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In which she shatters...

The night of homecoming had arrived, I had my dress on and was applying some light makeup, humming along with the song playing from my speakers when I heard the doorbell ring downstairs, I ignore the sound and let the excited feeling come and go as I finish applying my makeup, admiring my reflection before heading downstairs. I hear voices in the dining room, they've already sat down and Mom is placing the food on the table, I look over the table, a feeling of confusion blossoming inside me when I see Betty sitting in my spot at the table and no place having been set for me.

"Mom?" I ask, she and everyone else at the table turn and look at me. Mom looks surprised to see me for some reason.

"Sweetie, I thought you were getting ready at Cheryl's." Mom tells me, I tilt me head in confusion.

"Mom, I told you just last night that I'd be here for dinner," when I see her face scrunch in confusion, I realize she'd forgotten I'd even spoken to her. "God, Mom, you fucking forgot?" I ask, feeling hurt by the fact she didn't remember.

"No, of course I remember Gwen." Mom tells me, trying to smooth the situation over, her expression imploring me to drop the subject, she wanted to keep the vision of perfect family while guests were over. That only hurt me more.

"Yes, and that's why you didn't set a place for me, because you fucking remembered. Jesus fucking Christ mother." I reply sarcastically, before walking away from her and heading towards the front door.

"Where are you going, young lady?" I hear my mom call from behind me. I grab my jacket and my purse as I reply.

"I don't know, maybe the fucking dance?" I call back, slamming the door behind me loudly, rattling the window panes in their casings. I angrily begin my walk to the school, shoving my earbuds in my ears as I do. I can't fucking believe she forgot that I was supposed to be eating with them. Where the hell had she gotten the idea that I would be getting ready with Cheryl? Had Betty told her that? What was going on the was so important that she forgot her own daughter? Who the hell does she think she is trying to get me to push this under the rug?

I finally make it to the school some time later, my coat was soggy and my feet had begun to hurt, when I was about to climb the stairs to the entrance of the school, FP's truck pulled up to the curb and Betty climbed out. Betty looks at me and I see anger behind the false smile on her face, FP says something to her and Jughead, the boy climbs back into the truck and Betty joins me on the stairs, grabbing my arm harshly and pulling me up the steps.

"You ruined dinner, Gwen." She yells at me after dragging me to the girl's bathroom.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't realize that me being rightfully hurt would ruin Her Highness's grand dinner. Get over yourself Betty." I tell her sarcastically, the spark of anger in her eyes quickly ignites and I see her clench her fists, digging her nails into her palms, attempting to keep herself in check. "Careful, Betty, we wouldn't want the 'Good Girl' façade to drop. Whatever would we do if everyone found out you're actually fucking crazy." I lean in towards her and the anger quickly changes to fear, she draws away from me before turning and running out of the bathroom without a second glance. When she leaves, I turn to the mirror, my makeup was completely fucked and my hair was damp and messy, as I stared at myself, I began to feel the anxiety well up that typically did when I was alone. I used to have nicotine to take my mind off it, now I had nothing. I had no choice but to face it, it would either consume me, or it would pass.

I stood there, in that mirror, for a long time. When I heard the sound of Archie and Veronica singing their cover of some song that I knew but couldn't care to dig for in my memory, I pulled myself together and began to work on my makeup again, I finally fixed it enough to be presentable and rand my hands through my now-dry hair. I quickly left the bathroom without looking in that mirror again, not appreciating what I saw anymore.

I made it to the gymnasium just as the song ended and people began clapping enthusiastically. I watched as V and Arch stepped off the stage, it was clear they were into each other, why don't they just fucking date already? I look around and spot Betty moving out of the hall with Archie and Veronica in tow I quickly follow them and hear them talking about how Archie and Veronica teamed up with my mom to search FP's trailer and see if they could find anything that would tie him to Jason's murder. I hear footsteps behind me and turn back from around the corner and see Jughead there, listening with me I see the anger on his face, his face showed the fury that I felt inside.

He quickly goes to them, I follow slowly behind him, watching the scene that unfolds in front of my eyes. "To think I was gonna pass moving to Toledo with my family for you..." I hear him yell, Toledo? Did FP ask him to move to Toledo with him? Jughead continues yelling but I couldn't hear him over the ringing that had begun in my ears, the fuzz that was in my head, slowing my ability to process. Why would FP ask Jughead to move with him?

Just then, a group of people comes out of the gym, I see Kevin, Fred, Mary, my mom, and Hermione approach us, Kevin tells us that FP has just been arrested for the murder of Jason Blossom. My mom quickly drags Betty and I to the car, the entire way home I count to fifty over and over in my head, waiting until I'm in the privacy of my room to breakdown. When we reach the house, I sprint out of the car, feeling suddenly sick, and barely make it to the bathroom in time to throw up in the toilet. When I've successfully thrown up the very small amount I'd eaten that day, I laid on the bathroom floor and silently began to break. The events of the past two hours throwing emotions at me in rapid succession.

I couldn't breathe...

More Than I Should... (Fp x OC)Where stories live. Discover now