Get closer (W.M)

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Wanda sighed in contentment as she gently rocked her infant son Nathan in her arms. At just 3 months old, he was the spitting image of his father Ethan, with a little tuft of jet black hair and big brown eyes framed by long lashes. Nathan had inherited his daddy's classically handsome features, Wanda mused as she stroked his chubby cheek.

As she gazed down adoringly at her baby boy, Ethan wandered into the nursery munching on a sandwich. "Hey babe, how's little guy doing?" he asked through a mouthful of food. A dot of mayo plopped onto his shirt.

Wanda chuckled at her childlike husband. "Nathan's perfect, as always. Aren't you just the most beautiful baby in the whole world!" she cooed at the gurgling infant. Nathan responded by blowing a spit bubble.

"Cool cool. Well I'm gonna go play some video games, just shout if you need anything," Ethan said breezily before meandering out.

Wanda shook her head in amusement. Ethan was many things, but an attentive father he was not. At least not yet. She knew deep down he loved Nathan immensely, but babies weren't exactly his forte. Ethan had trouble remembering basics like changing diapers and heating up bottles. Parenting just didn't come naturally to him like it did for Wanda.

But Wanda was determined to get Ethan more involved and bonded with little Nathan. It pained her to see their son always turn away or cry when Ethan tried cuddling or playing with him. Nathan clearly favored his mama's company.

Later that afternoon, Wanda got an idea. She found Ethan lying on the couch in his boxers absently watching TV. "Sweetie, can you watch Nathan for a little while? I have to help Natasha with something."

Ethan sat up looking uncertain. "Uh sure, if you really think that's a good idea..."

Wanda plopped a sleepy Nathan into Ethan's arms before he could protest further. "You two will do great! Daddy and son bonding time," she declared cheerily, blowing them each a kiss as she hurried out.

Ethan blinked down at the squirming baby now cradled awkwardly in his arms. Nathan immediately scrunched up his little face and began wailing at the top of his lungs.

"Whoa whoa, shhh it's okay little dude! It's just your dad," Ethan said helplessly, gently bouncing the screaming infant. But Nathan was inconsolable, his howls intensifying by the second.

Ethan frowned, trying not to take it personally. "What's the matter Nate, you don't like your old man?" Nathan responded by projectile vomiting all over Ethan's shirt.

"Aw man, seriously?" Ethan grimaced down at the mess. This parenting thing was not his forte. At a loss for what to try next, Ethan eventually managed to get Nathan to calm down by turning on some soothing music and sitting very still. The baby finally dozed off snuggled in his lap.

Wanda returned a while later and felt her heart melt at the sight. Both her boys conked out and snoring, with Nathan clutching Ethan's shirt in his tiny fist even as he slept. Maybe there was hope for their bond yet.

Over the next few weeks, Wanda continued strategizing ways to nudge Ethan into more of an active father role. When Nathan was fussy, she'd plop him in Ethan's arms saying "He just wants his daddy." She made Ethan read Nathan bedtime stories, change his diapers, and give him baths.

Ethan complied without complaint, though he remained awkward and unsure of himself. But Wanda noticed he started smiling more with Nathan, making silly faces and noises to get his son to laugh. It seemed he was slowly coming out of his shell.

One night as they sat together after getting Nathan to sleep, Wanda asked Ethan what made him so hesitant with their baby in the beginning.

Ethan shifted uncomfortably. "I dunno...I just can't get him to stop crying when I hold him. Guess I'm too boring." He looked down sadly.

Wanda tilted his chin back up. "That's not true at all! I think maybe it's because you just lacked good role models for nurturing as a boy?" she suggested gently.

Sighing, Ethan nodded. "Yeah...Dad was never really the cuddly type. If I got fussy as a baby, he'd just pass me off to a nanny or Pepper I learned pretty quick that men didn't comfort me - only women did."

Wanda's heart broke hearing this. She pulled Ethan into a fierce hug. "Oh my love, you deserved so much better. But you're going to be an amazing daddy to our son. I just know it."

Ethan hugged her back tightly. "Really hope so. I'm trying, I swear. He's so tiny and defenseless. I don't wanna mess him up."

"You won't," Wanda said firmly. "We're in this together." She kissed Ethan's cheek, knowing he would get there.

Sure enough, over the following year, Ethan's relationship with Nathan only grew stronger. He proudly showed their son off when they went out, played silly games that made Nathan erupt into giggles, and didn't even mind the stinky diapers or messy mealtimes.

On Nathan's first birthday, Wanda's heart swelled watching Ethan wipe cake off their squealing son's face. "Best day ever," he said, kissing Wanda happily.

Maybe Ethan would never be the most graceful parent, but it was moments like this that showed he had truly stepped up to be the caring, devoted father their son needed. Wanda fell even more in love with her little family every single day.

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