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In which she's angry...

"So, he really did all of that and then sent that to you?" Angela asks I nod, staring at my ceiling, I wasn't sure exactly what to do with the voicemail or him telling me he loved me. I figure I should be feeling something towards the voicemail, but I didn't. I think that I should be angry, or hurt, or something, but I just didn't.

That's when I realized that I didn't love Jughead anymore, that's when I realized that FP was all that mattered to me now.

"I think I've moved on, I only just realized that it doesn't hurt when I think about it anymore. Right now, all I can think of is finding out what my friends know about Jason's death, and proving FP innocent." I told her, giving her my best look of determination.

"So, do you want to visit FP today or tomorrow?" she asks, sitting down on the bed beside me, I take a moment to think before answering, I wasn't sure the prison was open for visitors today.

"Tomorrow, after we know what's going on." I tell her before getting up off the bed and grabbing the set of clothes she'd left on the chair in front of the vanity and beginning to get ready.

"We? Am I coming?" she asks, I turn around and nod at her.

"You're my best friend now, I don't see any reason why not." I tell her, pulling a shirt over my head and my Serpent jacket over that.

"Cool, I get to help solve my first murder case and prove my bestie's baby daddy innocent." She responds, I snort at 'baby daddy' and shake my head at her in the mirror as I begin with my makeup.

"So, who do you think killed him?" Angela asks, her tone slightly cautious.

"Jason was my best friend for the longest time, when I was younger, he would sneak into my room and sleep over when things would become too much at his house. Even when he and I broke up and he started dating my sister he still did. He always called me his 'normal half'. Even when my sister told him that she didn't want him hanging out with me anymore, he still found ways to, sneaking into my room at all hours, asking me to go on late-night walks with him, breaking into the public pool in the middle of the night to go swimming." Tears pricked the back of my eyes and I had to turn my head away from Angela so she wouldn't see them.

"I guess what I'm saying is..." I took a deep breath, "Anyone who could kill someone who had so much love and kindness in his heart, anyone who could take my best friend away from me, is a monster. I don't care who it is, but they deserve to burn in hell for what they did,"

"They deserve to suffer for what they took from me."

Bit of a smaller chapter to get myself back into the swing of things, I'm actually pretty excited, I had a bit of time to think about what I wanted to do with this book over break and I think you guys are gonna like it.

Prepare thine emotions

hehe :)

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