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In which they hangout...

I was sitting in Pop's with Betty about twenty minutes later, Pop had already brought our food out and Betty and I were sitting and chatting about everything that's been going on. Well, maybe not everything, I hadn't told her about Fp and I, and I could easily tell there was something she wasn't tell me either. I'd made plans with Fp to meet at the Wyrm later and I was looking forward to it, I actually loved that bar. I was halfway through my burger and was talking to Betty about the upcoming homecoming dance when the bell dinged, I looked over Betty's shoulder to see who'd just walked in, I smiled when I saw Archie and both his mom and his dad walk in together.

Archie turned and saw me; his expression became serious as he excused himself from his parents and made his way over to our table. "Gwen, could I talk to you outside really quick?" he asked, not greeting either Betty or I. I nodded, unsure of what this conversation was about. I stood and followed him out of the diner, knowing Betty would be looking out of the window, he led me over to the side of the building, away from prying eyes and ears.

"I saw you and Fp-" he begins, I throw my hand over his mouth when he says his name. Throwing a panicked look around us.

"Shh, do you want someone to hear you?!" I tell him frantically, he apologizes when I remove my hand.

"Okay, but like, Jughead's Dad? Gwen, why? Is it because you and Jughead-" he stopped when he saw the anger evident on my face at his insinuation. I clench my jaw in an attempt at keeping the things I wished to scream at him inside. "I just mean, are you sure that he's what you want? He's a Serpent, Gwen, and he's also an alcoholic." He tells me, I put my hands over my mouth that was about to start saying things I would be unable to take back. Archie, having seen me do this many times when arguing with him and others, knows he struck a nerve and shuts the hell up. Once I felt I could trust my mouth to not spit venom when I spoke, I opened it.

"No, I'm not with Fp because I can't be with Jughead, he made his decision. Yes, I am sure that Fp is what I want, I know he's a Serpent, I'm one too. Also, he's cleaning up his life as we speak, I'm going to help him do so." I told him, his eyes widening when I tell him that I'm a Serpent. "If you're about to say something about Serpents, save it. I'm not going to take it from my mother, and I'm sure as hell not going to take it from you Archie." I say before he can respond.

"Okay, I won't say anything, but take it from me, secrets don't stay secret for long in Riverdale." He tells me, obviously worried for me.

"They do when people are too scared of you to do shit about it." I tell him, when I see is confused look, I continue, "I've got dirt on everyone, everyone of importance anyway, for someone who everyone tends to notice, I find it pretty easy to be invisible. Also, everyone seems to come to be with their problems." He nods, knowing that people really do always come to me with their problems.

"Anyways, now that's out of the way, we should go inside." Archie tells me, I put an arm out to stop him from going inside.

"No, its not out of the way, you're really not going to tell me what's going on between you and V?" I ask him, feigning a look of hurt he rolls his eyes and steps back to face me again.

"How do you even know about that?" he asks, I smile and shake my head at his stupidity.

"I didn't but thank you for confirming it for me." I tell him, his eyes widen and I laugh.

"Shit, you little, ugh damn, you always do that!" He says, getting frustrated but laughing at the same time. "Fine, we might've slept together the night of the party but I don't think there's going to be anything else between us. I don't want to hurt Betty." I roll my eyes at him.

"She's dating Jughead now, you're not going to hurt her, I can promise you that." I tell him, putting my hand on his shoulder. He smiles at me, and nods, "Great, now we can go inside, my fries are calling my name." I tell him, faking a dreamy sigh afterwards for dramatic effect.

"You're an idiot,"

"No, you."

"Yes, you are."

"Uno reverse card bitch." I tell him, ending the conversation as we walk into the diner, we both cringe at the stupid, outdated line but laugh anyways. Betty looks confusedly at us laughing and joking when Archie had been so serious when he'd said he wanted to speak with me.

I said goodbye to Archie as we went our separate ways and plopped down on the bench where I'd been seated a few moments before. Betty looked questioningly at me but when I didn't give her details, she dropped it, most likely deciding to pick the subject back up later. Or do her own investigation before attempting to make her curiosity obvious.

After sitting and talking with Betty for a while, I was getting ready to give her an excuse and leave, just then, Jughead walks into the diner and spots us sitting with each other.

"Wanna finish eating with Jughead?" I ask her, seeing the look in her eyes when she noticed him coming over. She smiles guiltily at me, "Don't worry about it, I've got to get to the Wyrm anyways, Toni was wanting to talk to me." I lied with ease, I'd always been far better at lying than anyone I know.

I smile at her as I stand, walking past Jughead without much greeting other than a nod. I feel his eyes on me as I walk out, I don't look back as I begin my trek to the Wyrm, eager to see Fp again...

Sorry I haven't posted all week, I've been doing college homework while at work and really haven't had much time, next update will be a better chapter!!

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