Next Morning

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In which she's accused...

I fell asleep on the bathroom floor that night, the cool tile soothing my raised temperature. When I woke the next morning, with a major headache, let me just say, I was almost instantly sick again, I was eternally thankful that I'd fallen asleep in the bathroom as I kneeled, heaving into the toilet. When I finally was done, it took me a moment to get my bearings. Memories of last night slammed into me harder than a truck, feeling better after throwing up, I stood and quickly exited my bathroom and went straight for my closet, grabbing some clothes and coming back for a shower.

As I stood there under the burning-hot water I had a seemingly endless amount of time to ponder last night's events, I tried my best to sort out my thoughts. Why had FP asked Jughead to move with him? Had FP really killed Jason? Then I had a realization, I exited the shower, dressing quickly and left my house with a purpose...

"What the fuck did you find when you searched FP's trailer?" I asked demandingly as I allowed myself into Archie's room. Luckily, he was the only one in it. he looks up quickly from his phone, eyes wide.

"Nothing, the gun wasn't in the closet when I searched it, that means that someone framed FP." I nodded at him, pursing my lips, the relief short lived.

"Why the fuck would he ask Jughead to move with him to Toledo? And why would he confess to the fucking murder?!" I asked, feeling tears brim in my eyes yet again. I see Archie's saddened expression, he lifts his arm and I make my way to him. He holds onto me tightly as I cry into him, the anger, confusion, and sadness I felt coming in waves yet again...

I'd been going through the motions for the next part of the day, walking to school with Archie, eating with Betty, Veronica, Kevin, and Archie at breakfast. It was only when Jughead walks into the dining hall that I'm broken out of my daze. I see him getting ready to approach Cheryl, I quickly stand from my seat, being the first to notice him, and begin to make my way to him. I see him apologize to Cheryl for what his father did, Cheryl begins to attack him, slapping him and shoving his chest while crying, Jughead doesn't try to defend himself.

"Cheryl, hey, Cheryl, its okay, c'mon, come with me, it'll be okay." I tell her soothingly as Archie and I pull her away from Jughead, she pushes me off her and fixes her hair before turning away from me without sparing me a glance and leaving the cafeteria. I quickly go after her.

"Cheryl! Cheryl, wait, where are you going?" I yell after her, she runs to the girls' locker room, when I enter, I find her staring angrily at me. I stop right inside the door, hearing it swing closed behind me.


"No, don't fucking talk to me, did you fucking know?"

"No, of course not, I-"

"Oh, of course the perfect Gwendolyn Cooper didn't know her boyfriend murdered my brother. How would you fucking know? Its not like you've slept with him before or anything."

"Cheryl I-" she cut me off again.

"No, Gwen, I don't want your fucking excuses, you slept with the man who killed my brother. You don't get to come here-" I cut her off this time, tired of her talking over me.

"HE DIDN'T FUCKING DO IT!!" I yell, she stops mid-sentence. "Somebody framed him, Cheryl, just ask Betty or Archie or Veronica. Archie and Veronica searched his fucking trailer before they came to the dance. You wanna know what they found? ABSOLUTELY FUCKING NOTHING!! You have the audacity to try and make me out to be the bad guy, like I had a hand in killing Jason?! Guess what bitch, HE WAS MY BEST FRIEND BEFORE YOU WERE!" I scream this at her.

I didn't realize a certain raven-haired princess was there, listening...

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