Sticks and Stones

440 21 30

In which they run...


I stagger through the twisted halls of The Sisters of Quiet Mercy, trying to find my way back to my room, my head was spinning and I had to place one hand on the wall as I stumbled to keep myself upright. I go pitching and leaning as if on the deck of a ship in a storm. I crash to the floor, making a racket, and laugh at myself, unable to contain the volley of giggles that tore out of me. I laid there on the floor, laughing hysterically for a couple of minutes before one of the nuns came and found me, having two of the men in scrubs drag me by my hands back to my room...

I walk through the woods, trying to find the entrance that some guy had told me about to get into the nunnery. I stumble upon it after a couple of minutes of wandering, there's a padlock on the grate over the drain pipe, I search around for a rock, using it to smash the rusted lock, it clatters to the ground, I decide to keep the rock for just-in-case purposes. Never know just when a heavy stone will come in handy.

I'm about to climb into the pipe when my phone begins to ring, I check the caller ID and see that it's Sweetpea, I sigh, answering the call.

"I already know what you're doing. Don't give me any bullshit, just tell me where you are, and Fangs and I will be there in ten." Sweetpea says the second I go to tell him that I'm busy. I sigh, telling him where I am, knowing that if I don't he will somehow figure it out and bring holy hell down on me. He hangs up when I tell him, not saying anything more, and not needing to.

True to his word, ten minutes later I hear footsteps to my right before Fangs and Sweetpea break through the foliage and come to stand next to me at the tunnel entrance. They stare at it for a couple of moments before Sweetpea leads the charge, climbing in and beginning to crawl through. I follow after him and Fangs is after me. we crawl until my limbs begin to hurt before we finally come upon the manhole that will allow us to climb up into the place.

Sweetpea winces at the noise the manhole cover makes when he pushes it up, he sets it down on the ground to the side of the hole and waits for a moment to see if anyone is going to come and check the sound out. deeming it safe, he turns and helps me climb up, then waits for Fangs to climb out before pushing himself out of the hole. We look around for about a minute, scoping out the different entrances and exits to the room, there are three.

"Do you know where she is?" Fangs whisper, glancing around us.

"No, I'm guessing that she's in the dormitories this late at night, I'm not sure where it is though," I reply and he nods at me, shining the flashlight on his phone around.

"Should we split up?" Sweetpea asks, I shake my head at him.

"No, we stick together, we don't want one of us getting caught and nobody knowing," I tell him, he gives me a thumbs up as he goes to search through some papers on a table nearby.

"I think that we should find the records room, grab her file, and then go from there." Fangs says, I nod in approval at his suggestion.

"Alright, pick a number between one and three..."

I laid in my bed, the second dose of the drugs they'd made me take making the shadows from the tree outside my window take shape, sometimes it was scary, other times it was cute. I giggle to myself now and then. The door to my dorm gets thrown open, I look down, my head oddly heavy and hard to move. Three figures are standing in the doorway, I can't see them well until they come closer.

"T-t-t-toni...Top-paz. » I slur out, unable to say much else, she leans down to me, her hair tickling my face, and I giggle again. I can see her mouth moving but no words are reaching my brain.

"You're on silent, Topi," I say, mixing up her name. I laugh at myself. Her face scrunches in concern before she leans away from me, talking to one of the people with her...

She was drugged, her words slurring together, her brain muddled. I lean back after it becomes clear she isn't understanding me.

"Sweetpea, you good to carry her?" I ask, he nods, a determined look on his face as he leans down to pick her up, bridal style. "Alright, good, let's get out of here."

We walk to the doorway, looking left and right before I begin to lead the way back to the manhole we crawled out of. Gwen begins giggling uncontrollably, to the point that we have to stop if we don't want to get caught.

"Gwen, Gwen, you need to be quiet, or else we will get caught." I try to tell her, she looks at me without really seeing me and laughs again. I tried to think about what to do, but it wasn't a good idea to cover her mouth, she might end up suffocating. I look around before spotting a door to the infirmary.

"Follow me," I say, motioning to my companions, they do as instructed and follow behind me, Gwen letting out a big 'Wheeee' as we go.

I find the bottle of sedatives, reading the thing to know how much to give her, I search for a syringe and use it to inject her with the serum. It takes barely thirty seconds for her eyes to close and her breathing to even out.

"Solves that problem, now we just gotta get out of here." Fangs says, standing guard at the infirmary door.

"Well, let's do this then," I say, nodding to Fangs, he looks both ways before exiting the room, Sweetpea goes after him, I take the rear.

Its smooth sailing for most of the walk back, we run into a couple of guards about a hallway away from where we needed to go. Fangs gets the jump on one, taking him out before he knew what was happening, we weren't so lucky with the other one. He yelled for backup before taking off down the hallway, I grabbed Fangs's arm when he moved to go after him.

"We just need to get out of here," I tell him, we hurry to the manhole room, Fangs drops down first, catching Gwen when Sweetpea drops her down to him. I jump down next, Sweetpea following after. Sweetpea had just barely gotten the cover replaced when the door to the room above us burst open, we see flashlight beams shining up there, sweeping around the room.

We turn and quickly begin crawling, Fangs with Gwen draped over his back. We hear shouts behind us from the room and know they'd realized their escape route, suddenly it was a race, we were crawling as fast as humanly possible, Gwen would hit the top of the drainage pipe every now and again, but I knew she would still thank us for getting her out of there when she came to. No matter how many bruises she'd received in the process.

We reach the end of the pipe and climb out one by one, Fangs sliding Gwen from his back before he does so and pulling her out gently. She has a few cuts and bruises here and there and her head is bleeding a bit but she's otherwise fine. We climb out quickly and hear the guards following, I grab a large stick from the side of the drain pipe and close the grate, shoving the stick into the place where the padlock was, making it harder for them to get out.

Fangs helps put Gwen on Sweetpea's back and we run, as fast as we can back to our bikes and speed off to my trailer. Gwen is still sleeping heavily when we make it into the trailer, I set her down on my bed and cover her with the blankets, turning off the light and closing the door behind me when I walk out.

"What the hell was that place?"

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