Newer Tats

448 21 2

In which she recounts events...


I woke up to light streaming through oddly familiar curtains, my head was pounding so hard that I couldn't think long enough to place them. I groan, putting my head in my hands, feeling bile rise in my throat, I roll out of the bed, trying to find something, anything, to throw up into. There's a trashcan nearby, I grab onto that and heave, emptying my stomach into it. I lean back, sitting back with my legs underneath me, I look around the room, less distracted by the pain that had lessened slightly.

How the fuck was I in Toni's room?

Sweetpea, Fangs, and I had all fallen asleep in the living room, Sweetpea was sprawled across the couch, Fangs was curled up in the corner of the room for some reason, and I was lying on my stomach in a starfish position on the floor, wondering how I wasn't in pain from sleeping like this.

I hear something from my bedroom and slowly peel myself off the floor and stand, trying not to trip over Sweetpea's long limbs that hang out from the couch. I make my way down the hall and stand at the closed door to my room for a moment, listening. I don't hear anything so I open the door. Gwen is sitting on the floor, my trashcan in front of her, evidently having just thrown up.

"Good morning," I say, she winces and holds her head, probably hungover as fuck from those drugs and the sedatives. I suppose being slammed against the top of a drainpipe might not have helped. I cross the room and pull the curtains firmly closed, hoping this will help ease her pain a bit.

"H-how did I get here?" She croaks out, her throat dry.

"We got you out of the hell hole. Fangs, Sweetpea, and I broke in and got you out." she looks up at me, a mix of happiness and sadness on her face.

"Thank you," is all she manages to say before she breaks down, I rush to her side and wrap her in a hug, letting her cry into my shoulder.

"It's okay, you're safe, don't worry," I whisper to her as she sobs, clearly it wasn't sunshine and rainbows in that facility.

"And then my fucking mom had them come and take me to that place." I recount my entire week before I got to the sisters, other than the whole dating FP thing, I made it seem like being pregnant was the reason I tried know. They all looked shocked they couldn't believe that my mother would willingly let them torture me.

"What a bitch!" Toni exclaims, I nod, furious with my mom for the shit she pulled. "Well, we're going to keep you here, if your mom wants to get rid of you, then she did. And now we get you all to ourselves." She says with an evil laugh, pulling me into her and shaking me back and forth. We all laugh and I relax into her once she stops moving, enjoying the peaceful moment with people who care about me.

The peace would soon end...

You'll be the saddest part of me, A part of me that'll never be mine... the song begins, I close my eyes and let the music run through me as Toni sits in a chair beside me, giving me a new tattoo, this one behind my ear.

"Jughead is going to be joining the Serpents soon...he's been staying at FP's trailer while he's been gone. And going to Southside High." I can't nod in response for fear that it might mess her up so I don't do anything.

"I think that you should talk to that lawyer chick you said you know and ask about getting some emancipation forms drafted up for your mom to sign," Toni says a couple of minutes later as she finishes up the tattoo that she'd been working on for about an hour now and wipes it off with a piece of gauze.

"Yeah, I think I'll call her tomorrow, today I just want to relax and not give a shit," I tell her and she nods, giving me a big smile. She grabs her phone and takes a picture of the tattoo so I can see it easily.

"Oh my God, Toni, it looks amazing," I say, beaming at my friend, she smiles sheepishly at me and waves me off when I try and pay her, not only for the tattoo but for everything.

"Toni...I don't know how I managed to find such a good friend..."

"But I'm really glad that I did."

WARNING: Mature themes in author's note. Read at your own risk.

So, the tattoo that is shown at the beginning of the chapter is the one that Toni gave her. Semicolon tattoos are typically used to put two sentences together or when a sentence could've ended at one spot but you decided to add to it. People who attempted suicide or have frequent suicidal thoughts tend to get these tattoos because it shows that you could've ended the sentence, but you decided to keep writing. You could've ended your life, but you didn't.

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