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Just a lil mini update to make you guys wish I hadn't <3

My locker makes a metallic noise as it slams shut, making me jump backward and glare at whoever had closed it. Archie stands there, looking both worried and angry, clearly, he wanted to know what was going on.

"Don't even start, I'll explain later, right now I'm tired and just want to eat something. Take me to Pop's?" I ask, he rolls his eyes, turning to allow me to climb onto his back, and we begin to make our way out of the school.

I play music as we walk to Pop's, which is surprisingly close to the school, I kind of figured it would be further. Fred calls Archie halfway through our walk, wanting to know where he is.

"Hey Mr. Andrews, I'm holding Archie hostage and making him buy me food, you in?" I ask when Archie puts the phone on speaker so I can hear what Fred is saying.

"Gwen, you're back! Of course, I'm in, I'll meet you guys there in a bit." He says, I can almost feel Archie's eye roll as he hangs up the phone, not letting me say goodbye. We walk along, me filling the silence by humming annoyingly in my best friend's ear the whole way.

"God, it's about time, I could've walked here faster," I say when my feet touch the concrete outside Pop's Choc'lit shop.

"You're lucky you're pregnant," Archie tells me with a playful glare, hinting that if I wasn't, he would harm me in some way. I smirk, triumphantly at him and open the door for us, holding it open and doing a sweeping bow, pretending to be his butler. He rolls his eyes as he enters the diner, seeing his dad and making a beeline to the left, sitting down across from Fred. I follow, sitting down and greeting the man.

"Oh, hey, I'm gonna go and wash my hands really quick," Archie says, getting up, he disappears into the bathroom, Fred and I make small talk for a bit before I realize I really need to pee and I stand.

Two things happen at the same time after I do this, Archie exits the bathroom, and the bell over the entrance to the diner dings, a tall man with a black ski mask enters the diner, black gun resting in his hand.

I put my hands up, Fred slowly stands from the booth, standing slightly in front of me, blocking me slightly with his body. I look over his shoulder at the man with the gun, he lifts the thing, pointing it at Pop over the counter, and he yells something in an oddly familiar voice. I can't make out the words over my heartbeat thudding in my ears. The man suddenly turns back around to us when Archie goes to take a step forward, he aims the gun directly at my best friend, I go to take a step forward when the man whips his hand over, firing two shots in rapid succession.

At first, I didn't even register the pain, it was similar to when I crashed my bike and broke my arm when I was six. Then, the pain, and the feeling of suffocating began. He'd gotten me in the chest, he'd fucking shot me. I stumbled back, clutching at my chest, the last thing that I saw before I fell was Fred on the ground, blood from an identical gunshot wound blossoming through his shirt. I hit my head hard on a table when I went down and everything went black after that...

More Than I Should... (Fp x OC)Where stories live. Discover now