Burial Party

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The stone hallways echoed with a loud,high pitched scream.
They had moved from just electroshock torture to both burning and electrical torture.
"Tell me about yourself."
Another electrical charge shot up her spine.
"I just want to know about your childhood."
"I-I was raised in-in Norburry."
For once he didn't shock or burn her.
"Interesting.." His voice was calming. Maybe she was just going crazy,but she wasn't even afraid of him anymore. He was far more gentle than the others. Wasn't he?
"Tell me about your family."
"My father,he was a businessman."
"His name was Luther,right? I'm so sorry about what happened,maybe you could've saved him."
"No..I was just-."
"Just a child,yet you blame yourself don't you? And your poor,poor sister,if only you had warned her of the speeding vehicle in time."
"Stop it..It wasn't my fault.....was it?"
"Deep down you know it was."
She wailed in pain as she felt flames lick her bare arms and legs.
"Understand something. You can play soldier all you like,but you're still a child. A child picking a fight with professionals. We're going to liberate you,and teach you how to grow up."
Her eyesight began to fade.
Her tormentor noticed she wasn't responding,and finally shut off the machine.
Now he just stood over her.
"I want to know about your face."
"Why? Like it?"
"No. You know what I'm talking about."
"If you somehow knew my fathers name,surely you'd know about the scars too."
"You aren't wrong. But I wanted to hear your side of the story."
"I'm not relegated to share that."
"Have it your way."

Above Peru.
"Are we almost there?" Aaron said,halfhearted.
"Be patient,we just flew over the border." Robert responded aggrivatedly.
"So this town is hidden in the mountains?" George quizzed.
"So how exactly are we going to get her off the mountain with a hundred brainwashed soldiers chasing us?" Robert asked.
"We cross that bridge when we come to it." Jonas responded.
"Great so we don't have a plan." George snapped.
"Can we please just calm down? Jonas wouldn't have drug us up here without a plan."
"At least Aaron's trying to keep us from fighting. Seriously,George,what is your problem?"
"My problem is the New Ordinance. So let's focus on kicking their butts and getting Roxanne back."
Finally it clicked for some of them.
"Oh,it's become personal,hasn't it?" Aaron sympathized.
"It's personal for all of us." He responded,not looking him in the eye.
"No,that's not what he meant. What's really going on between you two?"
"Since when did you care Jonas?"
"Because it's affected you."
"You saying it's a distraction?"
"No,but you better put all that anger into taking out the Ordinance. I'm not blind to how you feel about this,how you feel about her."
He laid his hand on George's shoulder.
"We won't fail."

Roxanne was awoken by an air raid siren blaring in her ears.
"All hands respond to breach in the north wing."
What is going on?
The door to her room flew open,where three heavily armored guards barged in.
She felt super ticked. The whole area was being attacked and Genesis was taking his prisoners and running?
She got to her feet.
And lunged for the guard standing in front of her.
She brought him to the ground and wrestled the weapons he wore away from him. The other two guards seemed too taken off guard to attack her.she jabbed the knife into the first guards shoulder and jumped away from the end of a knife the other guard swung at her.
She swept the leg of the second guard,knocking his helmet off when he hit the ground.
She suddenly felt intense pain in her right leg.
She bit back a yell of pain as she yanked out the knife the third guard had jabbed into her and three it into his unarmored neck.
She limped weakly out of the open door,grabbing a gun off one of the fallen guards.
She clung to the wall as the sirens continued to wail,deafening her.
She leaned against a wall in pain,now unable to hear anything.
Suddenly she felt someone grasp her shoulder.
She turned fast hand tight on the gun,only for the hand to take it away.
Finally her eyes adjusted,meeting the bright blue ones she missed so much.

He was trying to say something but she couldn't quite hear. She tried to read his lips.
"Are you ok? Can you walk? Can you hear me?"
She tapped her ears and shook her head,but she told him she could somewhat understand what he was trying to say.
He didn't look her in the face,instead staring down at her leg.
He knelt down and began wrapping it in something as she leaned against the walls.
And she took the moment to let the relief kick in.
Her team,her friends,were here. She wouldn't have to worry about dying to the horrors and tortures of this facility.
He stood back up and leaned close to her ear so she could hear him.
"I'm going to have to help you get out. Lean on me."
She obliged,allowing part of her weight to lean across his shoulders. She kept herself from having to be dragged by limping alongside him.
The father they got through the hallways,the more her hearing returned. Eventually she could hear the gunfire from above.
"How did you know where I was?"
He looked at her with a soft expression.
"Don't worry about that,take it easy."
She remained silent as they carried on.
Suddenly she realized something.
"Where are the others?"
"Aaron and Robert are holding down the evacuation."
"Where Jonas?"
He didn't say anything.
"George,where's Jonas?"
"He's going to settle the score with Sebastian."
"Right,let me rephrase that. He's going to settle the score with Genesis."
"He can't..that guy threw both of us around like a rag doll he'll be killed!"
"No,he won't be."

Suddenly he stopped. He stared down to the end of hall with a grim expression.
Roxanne's jaw set itself in a tight line as she saw the same thing he did.
Victor stood at the end of the hall,holding a firearm.
"How's this going to go?" His grim voice echoed through the hall.
"Stand down Victor before you get yourself killed."
He let Roxanne off his shoulder and she stood steadily on her feet.
Even though the pain was killing her,she wouldn't let George get distracted from the real issue.
For as long as she had been friends with him,she had never seen George so intensely angry. She couldn't understand why.
"I have orders not to let any prisoners out of this facility."
"We'll ain't that funny,I have strict orders to rescue said prisoners."
Roxanne noticed that George had a small dagger in his hands,out of view of Victor.
Without another word Victor pulled up the firearm.
Within seconds George threw his small dagger.
It found its mark in Victor's hand.
He dropped the gun and George quickly took him down. They fought,rolling around on the ground.
At one point Victor broke away reaching for the gun,but Roxanne was faster. She snatched it up of the ground and aimed it at him.
For everyone time seemed to freeze.

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