"Love Is Blind" (W.M)

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(Wanda POV)

Being an Avenger isn't easy for a relationship. Ethan and I rarely get any real time alone together outside of quick stolen moments between missions. But we make it work, even when others don't understand what I see in him.

Ethan isn't the sharpest tool in the shed, I'll admit. He doesn't have the brilliant mind of his father, Tony Stark. Ethan is more likely to accidentally ignite his gauntlets while trying to make pancakes than invent futuristic tech in his basement workshop. But what he lacks in intelligence he more than makes up for with heart.

When we first started dating, some people raised their eyebrows in surprise. Black Widow joked that I could do better and find a guy who can count past ten without taking his shoes off. Hawkeye teased that Ethan must have a magic kiss to land a woman like me. Their playful ribbing didn't bother me though. I knew what Ethan and I had was special.

But then the day came when I overheard some new S.H.I.E.L.D. recruits loudly insulting Ethan's intellect and abilities. They called him a moronic mistake who didn't deserve to be an Avenger given his simple mind. Fury should have just kept him locked away out of sight in their opinion.

Rage boiled up inside of me. Without thinking, I stormed up to them, energy crackling dangerously around my hands. "How dare you speak about Ethan that way," I shouted. The agents shrank back in fear as my powers raged. "He is twice the hero any of you will ever be," I spat. With a flick of my wrist, I knocked them all off their feet before turning on my heel. You do not want to get on my bad side when it comes to the man I love.

Later that night I told Ethan what had happened. He just shrugged and told me not to waste my anger on fools. Nothing could shake his spirit - it was one of the things I adored most about him.

When we're out in the field together, Ethan may not be able to formulate complex strategy like Captain America. But his strength and loyalty have saved my skin more than once. And he'll crack a joke to lift my spirits even in the most dire situations. His goofy grin never fails to soften my heart.

I wish I could make the whole world see Ethan how I do - to look past surface perceptions and apreciate him for the kind, brave soul he is. But in the end, the only opinion that really matters to me is his.

As long as Ethan keeps looking at me with those adoring puppy-dog eyes after all these years, I don't care what anyone else says. Let them judge and whisper. When he wraps his arms around me, none of that pettiness matters. We have an understanding that transcends what small minds can grasp.

So no, Ethan isn't some Tony Stark-level genius, building tech in his basement or outwitting villains with cunning plans. But every day he builds up my heart with his goofball antics and undying loyalty. And there's no one in this universe I trust by my side in battle more. If that isn't the mark of a true hero, I don't know what is. At the end of the day, I wouldn't change a thing about the man I fell madly in love with. Let the world think what they want. Ethan is my world - and that's more than enough for me.

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