The New Girl

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In which questions are asked...

"Juggie, I'm your fucking girlfriend! Betty's my fucking sister! How could you do something like this?" I asked him throwing every ounce of betrayal I felt into the words I said. Jughead looks to the ground, obviously guilty but not enough to spare my feelings.

"I think I love her, Lyn." I couldn't believe my ears.

"You love her? You love her?! Then what the fuck was I Jughead? What were the eleven fucking months that I've been at your beck-and-call, letting you fucking sleep in my bed when it was too cold at the Drive In, comforting you when you cried, BEING FUCKING THERE FOR YOU!" I was screaming, there were tears streaming down my face, it took everything that I had to keep my knees from giving out. I had given him eleven months of my time, of my energy, and he threw it in the it was I was nothing.

"I'm sorry Lyn, I never meant for it to happen this way."

"Then how the hell did you mean for it to happen? Did you think I'd be okay with you breaking up with me for my twin sister?!" he didn't even answer, just stood there looking at me like he didn't know what to say, "Get out, get the fuck out, don't ever fucking talk to me again." He hesitated for a moment before quickly leaving my room, I stood there quietly until I heard the front door close downstairs, and then I collapsed...


"So who's she?" A raven-haired girl asks Kevin and Betty as they give her a tour of the school. Betty looks to where she'd nodded, her sister.

"That's Betty's twin sister, Allison Gwendolyn Cooper, she goes by Gwen." Kevin replies before Betty has the chance to.

"Why does she look like she's in pain?" The girl asks.

"She's been going through some stuff, it started about three weeks ago, one day she was fine, and the next..." The girl watches her sister slam her locker door shut when Cheryl joins her. She has a conversation with the red head before they both walk away from the three watching them, both having an arm wrapped comfortingly around the other.

"Its so weird to see Cheryl comforting someone." Kevin says, breaking the silence between the three.

"They're both going through a tough time, what with Cheryl's brother and whatever happened to Gwen." Betty replies, wishing she knew what was going on so she could help her sister.

"So what's her story besides being depressed?" The new girl asks. Betty sighs in slight annoyance before answering the girl's question.

"She's pretty, and a River-Vixen, one of the smartest people in our grade, a ridiculously loyal friend, an amazing sister, an awesome daughter, and the number one bitch you wanna watch out for if you get onto her bad side...she will fuck you up royally and I don't just mean physically, she likes to play mind games with people who piss her off. I also have a suspicion that she's a Serpent too. She's been hiding things from me and I saw a tattoo that looked suspiciously like a snake on her arm the other day, I think she hides it with makeup." Betty begins.

"Also, she does dance, sings like an angle, plays the violin and drums, piano, and bass guitar, cusses like a sailor, and has some slight anger issues." Kevin tells the rest of the girl's 'story'.

"Wow, she's pretty much perfect huh? So what's been going on? What's her symptoms?" Veronica asks, knowing emotions and having been through many hard times.

"A few weeks ago, she locked herself in her room for a week and wouldn't come out, I heard her throw things around every once in a while, and she didn't come out for food so I had to slide plates under her door. My parents were so worried. When she finally came back out, her eyes were so puffy and she cried so much, she came and slept in my bed every night for about a week after she came out.

And what's even more weird, when I went into her room the day after she came out, the only evidence that she'd ever even been locked in there for a week was her phone, laying shattered on the floor next to the wall like she'd thrown it. She'd been so happy that summer, then overnight, everything just fell apart for her. A few days ago, she asked me to switch rooms, I asked her why but she just gave me some crap about my room having a bathroom connected and hers didn't. I think I'll switch; her room is bigger."

"So who was she dating?" Veronica asks her new friend.

"What? Nobody, not that I know of at least. She would've told me if she was dating someone." Betty replies.

"Unless they wanted to keep it a secret for some reason." Betty looks at Veronica, her eyes wide.

"Do you think she would do that? Not tell me something like that?" she asks the dark-haired girl.

"I don't know, she's your sister Betty, maybe you should talk to her."

"I've tried but it's like, other than sleeping in my bed, she's avoiding me. She dances around with Reggie and looks happy when she's hanging out with Archie or Cheryl or Kevin, but for some reason its like her smile gets heavier when she's with me." Betty looks sad as she, Veronica, and Kevin slowly meander down the hallway.

"Maybe their breakup had something to do with you..." Kevin suggests, Betty's jaw drops and she turns to her friend with wide eyes.

"You don't think someone would breakup with her for me, do you? If someone did I swear to God." She says angrily as they reach the lounge, Gwen and Reggie are dancing around the room, big smiles on their faces as they both belt out Graduation by Juice WRLD and benny blanco, pointing to different people in the room when they get to certain verses, acting as if they were drunk when they clearly weren't.

"She seems cool." Veronica says lightly as she watches the girl dance with the football player. They finish the song, Gwen and Reggie both pretending to be the gossiping girls at the end and the whole room doing the gasp with them. They laugh and Gwen plops into a chair, Betty and Veronica quickly leave the scene before Gwen sees them.

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