignia on it off of her.

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