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In which her world spins...


"It has been about twelve days since any of us have seen or heard from her. I tried asking her sister but she said that she didn't know where she was and that she didn't have time to look." Toni says, leaning back in her chair and crossing her arms over her chest, clearly annoyed with the girl for brushing her off.

"And Jughead? Archie? Nobody has seen or heard from her?" Toni nods, confirming, I sigh, placing my head in my hands, it was my fault.

"Her mom does seem pretty suspicious, though..." Toni says, pensively, looking as if she was thinking back on something. I look up at her, confused, motioning for the girl to elaborate. "She said that Gwen had just 'Gone away for a while', looked pretty guilty when she said it, like maybe it wasn't a vacation in the Bahamas."

"Went away for a while, huh?" I say, pretty much to myself, thinking about this for a moment. Then, as if someone had just flicked a switch in my head, I had an idea. "Where was it again that Alice sent her first daughter?" I ask, Toni looks up, confused for a moment before answering.

"Uh, it was like The Sisterhood of Silence or something." She says, her prompt making it easier for me to remember.

"The Sisters of Quiet Mercy," I say, her eyes widen and she nods her head, vigorously.

"Yes, that's that orphanage/mental hospital place. That place gives me the creeps...but that doesn't explain...oh." She finally realizes its importance, "You don't think she really sent her there...do you?"

"I think she did..." Toni nods, slowly, probably already scheming a way to get her friend out. I hear thuds behind the door and it slides open, a guard standing there, ready to cut our meeting short.

"Times up, Jones," He says, waiting for a moment for us to say our goodbyes before cuffing me once again and taking me back to my cell.

I really hope Toni gets her out...

Three more days have passed now, I'm losing hope with every hour that I spend in this hell. I spend my quiet reflection time in the garden under the watchful eye of Sister Woodhouse, I have to wonder if she doesn't have anything better to do than stand there and stare at me all day. She creeps the hell out of me. The blue dress that I'm wearing is ugly and uncomfortable, the white flats they force us to wear make my feet hurt, and the red cardigan they gave me scratches and irritates my skin.

I was allowed to look in the mirror yesterday...I almost didn't recognize myself. My hair was dull, my eyes borderline lifeless, my skin even paler than usual. The dark circles under my eyes made me look like I hadn't slept in weeks...maybe I hadn't. My mother told me that this would be good for me, that it was what was best. I'm struggling to see what exactly was supposed to be good about this.

"Next," the droning voice of the nun who gives us our daily 'vitamins' rings out, the person in front of me reaches the window, gets handed her cup, and she takes the drugs given to her.

"Next," It's my turn.

I step up, grab the small cup of pills, and dump them into my mouth, pretending to swallow them, before going to turn around.

"Wait," the voice of Sister Woodhouse says from behind as I turn, she grabs my shoulder and spins me back around. I feel her hand roughly grab my jaw and force it open, revealing the un-swallowed drugs.

"You haven't been taking your vitamins. Naughty girl," she reaches to the side and grabs one of the cups that had the water in it, "Drink this now and wash all of them down, we don't want you getting sick, now do we?"

I had no choice, I drank the water and washed the drugs down, into my system. Sister Woodhouse had me open my mouth again so she could check I'd swallowed everything. Deciding that I'd taken them, she nods to herself, turning on her heel and walking away. The only time she's allowing me to be unsupervised is when she knows I won't get far. And high, I sure as shit am not going anywhere.

My world began to spin...

Call me Domino's because I delivered! Pretty excited about this act, there's going to be a shit ton of twists and turns, so be prepared!!!

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