Stake Out (W.M)

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Wanda tried to focus on surveilling the abandoned warehouse they had staked out, but it was difficult with Ethan fidgeting boredly and shooting elastic bands next to her. She sighed, exasperated but affectionate. Her disaster-prone partner wasn't known for his patience or ability to sit still.

Another rubber band ricocheted off the van wall beside her head. "Ethan, can you please concentrate?" Wanda chided. "This is an important mission."

"Ugh, but nothing's happening," Ethan grumbled. "Isn't it about time for some bad guy action? I wanna bash some heads!" He mimed exaggerated punches.

Wanda smiled wryly and rolled her eyes. Always so eager for the next fight. She knew that was part of what made Ethan such a formidable brawler though, despite his other shortcomings.

Once Ethan was unleashed in combat, his powers made him a true force to be reckoned with. Near invincibility gave him an edge and courage that let him barrel headfirst into the fray without hesitation.

Wanda just worried his seeming lack of self-preservation would backfire one day. Ethan never held back, even if it meant taking major hits in service of winning the greater battle.

She shuddered remembering the time Tony had gripped Ethan in his Iron Man suit, flew him hundreds of feet up and hurled him down like a missile into the middle of a pack of HYDRA soldiers, all so Ethan could explode into their midst for maximum impact.

Ethan had thought it was brilliant using his indestructibility so recklessly. But Wanda had been horrified seeing her boyfriend essentially used as an unplanned human grenade. She gave Tony an earful about endangering his son, powers or not.

That was the conundrum of Ethan's abilities though. They let him cheat death daily in ways that made the team take for granted his safety. But Wanda never forgot that while Ethan couldn't die, he still felt pain like anyone else.

She hated seeing him suffer, no matter how rapidly he healed. It seemed Ethan alone didn't care about his own discomfort when there were battles to be won. That casual self-sacrifice scared Wanda.

Lost in her concerns, Wanda didn't notice the absolute silence until too late. Whipping her head around, she saw Ethan was gone from his post. Cursing internally, Wanda scrambled out of the van, heart pounding.

That idiot had better not have charged recklessly into the warehouse alone, she thought furiously. She would kill him herself once she found him.

Wanda was prepared to tear the place apart searching for her wayward boyfriend, only to find him just outside casually shooting hoops with a broken crate and trash ball.

"Ethan!" she hissed. "What are you doing? You're going to blow our cover!"

"Sorry, got bored of waiting," he shrugged, unfazed. "We're supposed to be keeping watch, yeah? So I'm watching in case bad guys show up." He gestured lazily around himself but clearly wasn't on high alert.

Wanda rubbed her temples, trying to reign in her frustration. She knew Ethan struggled with impatience and boredom on long stakeouts. But they had a job to do, and she needed to be able to trust him as her partner right now.

Storming over, Wanda grabbed the makeshift basketball from his hands. "You're on a mission, not playground time," she scolded sharply. "I need you to focus and take this seriously. Can you do that?"

Ethan ducked his head, properly chastised. "You're right, I'm sorry. I'll keep my eyes peeled, I promise." Flashing her a repentant smile, he headed obediently back to the van.

Settling into their surveillance seats again, Wanda reached over and gave Ethan's hand a gentle squeeze. "I know stakeouts aren't exciting, but we've got this," she said.

Ethan perked back up and laced his fingers through hers. "With you by my side? We can handle anything," he agreed, lifting her hand to kiss it gallantly. Wanda laughed, playfully swatting him away.

The next few hours passed smoothly with Ethan staying alert. As night fell though, Wanda noticed him starting to nod off despite his efforts. She had to admit, even her eyes were growing heavy.

"Here, come rest your head," Wanda beckoned, patting her shoulder. Too tired to argue, Ethan gladly scooted closer, using her as a pillow. Wanda slipped an arm around him, hugging him near.

"Maybe just a quick nap," Ethan mumbled, already drifting off against her. Wanda smiled, leaning her head atop his and letting her own eyes close, soothed by his steady breathing.

When she jerked awake some time later, sunlight was peeking through the van windows and the warehouse was coming to life with activity. Their targets had arrived while the heroes snoozed. So much for their alert stakeout!

"Ethan, wake up!" Wanda hissed, shaking his shoulder. "We slept through the whole night!" Ethan blinked groggily before comprehension hit.

"Ah crap, my bad!" he yelped, fumbling for his earpiece to alert the team. Well, at least they'd finally see some action today.

Together, they managed to round up the gang of arms dealers swiftly. If Steve noticed both their fatigued, sheepish faces, he was kind enough not to mention their obvious all-night nap failure.

On the ride back, Ethan turned to Wanda, looking guilty. "Some pair of master spies we are, sleeping on the job," he joked. "Sorry I wasn't very professional last night."

Wanda waved it off with an understanding smile. "You made a mistake, but we recovered alright," she said. "Get some real rest tonight and we'll come back stronger."

Ethan gave her a grateful look. "Thanks for putting up with me. You really are the best mission partner."

Leaning her head on his shoulder, Wanda interlaced their fingers once more. She knew Ethan never let anyone down intentionally. And maybe together they balanced each other's shortcomings out alright in the end.

Yes, Ethan's antics stressed Wanda to no end sometimes. But the man himself was her rock, and she loved him dearly for exactly who he was - boredom, bullheaded bravery and all.

She wouldn't trade their chaotic stakeouts and thrilling team-ups for anything. At the end of the day, Ethan always had her back, just as she had his. They faced every fight that came their way side by side.

So Wanda simply squeezed his hand and smiled up at him, her wayward but lionhearted partner. Let tomorrow bring new trouble; they would tackle it together, stronger for having weathered worse storms before.

That was the beauty of an unshakable bond. Love like theirs could endure anything.

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