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In which he knows...


"Listen, I'm only here because Toni guilted me into it, okay?" I say, sitting down in the metal chair the next day and refusing to look at FP. "So, say whatever the fuck you have to say so I can leave."

I hear him wince from my harsh words, then I feel his eyes as they roam my features, taking in the small cuts that still lingered on my face from the escape. I cross my arms, feeling uncomfortable with his probing, and choose to study the table in front of me.

"I'm sorry," he says, I clench my jaw and dig my nails into each of my arms in anger.

"About which part exactly, the one where you hid my best friend's body or the part where you fucking broke up with me and broke every singular promise you'd made?" I look up when I say this, my eyes glaring into his, he doesn't answer right away so I scoff.

"I guess us Cooper women just have a weakness for trash," I say, looking away to blink tears out of my eyes at the frustration and sadness that I felt. He lowers his head, the insult hitting home, he knew he'd been a shitty boyfriend. "I guess you really can't fix people."

"I'm so, so sorry, Gwen. I didn't mean anything that I said that night, I just-" I interrupt him, fully crying now.

"Then why was it so fucking easy for you to say it?! You said it like it was nothing! Like I was nothing..." I trail off, staring at my hands that are now clenched together on top of the grey steel table. He reaches out and places one of his large hands over mine, I have to resist the urge to reach over and deck him in the face.

"I'm sorry, Gwen...I thought that if I broke it off then...that it wouldn't be as hard for you when I was gone, you wouldn't miss me as much..." he tells me, his voice sounding so sincere, I suppress a sob, my shoulders shaking with the effort of physically holding up my walls that were once again crumbling against my will.

"And I'm sorry about Jason...Clifford Blossom said that if I didn't help him he'd hurt my family...I couldn't let him do that. I'm so sorry about what I did. And that I never told you...and that I hurt you." He says, I try not to look up at him, but I can't help myself.

When I look up, his eyes are so sad so...broken. I want to believe him so badly, but I don't know if I can. So, I decided to tell him the one thing that would give any guy pause in a relationship...

"I'm pregnant," I tell him, watching his reaction to see if he closes himself off from me again, to know if he really meant what he said.

"I know."

More Than I Should... (Fp x OC)Where stories live. Discover now