Where were you?

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In which she goes home...

Hours passed of me tossing and turning, I had managed to get a few nightmare-ridden hours of sleep and I felt like a fucking living corpse as I was being wheeled by a male nurse to Fred Andrews's truck. I saw the man in question sitting in the passenger seat with Archie in the driver. Archie jumped out of the truck and ran around to the other side, he began helping Fred out of the vehicle to give me the middle seat. Fred looked much better than I imagined he would, I supposed he was shot considerably lower than I had been and had recovered quicker than I had.

"Hey there, Gwen," He says as I'm being helped into the truck by Archie, I smile at him and his fatherliness.

"Hey Freddy, how you feelin'?" I ask, keeping my voice conversational as he hefts himself into the seat next to me.

"Oh, you know, like I was shot." He chuckles lightly, I begin laughing, the fit of laughter turning into painful, ragged coughs. He looks at me concernedly and I wave him off.

"I have a hole in my chest, it's going to be a bit painful to laugh for a while."

"Oh, well, I suppose you're going to be in quite a bit of pain then, being the ray of sunshine that you are." He says sarcastically, I have to fight back another laugh at his antics.

"Rude." I all I say, Archie chuckles at us as he starts up the truck. "Since when did you know how to drive?" I ask, only just realizing he doesn't have his license.

"Since I drove your unconscious ass to the hospital." He says, rolling his eyes. I drew in a dramatic gasp, ignoring the pain in my chest as I did so.

"I could've died!" I say, incredulous. He gives me a sarcastic side-eye.

"You would've died either way, you had a hole in your chest, dumbass." He tells me, slowly stopping at a red light.

"My hero," I reply with a dreamy sigh, leaning onto him with my hands placed over my heart.

"Shut up," Fred says, ruffling my hair, Archie laughs as I huff, blowing a strand of the stuff out of my face. I flick the boy's nose, successfully shutting him up.

"Rude," he takes a turn a bit quickly and Fred grabs the oh shit handle and I quickly remember my seatbelt isn't on. When the truck is driving straight again, I quickly put the thing on. Making a comment about going through the windshield with Archie's shitty driving and receiving another eye-roll from him.

When we finally managed to make it to the Andrews residence, Archie quickly helped me from the truck and began leading me inside. Halfway up the drive, I heard an all-too-familiar voice call my name from behind.

"Allison?" My mother calls, the concern in her voice pouring kerosene on the embers of anger that had previously been dying out in my heart, returning it back to the inferno it had been before.

I slowly turn around and see her walking up the driveway toward me. I cross my arms when she reaches me and makes as if to go for a hug.

"Can I help you?" I ask as if she is just another person, I can see that this hurts her but I don't think I could bring myself to care even if I had wanted to.

"Listen, I know you're mad, but I'm still your mother, and I'm still worried about you." She says, she makes as if to continue but I cut her off.

"Then where the hell were you when I was in the hospital with a bullet wound in my chest?" I ask, she doesn't have an answer so I allow Fred to herd me to the door, leaving her standing in the driveway to think about how terrible of a mother she is.

More Than I Should... (Fp x OC)Where stories live. Discover now