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In which she panics...

"My phone is blowing up right now, people keep liking and commenting on that post." I say, sitting at the table outside the café as we wait for our drinks to be done. My phone's been dinging for the last three minutes.

"Same here," Reggie says, taking his phone out of his pocket, the thing buzzing incessantly, "Wait, no, my mom's calling me, never mind." He answers the call, Cheryl and I laughing at his mistake.

"I sometimes wonder how we manage to be as smart as we are with him as a best friend." Cheryl says, lightly.

"Seriously, common sense goes right out the window when he climbs through it." I joke, Cheryl and I howling in laughter as Reggie makes his way back to our table.

"What's so funny?" he asks, interested.

"You." I tell him honestly. He rolls his eyes as Cheryl and I wipe ours, cheeks hurting from smiling.

The waitress brings us our drinks, I pay for them, and we leave, walking the rest of the way to hell. Making it to our classes just as the bell rang. I threw myself down into my seat, spacing out as the teacher reviews things from the unit that we'll be tested on tomorrow. As much as I don't want to think about that night a while ago, I can't help it. when things get quiet and there's nothing to distract myself with...that's the only place I seem to be able to go. I feel his hands everyday through my lingering bruises, his fists through the pains in my ribs, his presence in the absence of my favorite pastimes...

I feel my heartbeat pick up, a spike of panic hitting me as I look around the classroom, seeing him in the faces of my classmates. I stand, not asking to be excused before I rush to the bathroom, suddenly nauseous, and make it to the toilet just in time to rid myself of the contents of my stomach, flushing the toilet when I'm done. I sit there for a few minutes, shivering and weak, tears streaming down my face and my eyes closed, I hear the door to the bathroom open, the sound of heels clacking against the tiles of the bathroom too loud against my ears.

"Oh my God, Gwen, are you alright?" I hear the voice of Veronica Lodge ask, I shake my head, leaning back against the wall, my eyes still closed. I hear her heels click as she takes hesitant steps toward me. "Do you want to talk about it?" she asks, I hear her grab one of the toilet-seat-covers out of the thing and place it on the floor, then I feel her sit down, leg brushing mine.

"I just...I fucking see him everywhere I go. I can never get away from him, its like he's everywhere, all the time. He's in jail and yet he's still finding ways to torture me. I just want it to stop..." I sob, drawing my knees to my chest and burying my face in them.

"Who is, Gwen?" she asks, I can't tell her. She would think I'm a whore, just like he said. I shake my head, I can't say his name, I don't even know his name, I blocked out the conversations Sheriff Keller had with my parents about the boy.

"I don't want to do this anymore. I don't want to do anything anymore, I don't want to breathe, I don't want to eat, I don't want to live anymore!" I yell into my knees, I feel the raven-haired girl jump at my sudden outburst. I sob harder after admitting this, I feel Veronica's hand touch my back, she pulls me into her, letting me sob into her chest. Later, she would probably ask questions, but now, she didn't, and I'm grateful for that. She helped me fix my makeup afterwards, telling me to call her the next time this happens...

I skipped the rest of the school day, sitting underneath the bleachers, vaping for pretty much the entire day. I only left my post when I heard people on the field for football practice, meaning the school day was over. I'd gotten many messages from Cheryl and Reggie, asking where the hell I was, I told them I was fine, that I decided to skip. Reggie let me know he'd gotten into a fight with Archie and that he was suspended anyways. Cheryl asks if I'd be coming to the pep rally tonight, I tell her yes and that I couldn't wait to see what she'd put together for the Vixens. Then I left the school, no real destination in mind, just simply wandering, much as I had many weeks ago.

I eventually ended up at the Wyrm, walking in, I greeted Hogeye, asking for a tequila sunrise, he nodded, making my requested drink. I take it from him, paying the amount due and walking to where I saw Toni sitting with Sweetpea. I sit down heavily, sighing and taking a sip of my drink.

"Isn't that typically a morning drink?" Sweetpea asks, eyeing my drink.

"Maybe, but its got tequila, so I don't care." I tell him, holding my head up with my hand, tiredly.

"Rough day?" Toni asks.

"Understatement, today sucked dick...and not in a good way." I tell her, slipping in a joke to lighten the statement up a bit.

"Wanna talk about it?" she asks, turning to me, waiting.

"Not really, I've talked about it enough, it doesn't seem to be helping." I tell her honestly, taking another sip of my drink, she nods, rubbing my back. Sweetpea looks slightly awkward as he does the same. I smile at him, trying to comfort me even though he isn't very comfortable with emotions.

"Hey Toni, would you be willing to give me a tattoo? I've been wanting one besides my Serpent and I think I decided on what I want." I told her, she ponders this for a moment before nodding, she asks about the design and I show her a drawing from the notebook out of my backpack, it was the moon phases in a vertical line. "I wanted these on my spine." I tell her, she nods slowly, taking the page from the notebook and slipping it into her pocket.

"I'll make a stencil. You know its gonna hurt a lot more on your spine, right?" she asks, I nod, smiling at her.

"Yep, I can handle it, don't worry." She shrugs, returning to her drink. I resume drinking mine, chatting with Toni and Sweetpea as we pass the time...

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