The Ex-Factor (W.M)

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The pulsing music reverberated through Wanda's chest as she swayed on the dancefloor surrounded by her girls. She felt deliciously lightheaded from the cocktails and giddy freedom of an epic girls' night.

Natasha shimmied up to them holding another round of drinks aloft triumphantly. "Shots to keep this party going!" she yelled over the music with a grin.

The women whooped, eagerly grabbing the glasses. "To us, and an overdue night of fun!" Carol cheered. They clinked and threw back the burning liquid.

Making their way to a cozy booth, happily buzzed and out of breath, they collapsed into the plush seats. "So, shall we toast to girl power and call it a night?" mused Natasha.

"What? No way, the night is still young!" exclaimed Rogue. "Let's dish about our love lives for a change. I'm tired of listening to the boys gossip!"

That elicited a round of snorts and giggles. Wanda nodded, curiosity piqued. They rarely had time for heart-to-hearts like this.

"Ooh yes, I want all the steamy details!" Carol said mischievously, leaning in with anticipation.

Natasha rolled her eyes but smiled. "Okay fine. But only if Jean goes first for once...she's always so mysterious!"

All eyes turned expectantly to Jean. "Oh please, my life isn't that exciting," she laughed, but blushed under their scrutiny.

"Come on, you can tell us anything," Rogue cajoled, topping up her drink.

Taking a sip of her own cocktail, Jean's smile turned soft and wistful. "Well alright, if you must know...I did actually date someone within the team awhile back."

The table erupted into excited gasps and demands for more information. Wanda felt her own curiosity spike - who could have captured the stoic telepath's heart?

"It was Ethan," Jean admitted after making them swear secrecy. "We got close during a mission a few years ago. He was just so sweet underneath the swagger, you know? I couldn't resist."

Wanda nearly choked on her drink. Ethan - her Ethan?! Jean and Ethan had been an item? It was nearly impossible to wrap her head around.

Oblivious to Wanda's shock, Jean continued, "We kept things casual and private at first. But Ethan was so romantic - he would bring me flowers and snacks during late night training sessions. And we could chat for hours."

A fond smile crossed Jean's face at the memories. Wanda shifted uncomfortably in her seat. She wasn't sure she wanted to hear this.

"So did it get serious?" Natasha pressed eagerly.

"Surprisingly yes," said Jean. "Once we opened up to each other, it just clicked. Ethan was very supportive when I confided in him about my struggles. And he was so patient explaining things I found confusing."

Wanda bristled hearing that. Ethan was hers to confide in and guide now. But she stayed silent as Jean went on.

"I grew to really care for him. Under that jokester exterior, he has such a big heart," Jean said wistfully. "And the way his face would light up when he solved a problem or figured something out..."

She trailed off with a small chuckle. "Honestly I found his eccentricities very endearing."

By this point, Wanda was vibrating out of her seat with agitation. How dare Jean talk so familiarly about her Ethan's little quirks and expressions!

Seeing Wanda's irritation, Natasha quickly changed the subject. "Soooo who wants more drinks?" she interjected. The mood shifted as they debated their next cocktails.

But Wanda stayed troubled. She trusted Ethan completely, but hated the thought of him being so intimate with someone else. Someone poised and picture perfect like Jean.

Wanda knew she had no reason to be jealous over a past fling. But she couldn't shake the insecurities creeping in. Did Ethan wish she was more elegant like Jean? The thought gnawed at her.

It didn't help when later in the limo ride home, tipsy Rogue sighed, "Jean, you and Ethan must've made a gorgeous couple. How dreamy!"

"Ethan is quite dashing, even when he's being a dork," Jean laughed. "But it wasn't meant to be. We're better as friends."

Her dismissive tone just irked Wanda more though. She stayed silent, trying not to let her irritation show. But inside she was simmering. Jean had no right looking so fondly back on her time with Ethan!

After their wild night finally ended, Wanda couldn't wait to get home and see Ethan. The second he opened his door, blurred by sleepy confusion, she practically tackle hugged him.

"Whoa, hi to you too!" Ethan chuckled. "I'm guessing girls' night was eventful?"

"You have no idea," Wanda huffed into his shoulder, squeezing him tightly. Just his familiar warmth and scent already soothed her irrational hurt.

Pulling back, Ethan studied her face and his brow furrowed with concern. "Hey, is everything okay? You seem upset..."

Leave it to him to read her mood so easily even when tired. Wanda sighed, caressing his dear face. "I'm fine, don't worry." She stretched up on her toes for a lingering kiss.

When their lips finally parted, Ethan still looked unconvinced. He gently led Wanda to sit on the bed, enclosing her hands in his larger ones.

"Talk to me, love. I can tell something's bothering you," he said earnestly. Wanda hesitated, feeling silly now for making this into something it wasn't.

But under Ethan's patient, loving gaze, she found herself confessing what had happened, including her embarrassed reaction.

Ethan listened intently, never interrupting. When she finished, he smiled and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. "Wanda, you know you never need to feel jealous, right?" he said sincerely. "You're my whole world."

Wanda instantly felt silly for doubting that even for a second. "I know," she said, leaning into his touch. "It's just hard imagining your heart belonging to someone else once."

"Hey, come on now. I cared about Jean, sure," Ethan replied. "But what I feel for you, it's on a whole other level."

He kissed her softly, pouring all his devotion into it. "You're the one I want to spend my life with, to have a family with someday," he continued fervently.

Wanda's earlier hurt melted away entirely at his words. She knew with sudden clarity that what they had transcended any past fling.

"Oh Ethan, I want that too," she breathed, kissing him passionately, urgently. He responded in kind, and they soon fell into blissful intimacy, reaffirming their unwavering bond.

After, Ethan stroked her hair as she lay enfolded in his arms. "I love you, Wanda," he whispered. "Only you. Forever."

Wanda clung to him tightly, finally at peace. "I love you too," she whispered back. "You're my heart, Ethan."

He placed a tender kiss on her head as she drifted off, emotionally spent but wrapped safely in his devotion. The next day, Wanda pulled Jean aside and apologized for her ridiculous envy.

Jean just laughed kindly. "Don't be silly! I understand," she assured Wanda. "You and Ethan have something truly magical." Her smile held no lingering jealousy or regret, only happiness for them.

Wanda left the conversation feeling lighter, realizing anew how strong her bond with Ethan really was. And Jean was a friend to treasure, not a threat.

Chagrined but wiser, Wanda was even more appreciative of Ethan's steadfast affection. She vowed to never again let her own doubts undermine what they shared.

With him by her side, she could take on anything, including her own fears. And that certainty made Wanda treasure Ethan all the more.

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