Fuck Off

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In which they argue...

"Wait, you did WHO?!" Betty asks when Jughead fills her in a couple of seconds after I sit down. I roll my eyes, not caring for her inevitable judgment, and pick up a fry from her tray. "You're doing Jughead's dad Gwen? Are you kidding me?" she says, lowering her voice. She'd gained annoyed and curious glances with her outburst.

"No, I'm not kidding you." I tell her, pulling her tray towards me and commandeering her fries.

"Is he the reason you were acting so weird at the end of the summer?" She asks, referring to the whole 'heartbroken' thing. I roll my eyes.

"If you mean "Is he the one who broke your heart?" no. That would be your little boy toy sitting next to you." Veronica's jaw drops and we all look over at Jughead who looks angry at me. "Spill my secrets, I'll spill yours. Consider this your only warning." I tell him, glaring at the boy who I was once in love with, basically telling him that if he said shit about me being pregnant, I'd end him.

"You were dating Jug?" Betty asks, looking between him and me, I nod my head at her.

"For eleven months, until he broke up with me for you," I reply, she looks over at her boyfriend.

"Is that true?" she asks him, her eyes begging him to lie to her.

"Yes." Is all he says, glaring at the table. His hands clasped together.

"Oh." Betty replies, looking up at me, "So, what, did you sleep with his dad just because you couldn't have him?" I face-palm, getting ready to chew her out.

"She wouldn't be here, trying to get him out of jail if that were the case," Archie says, he'd walked up to the table without any of us noticing, I looked over and gave him a grateful smile.

"You knew?!" Betty asks, incredulous.

"I was the first to know, my window is directly across from hers, I was bound to see something." He says, before asking Angela to sit next to Jughead so I wouldn't have to sit next to him and so he could sit next to Veronica.

"You knew, and you never told any of us?" Jughead asks, finding an outlet for his anger.

"Wasn't my secret to tell. What they do is none of our business unless they choose to make it ours.

"He's my fucking Dad!" Jughead whisper-yells, feeling as though he would be entitled to know.

"And she's my underage sister!" Betty chimes in, I roll my eyes at her.

"Betty, not only can I handle myself, but I've been through more shit than most people mom's age, okay? Fucking drop it." I tell her, and she glares at me, I recognize the look, the one that says that she's about to spill something. "Don't even think about trying to spill any of my secrets little sister. You don't want to see what'll happen to you." She frowns in defeat, smartly choosing to back off.

"And Jughead, he might be your dad by blood, but you basically abandoned him at a time when he actually needed you," I tell him, angry at Jughead for treating me like I was a bad guy for loving someone.

"He needed me? I needed him! Where was he when Mom left? Where was he when I was living on the streets or in your room because I had nowhere else to go?!" he asks, getting close to yelling, drawing stares.

"Guys, we should take this outside." Veronica butts in before I can yell back.

"Gladly," I say, getting up from the bench and walking out, not caring if anyone else feels like following. Once outside I begin to feel a bit nauseous, I place my hand over my stomach and walk to the nearest trash can, moving the lid before leaning over it and emptying the contents of my stomach into it.

"Jesus, Gwen," Archie says as he walks up behind me, holding my hair back so I don't get any of it in my face. "Are you pregnant?" he whispers a second later. I nod vigorously, unable to do anything more between heaves. When I'm finished, he puts the lid back on the trash and Angela hands me a napkin to wipe my mouth.

"Listen, Jughead, your dad loves you, a lot. He might not be the best at showing it, but he really does. Be mad at me all you want, but I care about your dad, I wouldn't be here if I didn't. Now, can we just get on with clearing his name?" I ask, feeling drained from the fighting, my head throbbing from the blow Jughead had given me, I put my fingertips to my cheek softly, wincing at the stab of pain.

"Did you punch my sister?"

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