The one that I let go (W.M)

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Wanda lingered in the kitchen doorway, hesitation gripping her as she watched Ethan and Jean moving around each other with ease. Ethan's broad shoulders barely missed Jean as he reached across her for a wooden spoon, eliciting a teasing chastisement from Jean about his lack of spatial awareness. Ethan just grinned unrepentantly and stole a quick kiss in response, causing a delicate blush to stain Jean's cheeks that had nothing to do with the heat from the pots bubbling away on the stove.

Wanda swallowed hard, the casual intimacy between them piercing her heart. Cooking together had always been her thing with Ethan once upon a time. Late nights spent concocting experimental and sometimes questionable dishes were a cherished memory from when they had been lovers. Back when she was still in denial about being in love with him even as she inevitably fell deeper under his spell.

Pushing off the door frame, Wanda strode swiftly away before Ethan noticed her lingering presence. She felt like an intruder spying on a private moment not meant for her eyes. Bitter regret soured her mouth as she aimlessly wandered the halls of the Avengers compound. If only she had realized sooner how Ethan had completely conquered her guarded heart. How loving him was as essential as breathing to her happiness.

But she had naively pushed him away in favor of what she thought was an epic love with Vision. And now here Ethan was blissfully playing house in the kitchen with Jean Grey as if Wanda had never callously broken his heart. He clearly adored the pretty telepath in a way he had once felt for Wanda, she acknowledged painfully.

Lost in melancholy thoughts, Wanda nearly collided with Natasha coming around a corner. The widow's sharp eyes immediately narrowed, noting her teammate's obvious distress. "Everything okay, Wanda?" she asked in concern.

Wanda just shook her head mutely, not trusting her voice. She brushed past Natasha hurriedly before the spy could push for answers. Right now Wanda desperately needed solitude to wrestle the tumult of emotions threatening to overwhelm her composure.

Safely sequestered in her bedroom, Wanda finally allowed the tears burning behind her eyes to fall unrestrained. She buried her face into her pillow as sobs wracked her slender frame. All she could see was Ethan gazing adoringly at Jean, the woman who now held the heart Wanda had carelessly broken. Flashes of tender moments with Ethan taunted her relentlessly - the brush of his fingers over her skin as he pulled her in for a kiss, the warmth and solidness of his muscular body curled around her while they slept.

A knock at her door had Wanda frantically swiping at her tear-stained cheeks. "Go away," she called, her voice thick and muffled by her pillow. "I don't want to see anyone."

"Wanda?" Natasha's concerned voice filtered through the door. "Are you sure you don't want to talk?"

"Please, just leave me alone right now," Wanda managed unevenly. She just wanted to wallow in private misery over pushing away the man she loved, not rehash things with Natasha. Thankfully the spy respected her wishes and retreated without further arguments.

Some time later - minutes or hours, Wanda couldn't be sure - FRIDAY's automated voice announced over the intercom that dinner was served. Wanda sighed, reluctance and resignation warring within her. The team would worry if she didn't put in an appearance, forcing smiles and pretending everything was fine. Pulling herself together took monumental effort, but Wanda managed to splash some cool water on her face and join the others around the large table.

She slid silently into a vacant chair beside Vision just as everyone was serving themselves hearty portions of something fragrant and delicious-smelling. Trust Ethan and Jean's culinary prowess to produce something mouth-wateringly perfect, she thought sourly.

Noticing her subdued demeanor, Vision adopted his human appearance and shot her a concerned look. "Wanda? Is everything alright?" he inquired gently.

She mustered her most convincing smile for him. He didn't deserve her stormy emotions directed his way simply for not being the man she truly loved. "I'm fine, Vizh, just tired," she assured him, the endearment feeling foreign and clumsy on her tongue now.

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