Like Father, Like Son (W.M)

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Tony Stark rubbed his hands together gleefully as he added the final touch to his scheme - a few drops of magenta dye into his son Ethan's laundry detergent.

"That'll teach the kid to replace all my AC/DC shirts with NSYNC ones," Tony chuckled. He knew his hapless son would have no idea his clothes were being turned pink.

Ethan was intelligent in many ways, having inherited Tony's engineering talents. But he was utterly clueless when it came to practical life skills. The poor kid still didn't know how to do his own laundry properly at age 25.

So when Ethan emerged later that day dressed head to toe in a pink sweat suit, Tony had to stifle his laughter.

"Hey Dad, do you know what happened to my clothes?" Ethan asked, puzzled. "I must've accidentally washed them with something red..."

"No idea, son," Tony said, keeping a straight face. "But hey, pink is a good look on you!"

Ethan just shrugged and went off to meet his girlfriend Wanda, oblivious to his bright fuschia outfit. Tony shook his head. The boy really was hopeless.

But he wasn't done with his revenge prank yet. Tony had another scheme in mind to mess with his innocent son and drive Wanda crazy with jealousy. Nothing too serious, just some harmless flirting.

First, Tony hired an attractive young yoga instructor named Dakota to just "happen" to run into Ethan at the gym.

"Hey there! I don't think we've met," she said, sidling up to him at the weight rack. "I'm Dakota. I teach yoga here."

"Oh hi, I'm Ethan," he replied politely, while doing bicep curls.

"Wow, your arms are so muscular!" Dakota gushed, touching his shoulder flirtatiously. "We should spot each other sometime. I bet you give amazing massages too with those strong hands..."

"Uh thanks, but I actually have a girlfriend," Ethan said, looking baffled by her attention.

"Oh she's a very lucky lady!" Dakota said with a wink before sashaying away.

Ethan just shook his head and went back to his workout, oblivious to her advances. Tony cursed to himself. His son was clearly too loyal to take the bait. He'd have to up his game.

Next he had a bubbly blonde named Amber get hired at Stark Industries as Ethan's "assistant." She followed him around all day, finding excuses to touch his arm and flip her hair, while shooting him doe-eyed looks. 

But Ethan remained stubbornly professional, just politely thanking Amber whenever she brought him coffee or giggled at his jokes.

Finally, Tony enlisted a model friend named Sasha to simply walk up to Ethan at a bar one night and start blatantly hitting on him.

"Hello there, handsome," she purred, boldly sitting herself on his lap. "Wanna buy me a drink?"

"Uhh I'm really flattered but no thanks, I should get going," a flustered Ethan stammered out, gently removing her from his lap.

Sasha pouted dramatically. "You sure? We could have some fun..."

But Ethan just slipped away, a bewildered expression on his face.

Tony swore loudly as he watched his plan fail yet again. His son was just too damn honorable for his own good. If Tony wanted to get under Ethan's skin, he'd have to bring out the big guns.

So Tony threw a massive party at Stark Tower and invited all three flirty women plus dozens of other beautiful models. With alcohol and festivities flowing, surely his oblivious son would slip up.

Ethan wandered through the party looking overwhelmed by the attention he was getting from the bevy of flirty women. They kept refilling his drinks and pulling him onto the dance floor. Dakota and Amber stayed glued to Ethan's side, touching his arms and chest.

"You really need to give me a private yoga lesson," Dakota purred in his ear. "I'm very...flexible."

Ethan gulped down his drink, face reddening. "Uh, you seem great, but I should really go find my girlfriend..." he mumbled.

Just then, the elevator doors opened, and Wanda Maximoff stepped out, eyes narrowing as she took in the mob of models fawning over her boyfriend.

"Ethan Stark, what the hell is going on here?" she yelled, storming over magically shoving aside the clingy women. 

"Babe! Thank god you're here!" Ethan cried in relief. "I have no idea what's happening. These women just started hitting on me out of nowhere!"

Wanda scanned the sheepish, guilty looking faces surrounding them. Her glare finally settled on Tony trying to sneak away unnoticed.

"STARK!" she roared. "You set this up, didn't you? How dare you!" Red energy crackled from her fingers.

Tony threw up his hands in surrender. "Alright, you got me. I wanted to get back at Ethan for a silly prank. All just harmless fun!"

Wanda was not amused. With a wave of her hand, she dumped Tony into the giant chocolate fountain. "Not so funny now, is it?" she yelled as he spluttered chocolate.

Chuckling, Ethan came up and wrapped an arm around Wanda's waist. "Babe, you're amazing. Thank you for rescuing me from my crazy matchmaking dad." 

Wanda's face softened as she smiled up at him. "Of course. What matters is that you passed his silly test. I never doubted your loyalty."

She pulled Ethan into a passionate, chocolatey kiss as Tony grumbled, trying to wipe himself off. The models all slowly dispersed, seeing the show was over.

"Okay lovebirds, you've made your point," Tony conceded. "But don't think this is over..."

A week later, as Tony prepared to walk on stage and give a speech at a prestigious conference, AC/DC's "Shook Me All Night Long" suddenly started blasting through the speakers.

Tony froze in horror as the audience started giggling. He looked over to see Ethan and Wanda in the front row, smirking and high-fiving each other.

"That's payback for the boyband shirts!" Ethan called. "Now we're even, old man."

Tony had to laugh as he walked onstage, pride swelling in his chest. His son had really grown up smarter than he gave him credit for. And with a partner in crime like Wanda Maximoff, the prank wars had only just begun.

Game on.

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