Afterparty II

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In which she's numb...

WARNING! Mentions of rape, assault, and blood! Read at your own risk!!

Reggie had to go in the closet, Cheryl was gone somewhere, probably finding another drink or dancing with some guy. I'm tired, I want to go to bed, I get up and begin to find my way through the house to Cheryl's room, I trip over my own feet part of the way up the stairs, someone catches me, big arms wrap around me, I look up to see someone I don't recognize.

"Let me go, I don't want to sleep with you." My words slur together, I try to fight out of his grip but it tightens around my waist, he picks me up as I struggle and carries me to a random room in the house, I recognize it as Jason's old room.

"Dude, get off me! I said I don't want to!" I yell, he clamps a hand harshly over my mouth, I bite him and he throws me harshly onto the bed, my back hitting Jason's headboard.

"Bitch!" he looks at his hand, it wasn't bleeding, he looked at me angrily before coming to the side of the bed and grabbing my foot, yanking me down towards him, I tried to kick him but he held my feet down as he climbed on top of me. I tried to get him off me, he slammed me down, using his body to pin me under him and a hand to hold my wrists above my head, I couldn't move.

Slowly, he began sliding his fingers up my exposed thigh, the feeling of his hands on me so disgusting that I held back a gag. I whimpered when he jammed his thumb into the sensitive, scarred skin near my hip bone. His grip on my wrists loosens and I push back against him, hitting him in the face.

"You fucking whore, you're gonna pay for that." He slams his fist repeatedly into my ribs, one hand over my mouth to cover my cries. I bite him a second time, this time tasting blood, he uses his other hand to slap me, I see stars and my vison swims, I taste blood, I try to move but his body holds me down, he rips my panties off, forcing my legs apart, shoving himself inside of me, his fingers digging into the skin of my wrists, leaving bruises. His other hand makes its way to my throat, squeezing, constricting my airway. I struggle against him, trying to get him to let go, soon the edges of my vision become blurry, my movements become sluggish before darkness swallows me...

I wake up in a familiar room, Cheryl shaking my shoulder, Reggie standing behind her, looking worried. It takes a second for me to figure out why I'm in Jason's old room, when it sinks in, I feel tears well up in my eyes, I look around and notice someone laying in a heap on the floor, the person that did this.

"Thank God you're alright. I was so scared Gwen." Reggie says when he sees me awake.

Reggie and Cheryl both climb onto the bed with me when they see me crying, they hold me tight until we hear the sound of sirens outside, there's a knock on the door downstairs, Cheryl excuses herself to let the cops into the house, a few moments later, the room is swarmed with police officers, they take one look at my battered form on the bed and the unconscious boy on the floor and can piece together the story pretty easily.

Sherriff Keller enters the room, takes one look at me and rushes over, "Oh my God, Gwen. Andrew, put her on the stretcher, let's get her to the ambulance. No, leave him there, she's more important. Jen, have someone put him in a cruiser and taken to the station."

The swaying sensation of being carried on the stretcher was threatening to lull me to sleep, but the memories that flashed through my head every time I closed my eyes kept me awake, we made it to the ambulance, Reggie and Cheryl both climbing in with me and holding my hands as I cried on the way to the hospital, everything hurt so much, my ribs were bruised, if not broken, and I had such a horrible headache, my neck was throbbing and it hurt to breathe.

"You have a broken rib, three bruised ones, a mild concussion, many bruises and some vaginal tearing, we've stitched it closed but you need to take it very easy for at least three weeks. We're going to be keeping you overnight for observation, I believe that Sheriff Keller is going to be by soon to get a statement." The doctor tells me as my mom and dad stand behind him, my dad holding my mom as she cries. I nod and the doctor leaves the room.

"Where's Betty?" I croak, pain lacing my neck when I speak.

"She's out in the waiting room, they only allowed two visitors. Oh, Sweetie, what happened?" my mom asks, still crying as she makes her way over to my bed. I begin to cry as I tell her the story, my dad looking outraged as the stands at my bedside, his hand in mine. My mom climbs onto the bed with me and holds me in her arms as I cry, eventually I calm down enough to slip into a deep, dreamless sleep.

I woke a few hours later to my mother and Sheriff Keller arguing, "She only just fell asleep, Sheriff, now you want to wake her up and make her relive that again?" I opened my eyes and slowly lifted myself into a sitting position, wincing as I did.

"Its okay mom, I'm already awake." I tell her, I turn to Keller, telling him the story, keeping my voice steady even as tears slowly made their way down my cheeks, he wrote everything I said down and didn't look up from his notepad until I was finished, then he approached my bedside and put his hand on my uninjured cheek, wiping off a tear.

"This guy is going to go away for a long time Gwen, I promise." He gives me one last smile before saying goodbye and leaving the room. Sheriff Keller had always been like a second dad to me, he even came to the school once when I was in fourth grade and Kevin had told him about some kids that were bullying me, he'd scared the shit out of them so bad, they wouldn't even come near me. I knew about his affair but I knew that he was a good man and I didn't judge him harshly for it, he knows that I know and is grateful to me for not telling Kevin, he just wants the boy to lead a happy life.

My mom joins me on my bed again, cradling me in her arms, I drift of into a far less dreamless sleep than before, plagued with nightmares about the events that'd taken place that night. I vowed to myself that I would never get drunk anywhere near someone I didn't fully trust ever again.

When I was discharged the next morning, eyes bloodshot and entire body throbbing with pain, I went home and took my pain medication and slept for so long my parents probably thought I was dead. It was about midnight by the time I was finally lucid again. I groped around on my nightstand for the lamp to turn it on, the bright light searing my eyeballs that were used to the dark.

When my eyes had adjusted, I looked around my room, it was nice, it looked nothing at all like Jason's old room so I didn't feel scared when I laid long as the light was on, when the light was off it was too easy to believe that I was laying on Jason's bed, in his room, and that someone was about to pin me down. I didn't even have the energy to feel anything anymore, I just felt empty...I felt numb

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