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Because I love ya'll


I was sitting in my cell, reading through a book when a guard came to get me. "You've got a visitor," he says, slamming the cell door open. I draw my brows together in confusion, who would be coming? I wasn't supposed to see Gwen for another three days. I'm drawn out of my thoughts when the door to the visiting room slams behind me and I see a very distraught Toni sitting in the chair across the metal table.

"What happened," I ask, frantically, praying it wouldn't be about Gwen. Toni looks up at me, she's got tear stains and her mascara is fucked up, she doesn't look like she's slept in a while. Her reply makes my heart drop sickeningly.

"It's Gwen," she says before her shoulders begin to shake with suppressed sobs. "She was involved in a robbery...she and Fred Andrews were shot." She says, unable to suppress the sobs any longer, she curls in on herself and cries into her hands.

"Is she dead..." I ask slowly, the knot around my heart loosening slightly when Toni manages to shake her head.

"She's in surgery, they don't know if she'll make it. The same with Fred." The knot tightens. Toni slowly regained composure, wiping her face on her sleeves and looking up, her face seeming like she'd only just recalled something, her eyebrows drawn together.

"I think I remember Pop telling Archie Andrews that nothing had been taken from the register." She says slowly, her tone making It obvious she is questioning the robbery theory.

"Maybe once he'd shot the two of them, he panicked and tore outta there," I suggest, not willing to accept that this could've been planned, that someone would want to shoot someone as kind as Gwen.

"From what Archie explained, it sounded as if he'd had plenty of time before and after he'd shot the two that he could've taken the cash. But he didn' you think maybe it was only supposed to look like a robbery?" I shrug, not wanting to even contemplate the possibility.

"Well, if that's the case, she's going to need a guard around her when she gets out of surgery," I tell her she lifts her head in surprise.

"Someone's trying to kill her."

Archie P.O.V.

"Why when things like this happen, it's always Gwen?" Betty says, annoyance grabs onto my heart and floods me with an irritated feeling at the fact that Betty was complaining when her sister might die in there.

"Betty shut the fuck up," I was surprised to hear Angela say, the girl looked genuinely worried for the girl who had taken her under her wing. Maybe she wasn't such a bitch. I hear Reggie and Cheryl agree with Angela from where they are sitting far off to my right. Betty scoffs, making me clench my fists to stop me from saying something offensive.

God, I hope the baby is okay.

Cheryl P.O.V.

"Everyone?" I hear a doctor's voice call out, the soft question waking everyone in the waiting room up from their rather fitful sleep. I stand and practically run to the doctor, he stares down at me, my proximity making him slightly uncomfortable.

"We've got the bullet out, she's been stabilized, she is being moved to a bed right now, then you may go back and see her." The doctor starts, and there's a cheer from the crowd, many of them being from the football team.

"And the baby?" Archie asks, there's a murmur in the crowd, it was bound to get out soon I guess.

"She's a fighter, Gwendolyn is very lucky the bullet wound was to the chest, otherwise the baby would've been killed." The doctor says, there's yet another whoop from the rather unsuspecting crowd. I was shocked that they were so accepting of her situation. I guess, Gwen was accepting of all their situations, so they owed it to her.

"Archie Andrews?" A female nurse asks, stepping up beside the male doctor, I hear Archie respond before he steps out of the crowd.

"Your father is stable, he's being moved to a bed as well. These two got very lucky." She says to tumultuous applause; the doctor has to yell to get everyone to shut up.

"This is still a hospital, act accordingly." He says once everyone is done.

"Yeah, jeez," I hear Reggie say to Moose, I roll my eyes as they begin bickering back and forth. Moving to reclaim my chair, I sit and wait until I can see my best friend.

Why is it always her?

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