Not like you (W.M)

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Requested by @Joewatt111

Ethan had always been a bit of a daredevil, never afraid to take risks or try new things. So when he decided to climb up onto the roof of their apartment building without any safety gear, it didn't come as much of a surprise to Wanda. She had always known that her boyfriend had a reckless streak, but she never imagined that it would lead to such a dangerous situation.

As Ethan made his way to the edge of the roof, Wanda watched nervously from the ground below. She knew that she should have stopped him, should have insisted that he come back down, but she had been distracted by a phone call from work and had let him go unsupervised. Now, as she watched him lose his footing and fall, she blamed herself for not being there to prevent it.

Tony, Ethan's father, rushed to the hospital as soon as he heard the news. He assured Wanda that Ethan would be fine, that he would wake up from his coma soon. Wanda nodded, grateful for his support, but she couldn't shake the feeling of guilt that weighed heavily on her shoulders.

Weeks passed, with Wanda by Ethan's side every step of the way. She held his hand, talked to him, and prayed for him to wake up. And then, one day, he did. Wanda's heart soared with joy as she watched Ethan's eyes flutter open, but her happiness was short-lived.

As Ethan began to regain consciousness, Wanda noticed that something was different about him. The bright, cheerful personality that she had fallen in love with seemed to have been replaced by a more serious version of himself. He was still kind and loving, but there was a new edge to him that she couldn't quite put her finger on.

At first, Wanda struggled to adapt to the changes in Ethan's personality. She missed the old Ethan, the one who would make her laugh with his silly jokes and infectious smile. But at the same time, there was something intriguing about this new version of him. He was more assertive, more confident, and strangely attractive in a way that she couldn't quite explain.

One night, as they were lying in bed together, Wanda noticed that Ethan was different in other ways as well. He was more passionate, more aggressive, and more dominant than he had ever been before. And to her surprise, she found that she enjoyed being on the receiving end of his newfound intensity.

As the months went by, Wanda found herself drawn to this new side of Ethan, despite her reservations. She enjoyed the thrill of their physical relationship, the way he took charge and pushed her boundaries. But at the same time, she couldn't shake the feeling that something was off.

Ethan's reckless behavior on missions began to worry Wanda even more than his new personality. Where before he had been cautious and careful, he now seemed to throw himself into danger without a second thought. She tried to talk to him about it, to express her concerns, but he brushed her off.

In her heart, Wanda knew that she missed the old Ethan, the one who had been so full of life and joy. She missed his laughter, his kindness, and his unwavering love for her. But she also couldn't deny the pull of this new version of him, the one who stirred something deep within her with his intensity and passion.

She had to do something to bring him back to his old self. She doesn't want to see Ethan being reckless during mission or worse him getting killed because of it. Wanda headed to Tony where he was arguing with Ethan. Wanda not wanting to interfere as she stood behind the door ear dropping.

"You can't keeping doing this Ethan, You were almost killed last mission." Tony said sternly at his son. " I saved the little girl she could have been killed if I didn't respond sooner." Tony shooks his head. " You could have endangered other people, if it weren't for me that protected them from the blast because you came in without waiting for my signal.

Wanda listening behind the door as she peeked at the small open frame from the door she saw Ethan moving away from Tony as he stared at the window. Wanda not wanting Ethan to frustrate Tony any longer she knocked at the door as she enters. Tony who is upset with Ethan ask Wanda to knock some sense into him

" Wanda tell my idiotic son that he needs to be patient and mindful during missions. He can't keep doing this." Wanda knows that Tony is right as she look towards Ethan who was not having it. Wanda approaches Ethan as she tells him that his father is right and that he should be careful and follow directions.

Ethan couldn't believe that his girlfriend would agree with his Father and felt betrayed. Ethan scoffs as he tells Wanda that how can she agree with him of all people. Wanda shocked of the ways he's talking, As she grabs his hand as tried to reason with him but Ethan brush her off as he moves away. Wanda hurt of the way he was acting towards her. The old Ethan would have understand and would have never acted this way.

" I'm leaving, You two don't understand I believe what I did was right." Ethan moves away from Wanda as he walks towards the door. Tony who is disappointed at his son responds soon gets an idea.

He calls Ethan as Ethan turns around without warning, Tony lunged forward throwing a powerful punch aimed at Ethan's Jaw. Ethan managed to dodge just in time. The rush air from Tony blow brushing against his cheek. He countered with a swift kick to Tony abdomen.

" The hell is wrong with you dad!" Ethan furiously said looking at his father who clenching in pain. "I'm trying to bring your old self back but unfortunately I couldn't even land. But that was good....You know son, you should never let your guard down." Tony smirks as he pointed his finger towards Wanda.

Ethan confuse by his father actions he then turns around as he sees his girlfriend. " I'm sorry but this is the only way." Ethan didn't have time to responds as he was knocked out.

3 hours later, As Wanda was pacing down feeling regretful but hoping that it will bring Ethan old self back. She made sure not to hit him that hard but not to soft either. As Ethan made some mumbling sound, Wanda quickly went to his side as he eyes started to open.

" Ahh, my head what happen? Did I made the jump?" Ethan tiredly but with us usual dopey grin. Wanda with tears in her eyes hugs Ethan but also calls Friday to notify Tony that he's awake.

Ethan ask Wanda why she's crying but Wanda cuts him off by kissing him. Which quickly turns into a hot make out session. Ethan not minding this couldn't resist the urge to squeeze Wanda's perfectly round ass, causing her to moan with pleasure. "I don't know want is going on, but I like this." Ethan grabs Wanda by her waist as he flips her over towards him as he is on top of her. As they continue to kiss, Wanda's hands moved lower, tracing the outline of Ethan muscular chest and Abs. She could feel his heart racing beneath her fingertips.

Ethan, in turn, began to explore Wanda's body, his hands sliding over her smooth skin and tracing the curves of her hips. He could feel her body trembling beneath his touch, a sign of her growing arousal.

As things were about to get more heated, Tony walks on them finding the two pair half naked. " This is my worst nightmare that came true. Wanda if you wanted to call you should have called later." Tony says looking the other direction as he walks away.

" What his deal?" Ethan not bother by this interruption tried to kiss Wanda again but Wanda stops him as he tells Ethan that they should go to there room instead. Ethan without hesitation picks up Wanda and bridal style as he runs through the halls and to their room.

Wanda laughing, but also happy that she has her lovable lover back.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09 ⏰

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