Getting Ready

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In which she's unsure...

Sex, Drugs, Etc. by Beach Weather was playing softly as I laid in bed with Fp a while later. I was playing with his fingers as I sang along and he was simply laying there, watching me. "You have an interesting taste in music." He tells me, his tone light as if simply commenting on the weather.

"I like to listen to a bit of everything, I'm not really the type of person who can choose one aesthetic or genre over another, I like them all." I reply truthfully, earning a smile from him, he snakes his arms around my waist and pulls me into him, resting his forehead against mine. After a while, I fall asleep in his arms, feeling safe and secure in my place in the world.

I only slept for about an hour before my phone began to ring, Betty finally deciding to call me back, I groan as I reach for the phone.


"Hey Gwen, I'm sorry I didn't call you earlier, I've been meaning to I've just had a lot going on." I hear Betty's voice on the other end of the line, her excuses quickly began to annoy me, I pushed the feeling down to keep it from my voice.

"Its fine, Betty, I just wanted to hangout with you, if you're not busy anymore?" I ask, I wasn't sure whether I wanted her to be busy or I wanted her to be able to eat out with me.

"No, I'm free now, that's why I'm calling, meet at Pop's in twenty?" she asks, sounding hopeful.

"Just us?" I ask her, wanting to be alone with her for a while.

"Of course."

"Okay, see you then." I tell her, hanging up and cuddling back into Fp, his warmth chasing away the cold of my room. He wraps his arms tighter around me, I snake my arms around him, nuzzling my face into his chest. I lay there for about five minutes before deciding that I should get ready and reluctantly extracting myself from him. He groans as I untangle myself from the knot that was us.

"Nooo, where are you goinggg?" he asks, trying to pull me back into him. I laugh at his antics, quickly rolling away from him, falling out of bed.

"I gotta get ready to go to Pop's with Betty." I tell him, standing from the floor, rubbing the shoulder I'd landed on.

"Why, you can just stay here with me." he states, pulling a would-be sexy pose had he not been covered in blankets. I laugh at him and shake my head, grabbing a shirt from my dresser and throwing it on.

"You're an idiot." I tell him, smiling after pulling the shirt over my head. He laughs and throws the blankets off him, grabbing his clothes from the floor and pulling them on. I began paying attention to the music when I heard Don't Threaten Me with a Good Time by Panic! At the Disco begin playing in the background, I make my way over to my discarded phone, turning the song up quite a bit and singing along as I enter my closet, finding something to wear with the shirt I'd thrown on.

 I began paying attention to the music when I heard Don't Threaten Me with a Good Time by Panic! At the Disco begin playing in the background, I make my way over to my discarded phone, turning the song up quite a bit and singing along as I enter m...

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I exited the closet, Fp was already dressed, and was looking around, having had very little time to earlier. When he sees me enter the room, he smiles at me. "Your room is...different from what I'd initially expected." I tilt my head in confusion.

"What did you initially expect?" I ask him, sitting down at the vanity and beginning on my makeup.

"I'm not sure, I think I was either expecting it to be super light and pastel or something," he begins, I roll my eyes at the obvious reference to my whole 'perfect northsider family' thing. "Or I was expecting there to be black everywhere and band posters and other dark stuff around the room." He tells me, probably referring to my style and habits. I shrug, not completely sure how to respond, I take a moment before speaking.

"I just kinda go whit what makes me feel calm or I go with what makes me feel accomplished when I look around me. I don't want to live in a dark room, I feel like light makes me happy and helps me focus, but I don't want pastels, I'm not really the type of person who likes that, Betty does, not me. I like a blend between the two, I like to have variety but also I don't want it to be hodgepodged together, that would make me annoyed. I like to look around my room and see a flow to it, I like to think of my aesthetic as 'Organized Mess' it's a lot of things put together, but it just" I reply, just letting words out as they came to me, being completely open about the subject. I finish with my eyeliner before he speaks again, obviously needing a moment to process the rush of words that came out of my mouth.

"That makes a lot of sense, and not sense at all, at the same time. But, honestly, I think your room is nice, it really fits your personality, the white walls with the posters, the guitars and the skateboards, and the lights, even the fucking gaming setup fits you perfectly. Also, I love the records on the wall." He tells me, I can't help but smile as he admires the room around him.

"Fp?" I ask, unsure about what I'm about to ask him and what his answer will be.

"Yeah," he replies, looking at my uncertain expression and tilting his head in confusion.

"You're not gonna leave me, right?" I ask him, avoiding looking at him in the vanity mirror, I miss the sad smile that formed on his face, he steps toward me, leaning down to wrap his arms around me from behind my chair and resting his chin on my head.

"No, I'm not gonna leave you." He tells me, the firmness and the certainty in his voice reassuring me. I fully believed him, I could tell he meant what he'd said with every bone in his body. Maybe I was naïve to think what he'd said was true...

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