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In which she sets records straight...

She'd actually signed the papers without making a fuss, I had them filed and enrolled myself in school. I'd gotten all my documents from her as well when she'd signed the papers so I didn't need to get any new ones. It's been a little over two weeks and today is my first day back at school, my stomach is beginning to swell slightly so I'm going to have to wear baggier clothing to keep it as lowkey as possible. Archie, Veronica, Jughead, and Angela are still the only ones who know, other than Cheryl and Reggie whom I'd told the night that I'd gotten the papers signed. They took the news surprisingly well, I think they just want to make up for ditching me when they thought FP had killed Jason.

Cheryl is still angry at FP for cleaning up after the murder and letting her live under the same roof as a murderer, and so am I. But I think that maybe you should forgive people for things. FP hadn't even really known me when he'd done what he did, he still doesn't completely know me, he doesn't know why I've recently regained my fear of darkness. Or why I'm claustrophobic, or why I don't drink much anymore. But I have the feeling that if he did know, he would still accept me. He would still love me.

I think that sometimes, we just need to forgive people for mistakes, at least first-time offenses.

But getting back to the whole school thing. I'm currently riding my skateboard across town to get there, I didn't feel like asking anyone else to give me a ride, plus it's peaceful to just ride by yourself sometimes. I would need as much peace as I could possibly get for this day at school. As I got closer and closer to school, the pit of anger at my sister grew and grew into a flaming inferno of rage for her not even thinking to come and find me.

From what I'd heard from Cheryl, she'd pretty much taken over my place while I was gone, she'd become super close with Angela and Veronica, she'd been doing the whole cheerleading thing, and she'd taken the top spot in our classes. Who does this bitch think she is?

I get to the school, instantly people are looking at me. I give them sarcastic smiles and walk past them, into the school. I was on a mission. As I walked the halls in search of my bitch of a sister, Reggie and the other Bulldogs joined my side, along with Cheryl and the Vixens. We made it to the Lounge where Betty was hanging out, she was sitting on one of the two couches with Angela next to her, Veronica and Archie were sitting on the other couch, and Kevin was sitting in one of the comfy little chairs.

They all look up as I enter the room, the Vixens and Bulldogs filing in behind me and standing all around the room, looking intimidating. Reggie and Cheryl stand at my sides as I cross my arms, glaring at the group. Kevin's eyes light up when he sees me, relief covers his face as he races up to hug me.

"My God, where have you been?" Kevin asks, pulling away, wishing to interrogate me. I wave his question off.

"I'll fill you in later, right now, I have some business to attend to," I say, glaring at Betty over his shoulder, he turns his body to follow my line of sight, realizing what I meant, he nods and quickly moved out of the way of my anger. I step forward, Reggie and Cheryl coming right along with me as I cross the room, throwing myself down dramatically into the chair Kevin had just deserted.

"Hello sister," I say, casually, the calm in my voice not matching the anger in my eyes. Betty looks warily at me before responding.

"Hey, Gwen..." She says, preparing herself for what is coming.

"How has your month been?" I ask, keeping my voice nonchalant and conversational. She eyes me, warily, bracing herself. "Mine's been pretty shit. What, between Mom sending me to The Sisters of Quiet Mercy, being forced to take drugs, and being isolated? Then, when I finally got out, thanks to some friends of mine, I found out that my own sister couldn't be bothered to even look for me." I say, turning my head to glare at her, she keeps her face as expressionless as possible but I can tell she's somewhere between scared of what I'll say next, and angry at me for exposing her.

"And then, I get here, and you're sitting in my seat with my friends, ultimately trying to take my spot. Well, let me tell you this," I say, getting up from my seat and moving closer to her, I place one knee in between her legs on the couch and lean into it, bracing my hands on the back of the couch so I was as close to her as possible. "Nobody takes my place. I am the queen bitch, you understand? You're a knockoff version of me that forgot its place. And that place, is under me, kind of like you are right now, sister. Don't ever forget your place again, that shit won't end well for you."

I lean into her as I say the last few words, my breath fanning across her now fearful face. She nods slightly and I glance over at Angela, the girl who I'd thought I could trust. The girl who seemed to be perfectly fine with clinging to the side of anyone who had more popularity than her. She looked like a wannabe e-girl with bad eyeliner now. God, how people go astray without my guidance.

"Your eyeliner's uneven," I say and when her blank stare turns into a venomous glare and she goes to open her mouth, I add: "Maybe a black eye would help hide it." and she shuts the fuck up.

What a bitch, what happened to the innocent little loner that I took under my wing a month ago?

People change, I guess.

More Than I Should... (Fp x OC)Where stories live. Discover now