Caught in the Act: An Avengers Rom-Com (W.M)

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It was supposed to be just another lazy Saturday afternoon at the Avengers compound. Most of the team was out enjoying their day off, leaving Ethan Stark and Wanda Maximoff practically alone at the base.

"Hey Wanda, want to maybe watch a movie or something?" Ethan asked, trying to sound casual about his true intentions. He had been harboring a major crush on Wanda for a while now and was hoping for some alone time with her.

"Sure, I'd love that!" Wanda replied with an eager smile. They settled onto the couch while Ethan browsed through the movie options, his heart pounding. He chose a romantic comedy, then subtly shifted closer to Wanda as it started playing.

Slowly, nervously, Ethan reached out and put his arm around her. When she snuggled into him in response, he could hardly believe his luck. Gathering his courage, he turned and nuzzled her hair, giving her a soft kiss on the neck. She sighed contentedly and kissed him back, on the cheek at first, then the lips.

Soon they were full-on making out, the movie forgotten. Wanda ran her hands through Ethan's hair as he slid his hands over her hips, pulling her closer. The kisses went from sweet to passionate very quickly. Just as things were really heating up, Tony Stark suddenly strode into the lounge.

"Hey kids, sorry to interru- whoa!" Tony stopped short, eyes wide. Ethan and Wanda jumped apart, flushed and panicked.

"Dad! We were just...watching a movie?" Ethan tried feebly. Wanda's face was bright red, her lips still kiss-swollen. 

Tony burst out laughing. "Wow, either Hollywood got a lot racier, or you two were watching your own film! What's it called, Tonsil Hockey Weekend?"

"Mr. Stark, please, we can explain!" Wanda said desperately, but Tony was already gleefully calling out, "FRIDAY! Get the team assembled back here stat! There's something they gotta see."

"No, Dad, come on!" Ethan protested, but FRIDAY had already sent the message. Soon the Avengers began trickling back into the lounge, curious about the vague summons.

Steve Rogers was first to arrive. "Tony, what seems to be the prob-" He cut off as he took in Ethan and Wanda's disheveled state and close proximity on the couch. "Oh. I think I'm starting to see the problem," Steve said with a knowing grin.

Natasha Romanoff entered next, immediately assessing the situation. "Well, well, what's going on in here? You two look cozy," she purred, smirking. Ethan wished the floor would swallow him up.

"We were just watching a movie!" Wanda claimed, but Natasha tutted. "That excuse isn't even PG. Try harder next time."

Sam Wilson sauntered in and broke into a huge grin when he saw the flushed couple on the couch. "A cute lil movie date, huh? Looks like it was getting good!" He pretended to fan himself vigorously.

When Thor came bounding in, he took one look at them and bellowed, "Young love! A splendid thing. Reminds me of when Jane and I first -"

"Okay, moving on!" Steve interrupted hastily, seeing Ethan's mortified face. But the relentless teasing continued.

"Wow, nice technique!" Clint snarked as he passed through. "Might wanna ease up though before someone loses an eye."

Tony made exaggerated fake-vomiting sounds. "Ugh, I did not need to see my son sucking face. Now I know how my dad felt walking in on me."

"At least they have their priorities straight!" Sam laughed.

Through it all, Ethan sat stone-faced and crimson, not meeting anyone's eye. Wanda looked like she might spontaneously combust from embarrassment.

Finally, Steve took pity and shooed the others out, but Tony lingered, pretending to take photos. "This is one for the scrapbook! I'm thinking big poster-sized in the living room."

"Dad! Enough already!" Ethan groaned.

Tony sighed dramatically. "My boy's all grown up. They change so fast. Seems like just yesterday you were pooping your Iron Man underoos." Ignoring Ethan's protests, Tony left with an obnoxious wink.

Finally alone again, Ethan turned sheepishly to Wanda. "So that was mortifying. I'm really sorry, I didn't think we'd get...interrupted."

But Wanda silenced him by pulling him in for another steamy kiss. "Don't be sorry at all. We gave them a good show!" With a mischievous grin, she led him out of the lounge, presumably to continue their "movie night" somewhere more private.

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