I hate your Ex (W.M)

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The elevator doors slid open and Ethan and Wanda stepped inside, still in mid-conversation.

"So for Thanksgiving, I was thinking we could make a nice roast chicken with veggies," Wanda said. "And we'll need to get ingredients for pie - maybe apple and pumpkin?"

"Mmhmm, sounds good," Ethan mumbled through a mouthful of burger.

Wanda shook her head in amusement and grabbed a napkin to wipe a smear of ketchup from his cheek. "I swear, you eat like a toddler sometimes," she teased.

Ethan swallowed and gave her a charming, lopsided grin. "But you love me anyway, right?"

He leaned in for a kiss which Wanda indulged for a moment before gently pushing him back. "Behave yourself," she chided, eyes sparkling.

Ethan stole one more quick peck then put his arm around her as the elevator began its ascent. "I'm just excited for our first Thanksgiving together," he said. "It'll be nice having someone to share it with."

Wanda smiled up at him. "I'm looking forward to it too..."

She trailed off as the elevator dinged again and the doors opened to reveal two familiar redheaded women waiting - Jean Grey and Emma Frost.

Wanda quickly disentangled herself from Ethan's embrace while he looked on in confusion. "What-"

He was cut off by Jean politely clearing her throat. "Wanda, Ethan, fancy seeing you two here."

Emma merely scowled, not bothering to greet them as she strode into the elevator. Wanda's lips thinned at the sight of Ethan's other ex but she held her tongue. No need to start anything.

"Jean, Emma, hi," Ethan finally managed after an awkward beat. Completely unruffled, he flashed his signature charming grin at Jean. "How are you, Jean? It's been ages!"

"I'm well, thanks," Jean replied with her own graceful smile. "Just got back from a mission out west. How about you?"

"Oh you know, same old," Ethan said breezily. "Though Wanda just got me planning our first Thanksgiving dinner together - should be interesting!" He smiled down at Wanda who gave him a tight smile in return, eyes flicking between him and Jean.

Oblivious as always, Ethan continued chatting animatedly with Jean about her recent mission and making Thanksgiving plans. Wanda dug her nails into his arm in warning but he didn't seem to notice.

Jean responded politely though her eyes darted to Wanda in mild confusion at her cool demeanor. Sensing the growing tension, Jean tried redirecting the conversation. "And how are you, Wanda? I feel like I haven't seen you in-"

She was abruptly cut off by Emma loudly clearing her throat. "Well isn't this nice," she said snidely. "Two ex-girlfriends trapped in a box together. How...cozy."

Ethan's eyes widened in alarm while Wanda crossed her arms, eyes narrowing dangerously at Emma's needling.

Trying to defuse the suddenly volatile air, Ethan said with forced cheer, "Anyyyway, Thanksgiving plans! What's everyone else up to for the holiday?"

Ignoring him, Emma examined her nails casually as she continued. "Honestly I'm surprised we're not clawing each other's eyes out right now. If it were me, I'd definitely feel threatened being stuck in here with my boyfriend's former fling."

Jean flushed while Wanda took a threatening step toward Emma. "Listen here, you-"

Suddenly the elevator jolted violently before going still, the lights flickering out and leaving them in near darkness.

"Uh oh," Ethan said, glancing up uneasily. "That can't be good."

"Way to state the obvious, genius," Emma muttered.

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