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In which time flies...

Ms. Grundy was successfully run out of town, Jason's memorial passed in a blur, Betty snuck to the Sisters of Quiet Mercy to speak with Polly, and ended up getting caught and I now grounded. This week has passed so quickly before my eyes and I haven't had the energy to try and slow it down. I'd unplugged a bit from everyone and been keeping to myself. I was currently blasting Sober by Jxdn in my room when I hear a small thump and then quiet voices from my old room. I leave the music on as I slowly creep down the hall, avoiding the floorboards that I know creak, making it to Betty's new room and opening the door slowly, leaning in. I almost fall over into the room when I see Betty and Jughead kissing, I instantly feel tears prick my eyes, I dart quietly back to my room. I almost smile when I realize what song is currently playing, Without Me by Halsey drifting around the room, I turn the song almost all the way up, laying on my bed and closing my eyes, letting the lyrics flow through me. I didn't notice my door opening, or the sad look Jughead gave me as he and Betty leaned in to check on me.

Polly had escaped the group home and was on the run, actually, she wasn't on the run, I knew where she was as I'd gone up to the attic a few days ago. I'd had a talk with her about her and the babies and told her that I was sorry about Jason's death, she'd apologized to me for being so jealous of us being friends and I let her know that after we'd broken up, there'd been nothing between us but friendship.

I completely avoid the student lounge, Betty, Jughead, and completely drop the idea of writing for the Blue and Gold. Jughead is takin into the station as a suspect in Jason's murder, Betty drags me down to the station while she speaks with Jughead, I chill with Sheriff Keller. Jughead is released a bit later, I walk outside with Archie, Mr. Andrews, Jughead, and Betty. Fp shows up, going on a rant about Jughead being taken in, I stand off to the side and watch, feeling pretty much indifferent to everything, watching Fp get angry and Jughead holding him back from going inside and giving Keller a piece of his mind. Fp's eyes drift to my expressionless face as he talks to Jughead before leaving when he hears Mr. Andrews offered Jughead a place to stay.

The next day, Veronica convinces me to come to the lounge and sit in on the conversation about what to do with Polly's situation, I sit on the back of the couch next to V, watching as Jughead and Betty get all smiley with each other. Suddenly Mom barges in and tells Betty and Veronica that she needed to talk to them. When they leave the room, I stand and have a short conversation with Archie before leaving the lounge. I know Jughead is following me as I make my way to the Music Room to practice on the piano, I can hear his footsteps behind me, he never was great at sneaking around.

"What do you want Jughead?" I ask, not turning around as I continue down the hall. I hear his footsteps falter in surprise before he jogs to catch up with me, grabbing my arm to stop me from walking. I turn to him, only feeling slight annoyance towards him, currently incapable of feeling anything else.

"I know you saw me kiss Betty." He tells me, I roll my eyes.

"Yeah, and?" I ask him, wanting to get to the point.

"I want you to be okay with me dating Betty." He says, pleading with me, I scoff, suddenly I can feel again, I feel the anger and the sadness I've been suppressing crash over me like a wave in the ocean.

"You don't realize what you're asking. Our relationship mightn't have meant anything to you, but it meant everything to me. I'm not just going to be okay with you getting with my sister, barely over a month after we fucking broke up." I tell him, ripping my arm out of his grip and walking away, leaving him standing there, staring after me.

Another week passes, I hangout with Cheryl and Reggie for much of it, spending my evenings at the Wyrm and my nights in Reggie's room, his parents are having issues. I've been avoiding home due to my mom and dad having issues as well, trying to say out of the conflicts, trying to be the peaceful party. Eventually, Jughead's birthday appears from around the corner, Archie telling Betty about it, I knew he hated his birthday, we'd been friends for a long time, Archie and I used to go the double-feature at the Bijou with the boy, Betty's been obsessed with throwing Jug a party because Fp told her he's never had one.

"C'mon, Gwen it'll be fun!" Betty tells me, pleading with me to come to the party. She's been on my ass about it for days now.

"Fine Betty, but when it blows up in your face, and it will, don't come crying to me, I warned you." I tell her, she smiles and thanks me, not realizing just how horribly this party is going to go, Jughead nearly broke up with me for getting him a gift on his birthday, and it was a five-dollar cd from a thrift store. I was interested to see how this party thing ends.

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