Eccentric but Endearing (W.M)

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Wanda smiled affectionately as she watched her boyfriend Ethan animatedly describing the new modifications he wanted to make to his Iron Man-style supersuit. His hands waved wildly as he babbled about energy outputs and propulsion systems, completely oblivious to the fact that Wanda had no idea what any of it meant.

But she didn't mind. She loved seeing Ethan get so excited and nerdy about his tech projects, even if she only understood about 10% of it. It was just one of the many quirks that made Ethan, well...Ethan.

Wanda had discovered soon after they started dating that the son of genius Tony Stark was secretly a major dork once you got to know him. Not that he tried to hide it - in fact, Ethan embraced his dorkiness. It was just another layer that made him endearingly different from his smooth, ultra suave dad.

Like how Ethan got so competitive anytime they played video games, he practically fell off the couch yelling at the screen and trash talking. Wanda mostly found it funny, except when he actually rage quit and stormed off, which had happened on more than one occasion.

Or how Ethan unironically loved renaissance fairs and dressed up in a full knight's costume every year to attend, insisting Wanda wear a frilly princess gown to match. He talked in an exaggerated noble accent all day and referred to turkey legs as "poultry of the realm."

Wanda endured the silly outings because of how happy it made Ethan. The pure joy on his face seeing magic shows and axe-throwing contests was worth the secondhand embarrassment.

Ethan also had an obsession with building elaborate Lego sets - everything from Death Stars to Hogwarts Castle. More than once Wanda had stepped on a stray Lego brick wandering their apartment in bare feet, inducing some very un-princesslike words from her.

"Babe, are you even listening?" Ethan's voice broke Wanda out of her amused reminiscing.

"What? Oh yes, of course!" Wanda tried to look serious. "You were talking about...all the science-y things."

Ethan rolled his eyes in mock offense. "Wow, don't strain yourself trying to keep up with us genius types."

Wanda shoved him playfully. "Excuse me Mr. I-Tried-to-Microwave-Foil because the popcorn instructions were confusing."

"That was one time!" Ethan protested. Wanda just raised her eyebrows knowingly.

"Okay fine, maybe I have some common sense gaps," Ethan acquiesced. "But that's why I keep you around." He grinned cheesily.

Wanda scoffed. "Wow, thanks, I feel so valued." But her sarcasm was undercut by the amused smile she was trying to fight.

She really did find Ethan's quirks cute, like his tendency to obsessively hyperfixate on random interests. For two straight months all he wanted to do was build model trains, culminating in an elaborate set up covering their living room.

Wanda didn't have the heart to complain about the mess when Ethan just looked so pleased with himself watching the little engines run. Even if it did mean she had to vault over tiny tracks and villages to walk anywhere.

Ethan also went through an intense phase of trying to solve Rubik's cubes as fast as possible and kept one within arm's reach at all times. Wanda once found him on the bathroom floor frantically twisting a cube he had brought in with him, tongue between his teeth in concentration.

"Babe...why?" was all she could ask. Ethan had looked up as if he hadn't realized how odd it was to be speed cubing on the tiles.

"Uh, gotta keep practicing?" he'd offered with an innocent shrug. Wanda just shook her head fondly. She loved him, eccentricities and all.

And Ethan was constantly discovering new facts and information that he just had to share with Wanda immediately. She would often wake up to a barrage of random trivia first thing in the morning.

"Babe, did you know wombats poop cubes? Wild, right?" Ethan had exclaimed one day before Wanda even had her eyes open. She had just groaned and pulled the covers over her head.

Wanda's favorite dorky quality though was Ethan's childlike excitement over everyday things, like a kid hyped up on sugary cereal. He practically buzzed with energy just existing.

Once on a lazy Sunday, Ethan had gasp dramatically from the couch before shouting "Babe! Come here, you gotta see this!"

Wanda had rushed over worriedly, only to find Ethan just enthralled by a squirrel eating nuts outside their window. He grinned up at her like it was the coolest thing ever as Wanda playfully swatted his head.

Yes, dating Ethan Stark meant embracing his inner—and outer—dorkiness in all its unfiltered glory. But Wanda wouldn't want him any other way. His silly quirks and hyperactive earnestness were part of his essence.

So Wanda would happily oblige his impromptu dances in the kitchen and endure his off-key serenades. She would feign interest in incomprehensible science facts and go along with his harebrained schemes.

Because at his core, under all the delicious dorkiness, Ethan had the biggest and most beautiful heart. That was ultimately what mattered to Wanda.

"You still with me, space cadet?" Ethan waved a hand in front of Wanda's face, pulling her back from reminiscing again.

"Sorry, what?" Wanda blinked. "I was distracted by this adorably nerdy guy I know," she added playfully.

"Oh really?" Ethan grinned, playing along. "He must be quite the catch."

"The dorkiest," Wanda declared affectionately, pulling him into a kiss.

"Lucky for him," Ethan murmured against her lips.

Wanda smiled softly, looking into those warm brown eyes she loved so much. The eyes that lit up with pure enthusiasm whether he was talking quantum physics or his Pokémon card collection.

"No, I'm the lucky one," she whispered, meaning it with her whole heart.

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