New Tats

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In which she's angry...

"Gwen, what're you doing out here?" I turn, seeing Fp standing there, his Serpent jacket fitting him perfectly, the flannel tied around him hanging off his hips, I cleared my throat, shoving away the thoughts that just attacked my brain. I hold up the vape in my hand.

"Didn't want to be blowing smoke in my friends' faces so I came out here." I tell him, putting the vape between my lips and inhaling. Puffing out the watermelon-scented smoke. Fp watches me the whole time, not blinking.

"That really is a bad habit." He tells me, something in his voice making a rush of excitement crash through me. I glance at him, he has one hand on the wall about a foot away from me and was leaning against it, he reminded me of a high school heartbreaker, leaning against the locker of a poor new victim. I smirk, leaning my back against the wall and resting one foot against it, I slowly pull in another lungful of the addictive substance and take my time to blow it out.

"I know, that's probably why I do it." I tell him, sarcastically. I see his head tilt to the side, he goes to reply but the door to the Wyrm opens behind him, Toni steps out, calling over to me, "Well, that's my ride. See you Mr. Jones." I tell him, stepping past him, he turns to watch me leave.

"See you around Cooper." I hear him say as I pass him, his gravely voice bringing a smirk to my face. I make it to Toni, the girl waiting next to her motorcycle, she hands me a helmet.

"What was that about?" she asks, eyeing Fp, still standing where I left him.

"Not sure, I'll talk to you about it later." I tell her, placing the helmet on my head and climbing onto the back of her bike. She speeds off in the direction of Riverdale High...


The pep-rally was a semi-success, the performance going great, until the players ran out onto the field, Cheryl getting overwhelmed (she has feelings you know), and running off the field. I got up to follow her but saw Veronica going for it, I knew V was good at making people feel better as she'd helped me out not long before, so I let her handle it. I'd talk with Cheryl about it when she was ready. I rode home with my parents and Betty.

The next day at school, Cheryl was pulled out of class by Sheriff Keller, I was confused as hell, blowing up her phone until I finally got an answer after hours of calls, texts, voicemails, and waiting. She told me everything, about what they were really doing at Sweetwater River that day, and about how she hadn't heard from Jason. I was so angry that she hadn't told me this, that she kept it from me. Jason and I had been really close when he was alive, he and I even dated for a while before deciding that we were better as friends, he was my first everything, friend, kiss, even sex. I'd known him longer even than I'd known Cheryl and Reggie.

I was angry, not only at Cheryl but at Jason too, admittedly, the anger was there to hide the sadness and betrayal I felt at being left in the dark about something like this.

I ended up hanging up on Cheryl, feeling bad, and then calling her back to apologize and then hanging up on her a second time. I threw my phone down on the concrete, I was currently standing outside the Wyrm. The phone, having an Otterbox case on it, didn't break. I punched the wall next to me repeatedly with both fists, the pain barely registering in my rage. My anger masking my intense sadness at losing one of my best friends.

I began pacing back and forth after I'd taken some of my anger out on the wall, the bricks now having my blood on them. I ran my bloody hands through my hair, trying to rein in my emotions before I had a full-on mental breakdown outside the biker bar. I didn't even notice when someone exited the bar, I didn't realize until I felt a hand gently grab my shoulder, stopping my pacing. I looked up, meeting Fp's deep brown eyes. I allowed myself to relax, a sob escaping my lips, he pulls me into him, wrapping his arms tightly around me and allowing me to cry into his shirt for a few moments.

"Come on," he says, grabbing my arm to lead me to his truck, stopping to pick up my phone on the way by. He helps me climb into the truck, keeping his arm around me and driving with one hand to his trailer. When we reach the trailer, my sobs have quieted and tears were silently making their way down my cheeks, he helps me out of the truck and leads me into the trailer, sitting with me on the couch. He sits with me, rubbing comforting circles on my back, and patiently waiting for my tears to dry.

"I'll go grab a first-aid kit for those hands, be right back." He says once I'm finally done crying, standing and disappearing down the hall. I take that time to look around, the trailer was still tidy and clean from a few days ago, that was good, that means he hasn't been having a rough week. He finally comes back, setting the first-aid kit on the couch next to me and kneeling in front of me, gently taking one of my injured hands in his. He uses a damp cloth to gently wipe the dried blood off and rifles through the kit to find alcohol swabs. "This is going to sting a bit." He warns be, rubbing the antiseptic over my split knuckles. I wince but don't try to pull away, knowing I can't get out of it. When he's cleaned and bandaged my left hand, he starts on my right, going through the steps carefully.

Once he's done with my right hand, he looks up at me, still holding my hand, our eyes holding each other's. Slowly, we begin leaning in, barely an inch left between us when there's a knock at the door. Fp quickly pulls away, standing and making his way to the door, admitting Toni into the trailer.

"Hey, I was looking for you, someone at the Wyrm said they saw you leave with Fp. We should get started on that tattoo though, if you want to get it done." She tells me, I see Fp look confusedly between us but I choose not to indulge his questioning look.

"Alright, lets head over to your trailer then." I reply, thanking Fp for helping me out before quickly leaving the trailer. Toni doesn't ask questions as we walk the short distance to her home. Once inside, she leads me to her familiar room and removes her tattooing supplies from the box in the closet.

"Sit," she orders, pointing to the chair she'd brought in from the dining room. I sat backwards in the chair, taking off my shirt and unclipping my bra to give her full access to my back. She lets me play music in the background as she gets her shit ready, I feel her rub the cool antiseptic along my spine. Then she applies the stencil to my back, a rather intense pain follows as she begins the tattoo...

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