The Echoes of Love (W.M)

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Ethan Stark stood at a distance, hidden behind the trees, watching Wanda Maximoff with Vision. His heart sank as he witnessed the connection between them, knowing that he was no longer a part of Wanda's life. They had a history together, a history that had once brought them immense joy and passion. But now, it only brought Ethan pain.

Wanda had loved Ethan deeply, and he knew that. They had dated for quite a while, their relationship filled with laughter, love, and adventure. The connection they shared was undeniable, and Ethan had always felt like Wanda was the missing piece in his life. But his reckless behavior on missions had taken a toll on their relationship.

He couldn't help but put himself in dangerous situations, constantly pushing the limits. This behavior tired Wanda out, as she constantly lived in fear that she might lose him. Ethan knew deep down that he was hurting her, and he couldn't bear to see the pain in her eyes anymore. That's why he had decided to end things between them, even though it shattered his own heart.

Wanda's decision to break it off with Ethan was not easy for her. She loved him deeply, but she couldn't bear the thought of losing him to his own recklessness on a mission. She had tried to talk to him, to reason with him, but his need for adrenaline and danger always seemed to outweigh her pleas. It was a painful realization that she couldn't change him, and staying in the relationship would only bring her more pain in the long run.

Time passed, and Ethan eventually moved on. He met Jean Grey, a member of the X-Men, and they started dating. Their relationship had its ups and downs, but it was a more stable and grounded connection. Eventually, they even had a son together, a beautiful reminder of the love they shared.

When Wanda heard the news of Ethan's new family, her heart shattered. It wasn't the fact that he had moved on that hurt her - it was the realization that he had done it with Jean Grey, someone Wanda considered a friend. They had confided in each other about their dreams of having children someday, and Wanda couldn't help but feel betrayed that Ethan had chosen to share that experience with Jean instead of her.

Despite the breakup, Wanda had never stopped loving Ethan. She knew it was selfish to feel hurt by his new relationship and the family he had created, especially when she was now with Vision. But seeing Ethan becoming a father, knowing that he had lived out her dream of having a family, reopened wounds she had tried so hard to heal. She couldn't help but wonder what could have been if their relationship had worked out differently.

Ethan, on the other hand, still held onto hope. Deep down, he believed that they were meant to be together, that their love was not something that could simply fade away. He yearned for a chance to be with Wanda again, to make things right and prove that he had changed.
But as Ethan observed Wanda and Vision together, he knew that he had lost her. Vision provided her with stability and the sense of security that Ethan could never give her. He was everything she needed - devoted, caring, and unwavering.

Ethan's heart ached as he watched them interact. They had become a team, a united front against the dangers they faced. He couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy mixed with sadness. He had once been part of that team, part of Wanda's life, but now he was on the outside looking in.

In the midst of his heartache, Ethan couldn't deny the pain he had caused Wanda. He knew that his reckless behavior had worn her down, that the constant fear of losing him had taken a toll on her. He had let her down, and he carried the guilt of that with him every day.

As the days turned into weeks and the weeks into months, Ethan tried to move on from his past with Wanda. He focused on being a father to his son, cherishing the love and joy that his little boy brought into his life. But deep down, there was always a part of him that longed for Wanda, despite their tumultuous history.

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