"Whipped" (W.M)

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Ethan groaned painfully as he shifted on the bed, his entire body aching from the intense fight he had just been in. Taking on those four super-powered aliens had really done a number on him, even with his Iron Man suit. If the rest of the Avengers hadn't shown up when they did, he wasn't sure he'd have made it back in one piece.

As he stared up at the ceiling, bored out of his mind, he thought about calling for his lovely girlfriend Wanda to come entertain him. She had been playing nurse for him ever since he got back, using her magic to heal his wounds and taking care of his every need. He smiled as he pictured her gorgeous face; her emerald eyes, her delicate features, her sexy accent when she scolded him for "acting like baby." Which was often, since patience was not one of Ethan's strong suits.

His stomach rumbled loudly and Ethan sighed. "Wandaaaa!" he called out. "I'm hungrryyyy!"

"I'm making dinner now!" Wanda called from the kitchen. "Just rest, my poor baby."

Ethan grumbled at being called a baby, even if it was said affectionately. He hated being cooped up in this bed when there was a whole world waiting out there for Iron Man to protect.

As the smell of Wanda's cooking wafted into the room, Ethan's stomach rumbled again. Screw this waiting around, he was starving now! He rolled himself carefully off the bed, groaning as his sore muscles protested. Taking a deep breath, he activated his repulsor boot and slowly levitated himself up. Ha! No match for his genius.

He had almost made it into a full standing position when a spasm hit his core and he lost control, the repulsor shutting off abruptly. "Whoaaaaaa!" he yelped as he plowed face-first into the hard floor.

"Ethan!" Wanda cried, rushing into the room to find her boyfriend splayed out on the ground, butt in the air. "What did you do this time, Ethan?" she scolded.

"I was just trying to walk!" Ethan exclaimed. "I'm going crazy locked up in this room, babe! A man can only stare at the ceiling for so long!" 

Wanda shook her head, unable to keep a small smile from tugging at her lips. "You are impossible," she sighed affectionately, her red magic swirling around Ethan to lift him gently back into bed.

Ethan pouted at being manhandled by his girlfriend's powers yet again. "Aww c'mon, just five minutes not in this bed?" he cajoled, giving her his best baby seal eyes. "I'll give you a foot rub?" he added enticingly.

Wanda rolled her eyes, leaning down to give him a quick peck on the lips. "You just saved the planet, darling. Let your body recover."

As she headed back to the kitchen, Ethan flopped down on the bed with a dramatic sigh. "Sooooo lonelyyyyyy," he sang tunelessly. "So sad and lonelyyyy, ain't got nobodyyyy to call my ownnn- OW!" 

The yo-yo he had been absentmindedly swinging upwards smacked him directly in the nuts. "Son of a..." he whimpered, curling into a ball as his voice went up an octave.

"Ethan!" Wanda rushed back into the room, panic on her face. "What happ-" She stopped short at the scene before her and pinched her nose in frustration. "Must you always be finding new ways to injure yourself?" 

"It was...an accident," Ethan squeaked out. 

Wanda confiscated the treacherous yo-yo. "No more toys for you, I don't want you complaining later," she declared.

After Wanda had fussed over him for a few more minutes to make sure no permanent damage had been done, she headed back to the kitchen yet again.

Ethan lay on the bed, bored and now in mild pain. He picked up his phone from the nightstand and opened Instagram, figuring he could at least look at funny memes or something.

Out of curiosity, he typed "hot models" into the search bar, just wanting to look of course. For research purposes. The array of scantily clad women who popped up on his screen were definitely...doing things for him.

He was so engrossed in a busty bikini model's assets that he didn't hear Wanda come into the room, plates in hand. She observed silently as her injured boyfriend grinned lecherously at the near-naked women on his phone.

Wanda rolled her eyes. Typical. She used her magic to quietly set the food down while she snuck up behind Ethan.

"Oh my god, look at those- SHIT!" Ethan fumbled the phone in surprise as Wanda plucked it deftly from his hands.

"Hmm yes, very nice," Wanda commented sarcastically as she scrolled through Ethan's search results. "Should I be concerned?"

"No, nope, just um, doing some very important research on, uh..."

Wanda raised one perfectly sculpted eyebrow at him. 

Ethan gulped. "...I love you?" he tried, giving her his most charming, innocent smile.

Wanda just shook her head, leaning down to give him a blistering kiss. When she pulled back, Ethan seemed dazed. "I brought dinner," she said breezily, as if she hadn't just fried his brain cells with that nuclear kiss.

"You're not...mad?" Ethan asked warily.

"You are man," Wanda shrugged, taking a delicate bite of her chicken. "As long as you remember who you belong to," she added, eyes flashing red for a split second. 

A visible shiver went through Ethan. God, he loved this woman. Not knowing what she would do in the next hour.

About an hour later, the rest of the Avengers returned from their latest mission. Tony Stark immediately went looking for his disaster-prone son. 

"What the hell happened to you now??" Tony demanded as he walked into Ethan's room. His son was now encased in an entire body cast, mumbling incoherently through the mouth hole. 

"Ethan simply had another little accident," Wanda spoke up serenely from her armchair. "Fell right out of bed, the poor thing." 

She smiled sweetly at Ethan as she leaned down to poke her finger into his cast and murmur something in his ear that had his eyes going wide. Then she kissed the area near his mouth gently. 

"I must get back to making Ethan some broth," she told Tony with faux solicitousness. "Since he is having such a difficult time feeding himself right now." 

As she sashayed from the room, hips swaying, she called back, "Do not forget who is number one now, yes my love?"

Ethan just whimpered in response.

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