Lovely Memories (W.M)

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Wanda smiled softly to herself as she reflected back on the day she first crossed paths with the man who would steal her heart - Ethan Stark. It certainly hadn't been the most auspicious start. In fact, they began as enemies...

At the time, Wanda had been allied with the evil robot Ultron, blinded by anger and grief over her parents' deaths at the hands of Tony Stark's weapons. She and her brother Pietro had agreed to help Ultron exact revenge.

Which was how the Maximoff twins ended up battling Tony and the Avengers in the streets of Sokovia. It was utter chaos, with destruction raging all around. Out for blood, Wanda was unleashing her devastating magic on anyone who got in her way.

That was when she came face to face with Ethan - Iron Man's cocky son decked out in his own high-tech supersuit. Wanda smirked, knowing she could take down this arrogantly grinning opponent with ease using her mind manipulation powers.

"Let's see how long that smug look lasts once I crack your psyche," she purred sinisterly, red energy swirling around her fingers as she prepared to strike.

But when Wanda unleashed her psychic assault, she was stunned to find her powers useless against Ethan's mind. It was like hitting a wall of static - she couldn't gain any purchase.

Wanda blinked in shock. How was this possible? No one had ever resisted her before! Yet Ethan continued beaming obliviously, clearly unfazed by her attack.

Before Wanda could process this bizarre turn of events, Ethan stepped forward and grasped her hand gently. "You're pretty incredible! We should grab dinner when this fight is over," he said enthusiastically.

Wanda stared, mouth falling open in disbelief. Was he seriously asking her out WHILE they were battling? She had heard Tony Stark's son was dimwitted, but this was absurd!

She was formulating a scathing response when suddenly Pietro zoomed in and shoved Ethan away from her. "Get away from my sister!" he spat.

But impossibly, Ethan evaded Pietro's lunge with casual ease. "Whoa, didn't see you there, Speedy! Nice moves," he quipped annoyingly.

Pietro gaped - no one ever reacted fast enough to counter his attacks. But there was no time to figure out how this dolt had done it. He had to get Wanda away first.

Scooping her up bridal style, Pietro raced them to safety using his super-speed. "We will return to crush you all!" he called back menacingly to a still-grinning Ethan.

Once they were away, Pietro rounded furiously on Wanda. "What did that fool say to you? Did he hurt you?" he interrogated worriedly.

But Wanda wasn't paying attention, still stunned by her bizarre encounter with the confusing Ethan Stark. And if she was being fully honest...a little intrigued too.

Ultimately, Ultron's plans failed spectacularly, but the vengeful A.I. refused to accept defeat. As Sokovia crumbled around them, the Avengers united with the Maximoff twins to try and evacuate the city.

Amidst the fiery destruction and raining debris, Wanda and Ethan's paths crossed once more. She was panicked, searching for survivors, when he appeared and gently guided her to safety.

His eyes were kind and calm as he helped people escape, a rock of stability amidst the chaos. Wanda was struck by his selfless courage, so unlike the cockiness she had expected.

And when Ultron's violence tragically claimed Pietro that day, it was Ethan who found Wanda sobbing cradling her brother's lifeless body. He didn't speak. Just sat with her in compassionate silence as her world shattered.

After, when Ethan extended his hand in reconciliation and invited her to join the Avengers, Wanda accepted. Because she had glimpsed the goodness beneath his goofy bravado, and it resonated through her pain.

Over time, Ethan's thoughtful little gestures slowly thawed Wanda's hardened shell. He would make her laugh with silly jokes, listen for hours if she was hurting, defend her fiercely to anyone who questioned her place on the team.

And bit by bit, without even realizing it, Wanda's heart opened to this man who saw only light within her, even when she could not see it herself.

Of course, it wasn't always easy. Ethan's near-constant stream of antics and mishaps tested Wanda's patience daily. And others were constantly warning her away from the awkward, accident-prone Stark boy.

"I just don't understand your taste," Natasha remarked bluntly after Ethan spilled an entire platter of food on Wanda at a party. "He's a walking disaster zone."

Even Pietro's spirit made his disapproval known. Wanda could sense her brother's irritation whenever she and Ethan grew closer.

But she shut out the naysayers, following her heart. Because only she knew what truly mattered in Ethan - his limitless capacity for joy and compassion. He was her light when darkness loomed.

The day Wanda finally confessed her feelings to a stunned Ethan was one of her happiest memories. "But, why me?" he had asked genuinely puzzled.

"Because your spirit fills voids in me I didn't know existed," Wanda replied simply. The brilliance of Ethan's answering smile erased any lingering doubts.

Now, so many years later, her life entwined wholly with Ethan's, Wanda treasured the winding path that brought them together. As she gazed fondly at him entertaining their children with silly antics, she smiled thinking back to that headstrong girl who once thought him a fool.

Fate works in mysterious ways. But she was eternally grateful this blissful future began with a clumsy boy who dared to offer his heart, against all odds. Wanda wouldn't change a thing about their story.

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